Beginners - March 2011 (Page 37)

running code, goes on forever, without stopping......
How about this post, my last try failed to post so here it is again. this gets to 4 I think, can't really tell, cause its so fast and just keeps repeating......
[16 replies] Last: thats all it was? I moved that............I think I had that like 2 h... (by turbowhat)
Can't Figure out where my loops are going wrong
I am trying to use the selection sort method to sort a 2d array of names. The program runs but seems to be stuck in a loop somewhere. If anyone could help tell ...
[4 replies] Last: wow, i just missed the < instead of =. Thanks. My original purpose was... (by KAt in ThA hAt)
Im makeing a password keeper. Basically i want to use a users input, save it to a file. But i cant take the input ( cin ) and turn it into a string. and use tha...
[2 replies] Last: wow, im a....yeah................. but wooo....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... (by Widget360)
if/else statement issue......
Hello, I have a few issues with my code today but I'll start with this one. When I run this program it gives me an output, but always includes the "th" which i...
[2 replies] Last: oh hahahaha, what a stooge, I knew that. Thank you for the 30 seconds... (by turbowhat)
pointer question
Hi all, Currently Im studying virtual funcs& polymorphism but I recognized that I have problem with basics of pointers (as many beginners,I think). When I say;...
[9 replies] Last: @hanst99 ; First of all thanks for reading my rather long post and yo... (by oldnewbie)
.bin file i/o troubles
I'm having trouble with simple file io, I'm trying to store a Word and retrieve it... class Word{ public: std::string theword; int ID; }; int main(ar...
[1 reply] : Of course it doesn't work. You can't just cast a class pointer to a ch... (by hanst99)
Rebalancing Nodes
[1 reply] : Can you please just post the problematic code here? Most of us probabl... (by hanst99)
Composing vector<int> of unique elements
I am trying to compose a vector of all unique elements from another vector, I have used this method before with strings in Java, but I cannot get it to work in ...
[3 replies] Last: Hey thanks guys ! :) ......that was a really bad error putting the if... (by Number1awa)
type of fn
The type of an overriding function must be the same as the type of the virtual function it overrides ,except that the return type may be relaxed. That is, if...
[2 replies] Last: The return type, the number of parameters, the types of those paramete... (by jsmith)
conditional statement
Can I use the conditional operator in such a way that,if the conditions meets,it will assign the value,and if not it will do nothing. What I mean is this possi...
[18 replies] Last: What Bazzy said. Unless you need to do that with a bazillion recursion... (by hanst99)
Linked List issue
I have this code and it is suppose to add the number to the end of the linked list but it is adding in an extra 0 at the end. How do I fix this? template<cl...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=fun2code]1) How to distinguish the 0 returned by the 4th call t... (by coder777)
Change improper whitespace to proper
I am working on a program that can write a text file from improperly formatted text and then show the contents of that file. The text has too many spaces betwee...
[6 replies] Last: In my program that I sent you is the line #include <temp.hpp> Please ... (by mikeofthenight)
Long compiler, I believe I'm missing code but not sure.
//Day of the Week Program- Richard Mooney// #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class DayOfTheWeek { private: string Day...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure what any of this means. Man I wish my professor would ac... (by itsadamyo)
saving to binary files
How can messages (e.g. game saves) be saved to a binary file? I spoke a while ago to a friend who recommended that .txt files weren't the best to use for savin...
[3 replies] Last: Well it's entirely based on the particular game. There isn't really an... (by ultifinitus)
Determine something imposible for me...
I have a program inputing n number (exm.1000, 10000), and i have to get that number and figure out in a nested for loop only (No Arrays) the factor (or divisors...
[9 replies] Last: A locker is closed if the locker number has an even number of factors.... (by detroit)
How to make or start a while loop
I'm new at c++ programming and i've read my c++ book several times on while loops and how to create them and i just get more confused the more i read this techn...
[2 replies] Last: id be willing to help but can you explain what exactly you are trying ... (by sorthon123)
Referece, Array and function problem
i have this code struct bad { int here int dere }; and i put them in a array. how do i call the array .here only to the function using a referece? for a whole a...
[1 reply] : What? can you clarify? (by Bazzy)
something regarding address spaces
A pointer to a virtual member can therefore safely be passed between different address spaces as long as the same object layout is used in both. Like pointe...
[1 reply] : A pointer to virtual member is not resolved until runtime. A pointer t... (by guestgulkan)
rand() gives same number every time?
string randomizer(string option1, string option2, string option3, string option4) { string choice; switch(rand()%5) { case 1: { choice=opt...
[3 replies] Last: Call srand() once at the beginning of your program, typically with the... (by Zhuge)
Store data permanently
Hello Experts, I have created a doubly linked list for a database. It is working fine. However, I want to store the contents permanently. Which memory could ...
[3 replies] Last: Writing to online storage. ;) The purpose of the... (by Albatross)
March 2011 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 52
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