Beginners - March 2011 (Page 22)

Project Requirement Analysis & Management
hi, what kind of open source software is recommended for Project Requirement Analysis & Management? Anyone is using it ? need some suggestion. ...
[no replies]
call by refferenz 2dim array
hey i am new at learning c++. i want to create a programm that will calculate the determinant of an dyn. array if its dimension is 2*2 the array will be a...
[1 reply] : When you write matrix , you are telling the compiler to get the eleme... (by Zhuge)
vector runtime error
whats the meaning of this error? "vector subscript out of range". The weird thing is that my vector worked then stopped working afterwards
[5 replies] Last: Does your qva_Fonts vector actually have that many elements? And why a... (by hanst99)
some expert directions????!!!!
Hello everyone. Thank you for taking your time in this topic. I have to write a program that calculates a loan and prints out the the monthly payment and th...
[6 replies] Last: ok thanks for taking your time. (by detroit)
C++ String Formatting Question
I've been tasked with writing a program that reads a string's format followed by the actual string from a file, tests the string to see whether it adheres to th...
[8 replies] Last: @hanst99, No problem, the fault is mine actually, my post was a bit co... (by Amakusa66)
by mpgz
Assigning textbox.text to string array in Managed C++
Hello What is the exact line of code to put the value of textbox.text into a string array and where exactly should I put it in the managed c++ code? Nick
[6 replies] Last: Do you, by any chance, know a guy named "spoon licker"? Somehow you re... (by hanst99)
by bmansi
Create directory with name at runtime
Hi, I wish to create a directory with the directory name assigned at runtime. Eg. While running, the program has to search for a file named abc.txt at path C...
[1 reply] : I don't think there is anything preventing you from using a variable t... (by Zhuge)
expected primary-expression before "int"
I am a beginner student learning functions. I had an assignment to complete regarding functions and have an error that appears on line 25 stating "expected prim...
[2 replies] Last: My program works perfectly! Thank you so much for your help, I really ... (by llind212)
by cc89
error C2371: 'int8_t' : redefinition; different basic types
I keep getting this annoying error whenever I include certain header files into the source file with the main function. Here's the compiler output... 1>c:...
[4 replies] Last: I've removed string and iostream from my header files since I didn't r... (by cc89)
by hagarr
function problem
I'm doing a program that outputs average high/low temps and the highest/lowest temp. They all work except for lowest temp which always comes out 0. I don't know...
[7 replies] Last: thanks! This worked. (by hagarr)
free Microsoft developer software for students
microsoft has a program they call dreamspark where they give developer software to students for free. So you could get visual studio 2010 for free. check it ou...
[5 replies] Last: I haven't done much site-digging, but something tells me that you're p... (by Albatross)
Confused on a function??!!
Hello everyone. Thanks for taking your time and trying to help me. i have a function where i can't figure out the result of (i). Please any advice or hin...
[14 replies] Last: thanks everyone. (by detroit)
I need help with my pa5.cpp program
Ok im suppose to use which consist of dates,calls,minutes,texts all are ints except date which is a string. This is what it looks like 02/25/2011 3...
[no replies]
what is wrong with this.
struct Znode { float value; struct znode *next; }; struct Znode *first = NULL; //assume the list contains the values 23, 4, 5, 6, -13 Znode *current = ...
[8 replies] Last: One more thing. In line 3 replace 'znode' to 'Znode'. (by rishabhagl)
Program read first record perfect but not the rest
Sorry but its a bit of files needed. So i made a zip file if thats ok: What it does is read a binary file into a sin...
[1 reply] : Instead of using sendspace why not use (by lordmat)
Analyzing pointer program
I was readint hte text book and i came across this. struct Cnode{ float value; struct Cnode* next; }; struct Cnode* first = NULL; struct Cnode *nod...
[5 replies] Last: I saw similar examples while studying pointers. hunkeelin , as Xander ... (by oldnewbie)
Matrix Multiplication (Open GL behaviour problem)
Why does Open GL draw my object on the origin the first time round when I place my object? Additional info: •I have an object which is written/ initialis...
[1 reply] : Uh well, if you change the transformation matrix after the object is... (by hanst99)
C++ function that will compute the factorial of some numbers n using 2 functions
Ok so I am in a intro to c++ class and I have this assignment I have to do: Write a C++ function that will compute the factorial of some numbers n (input from ...
[5 replies] Last: Not worth mentioning ,but you can return fac; , instead of using an ... (by oldnewbie)
Why does this seg fault?
I have two functions that could be the cause of this but I don't know which one or how to fix it. Any help will be appreciated. Edit: I know now that the clear...
[12 replies] Last: [quote=Neb1000]Ok I needed to do Yes, but that has two flaws: 1. You'... (by coder777)
by Geric
count occurrences in string C
Hi guys I have #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> count() { int i,found=0; char string ; printf("Type a string : "); ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks matsom (by Geric)
March 2011 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 52
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