Beginners - March 2012 (Page 13)

Looping a Program
So I am trying to creat a time value of money calculator. The problem I am having is creating an error message and getting it to start back at the beginning of ...
[1 reply] : well there are two basic loop functions, for and while loops, so do fo... (by ui uiho)
Travel Expense
Calculate the expenses for a trip using a personal car. Ask the cost of hotel, meals and how many miles traveled. Calculate the cost of the trip, including the ...
[1 reply] : well make a formula for it. how many variables do you need? what do yo... (by ui uiho)
Debugging Help
I'm a newbie at C++ and haven't had any problem up until now, but the assignment is to find the 3 logical errors and I think I've narrowed down where the proble...
[2 replies] Last: int highMonth(double sales ) { double highest; highest = sales ; //... (by Baelix)
by EeAA
linked list using a stack
I am having a hard time figuring out linked lists in C++. I have to create a linked list using a stack template class, add the numbers from a text file to it,...
[1 reply] : For starters, you may want to use the code, /code tags so that your pr... (by Baelix)
"space" characters in array sequences are excluded
I usually use vectors, but since arrays can be extremely helpful in the parsing department, i have decided to explore them. I'm self taught for the record. So...
[9 replies] Last: no kidding. Instead of encryption, i can use this. I wrote a passwor... (by IWishIKnew)
Running code in itself?
How do I run a C++ program on itself? For example, if I wanted to change all lower case letters to upper case, and I create the following program as a Win32 ...
[1 reply] : you would have to open the .cpp file using fstream read all the chars ... (by k0t4)
by dusk
increasing a variable for no reason
im working on a mini rpg and it is driving me mad right now #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace ...
[3 replies] Last: let me know when u are finished with the mini rpg.. I wanna play it :) (by findme)
by cedrus
slecting the largest no.
hi! i've just entered the world of c++.... i got a problem plz help me to solve! i'e
[6 replies] Last: Lmao, this made me laugh. Good one. (by BlackSheep)
Can anybody help explain why output isn't working correctly?
I'm working on a simple practice program and my program is not outputting the "cMajor" text in the paragraph at the end. I have looked my code over multiple tim...
[2 replies] Last: I'm still confused by what you're saying. I need to ignore() before ev... (by itsdelliott)
by Valdo
Functions to Classes
I had to write a simple program using functions in C style now I need to re-write my current program using classes in C++ style. I have no idea where to begin, ...
[5 replies] Last: You haven't posted any code. (by Zhuge)
by moot1
what do these mean C:\Users\Desktop\c++\New folder\2cdcalc\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':| C:\Users\Desktop\c++\New folder\2cdcalc\main.cpp|91|error: jum...
[5 replies] Last: See if this helps. #include <iostream> // declare all of the librarie... (by Subzero030201)
Help with function/array/pointers?
I'm having some trouble using pointers to make an array with an unknown length and then passing that to a function. Here is my code. #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: *stArray = new bool ; stArray is a pointer. So the * in *stArray... (by Disch)
by I3lue
how do you display a position of an user input
I have a program that displays the maximum value of numbers. Now I need to get the position of that input number. #include <iostream> using namespace std; i...
[1 reply] : You can add 1 to a number and set it equal to a place variable and the... (by ui uiho)
case sensetive
how can we compare two strings ignoring case sensitive issue and without using any built in function
[2 replies] Last: Use the functions toupper() or tolower() (by Need4Sleep)
Debug assertion failed: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(phead->nBlockUse)
Hey, So I'm trying my hands with pointers by doing a binary search tree, however I've hit an other roadblock again. Here's the code: class node { public: n...
[7 replies] Last: Everythings working now, and I've written my first datastructure, the ... (by BananaCode)
need help with "for loop"
these are my instructions: a) Count up to a Limit specified by the user, starting at 1. Output format: COUNT UP: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ps...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main ... (by Subzero030201)
segmentation fault
Here's a portion of my code: void chain(int number) { unsigned int i; int element; std::vector<int>chain2; for(i=0;i<chain1.size();i++)...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Peter. chain1 wasn't empty. the problem was that i was unsign... (by CJC0117)
Where are constructors used ?!
I solved a problem that required this: Create a class AVION, that has a default, copy and initialized values constructor. I had to declare set/get functions to...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you guys, thanks a lot! (by Bashkim Ukshini)
Limit Input
I am trying to limit the following code to only allow / read one char of input. If you type in, say 3333, it will display the error message 4 times. I am ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that does stop the multiple errors from happening (can you exp... (by donwon86)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 71
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