by uTil
undefined reference to constructor
[13 replies] Last: An IDE should do that for you. (create new project, add file to proje... (by Disch)
by timmah1493
Cin and Array Problem
[6 replies] Last: Pretty much. (by hanst99)
by jonsto
I need to revise this code to copy files using binary I/O (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: [quote=sohguanh]Why need vector<string> or other data structure to inc... (by ultifinitus)
by Sputnik
Array with unknown size
[10 replies] Last: Yes, they are still there. '\0' into a char is simply the number zero;... (by Moschops)
by Blessman11
writing an integer backwards
[1 reply] : Hint: You are thinking about the decimal system here. In the decimal s... (by hanst99)
by mybluesock
return type specification for constructor invalid
[4 replies] Last: That did the trick :) Thanks! (by mybluesock)
by David Tan
Logical error in -ve number
[1 reply] : now only line 11 belongs to the if. use {} to have several statements ... (by hamsterman)
by caneta
Vector of a template class into another class
[7 replies] Last: I'm getting creazy, trying to create a minimal example with boost. He... (by caneta)
by vtdauthor
VTD-XML 2.10
[no replies]
by sdbd
c++: set and class with set
[2 replies] Last: Yes, i'm italian. I'm sorry for the comment in italian! Today i solv... (by sdbd)
by mpgz
Structuring code with a string function in Visual C++
[no replies]
by much29
How many words are in the C++ language (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: I believe Computer Science is a fairly young discipline in comparison ... (by sohguanh)
How to write this formula |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks(sorry about the vocabulary mix up), but your answer worked perf... (by SOCIALISTICmeow)
by Widget360
Clean UP--
[3 replies] Last: thnx hamsterman: i had actually though of using add, subtract, afte... (by Widget360)
by khouser
Simple File Input/Output
[1 reply] : I think I finally found a section in the book to help me. It appears ... (by khouser)
by andersonwq
Segmentation fault (1,2)
[32 replies] Last: ok so now the debugger is saying that t=t->next; is where the fault is... (by sorthon123)
by detroit
Nested For Loops, im LOST
[16 replies] Last: Okay, how would you go about getting the number of factors then? (by Browni3141)
by gabyam
Problems with type char arrays
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! The program works just fine now. (by gabyam)
Bit Flags |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, Hanst. I was going to ask how I can test to see what flags wer... (by closed account zb0S216C)