by turbowhat
running code, goes on forever, without stopping......
[16 replies] Last: thats all it was? I moved that............I think I had that like 2 h... (by turbowhat)
Can't Figure out where my loops are going wrong |
[4 replies] Last: wow, i just missed the < instead of =. Thanks. My original purpose was... (by KAt in ThA hAt)
by Widget360
[2 replies] Last: wow, im a....yeah................. but wooo....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... (by Widget360)
by turbowhat
if/else statement issue......
[2 replies] Last: oh hahahaha, what a stooge, I knew that. Thank you for the 30 seconds... (by turbowhat)
by oldnewbie
pointer question
[9 replies] Last: @hanst99 ; First of all thanks for reading my rather long post and yo... (by oldnewbie)
by frasiercrane
.bin file i/o troubles
[1 reply] : Of course it doesn't work. You can't just cast a class pointer to a ch... (by hanst99)
Rebalancing Nodes |
[1 reply] : Can you please just post the problematic code here? Most of us probabl... (by hanst99)
by Number1awa
Composing vector<int> of unique elements
[3 replies] Last: Hey thanks guys ! :) ......that was a really bad error putting the if... (by Number1awa)
by navderm
type of fn
[2 replies] Last: The return type, the number of parameters, the types of those paramete... (by jsmith)
by oldnewbie
conditional statement
[18 replies] Last: What Bazzy said. Unless you need to do that with a bazillion recursion... (by hanst99)
by andersonwq
Linked List issue
[5 replies] Last: [quote=fun2code]1) How to distinguish the 0 returned by the 4th call t... (by coder777)
by C0mput3rm4n
Change improper whitespace to proper
[6 replies] Last: In my program that I sent you is the line #include <temp.hpp> Please ... (by mikeofthenight)
by itsadamyo
Long compiler, I believe I'm missing code but not sure.
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure what any of this means. Man I wish my professor would ac... (by itsadamyo)
by Blessman11
saving to binary files
[3 replies] Last: Well it's entirely based on the particular game. There isn't really an... (by ultifinitus)
by detroit
Determine something imposible for me...
[9 replies] Last: A locker is closed if the locker number has an even number of factors.... (by detroit)
by ohnmeiss88
How to make or start a while loop
[2 replies] Last: id be willing to help but can you explain what exactly you are trying ... (by sorthon123)
by zone19871
Referece, Array and function problem
[1 reply] : What? can you clarify? (by Bazzy)
by navderm
something regarding address spaces
[1 reply] : A pointer to virtual member is not resolved until runtime. A pointer t... (by guestgulkan)
by derejrcar
rand() gives same number every time?
[3 replies] Last: Call srand() once at the beginning of your program, typically with the... (by Zhuge)
by abhiverma812
Store data permanently
[3 replies] Last: Writing to online storage. ;) The purpose of the... (by Albatross)