by Blessman11
why are normals declared for individual vertices?
[1 reply] : You use the vertex normals for lighting and stuff. http://www.flipcode... (by hanst99)
accessing variables in classes |
[3 replies] Last: boxes is a vector, move the subscript operator after it: (by shadowvillian)
by lex4051
c++0x std::lock undefined reference
[no replies]
by bboy212
how do you write your comments?
[13 replies] Last: I tend to write a small descriptive paragraph above the variable/membe... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Library! |
[2 replies] Last: Well, I don't really get what a library that contains games should b... (by hanst99)
by Puck
Function and call throwing errors
[7 replies] Last: nara, I don't think that's a typo. For some reason, escape characters ... (by hanst99)
by ogward
dynamic allocation and polymorphism
[14 replies] Last: Sorry, my mistake. When I tested it, I forgot to put a virtual method. (by ne555)
Not All Control Paths Return a Value |
[6 replies] Last: lol is it that obvious!? ...apparently... thanks for the tip though. n... (by ddosterschill)
by fafner
converting from rgbdata to uchar array
[7 replies] Last: Ok, I found a way in which I could just save the pixel data as uchar a... (by fafner)
by Nuc
Choose one number from two
[2 replies] Last: int v = rand()%2; if (v == 0) { //HERO_BONUS } else { //MONSTE... (by fafner)
by entroika
Specialization or/and inheritance (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: I might have not worded this correctly, the thing for me is that to me... (by hanst99)
by Uzumaki
Visual Basic - Sum of Square Numbers
[3 replies] Last: UNIX/Linux and Windows aren't programming languages. Both subforums ar... (by Athar)
by jpina
Program closing unexpectedly
[6 replies] Last: That is C++/CLI. The problem is that collections is an array of 5 e... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by CRBottini
Overloaded Constructor problems
[3 replies] Last: No, it should be nothing. No return type at all. (by Zhuge)
by CRBottini
void set and gets mixed up
[3 replies] Last: Your constructor does not seem to have an implementation and it should... (by Zhuge)
by warscoten
Help with string in program
[13 replies] Last: Thank you so much fun2code. The program works and I better understand ... (by warscoten)
by mowie1
sudoku slover problem
[5 replies] Last: After dong that I got the following errors -bash-3.2$ g++ *.cpp -I/... (by mowie1)
by FalconBK0065
Can you show me a program with
[4 replies] Last: quirkyusername : I already checked for programs like this on this for... (by FalconBK0065)
Cannot Access Void* |
[3 replies] Last: Uh, as I said... I don't really know why exactly you want to derefer y... (by hanst99)