by megazero218
game DEV
[7 replies] Last: @ hanst99: This is one reason that Win32 tells you to use a callback f... (by Computergeek01)
by Rave
Writing to and reading from file in C
[1 reply] : Since you're writing this in C and not C++, I'll refer you to the appr... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
by Yours3lf
scalar * vector
[2 replies] Last: Make the operator a friend function, and overload it for (vec2f,num) A... (by hanst99)
by theholyfork
Problem with while loops
[3 replies] Last: No problem. (by ModShop)
by tehnawbie
Basic Calculator won't work?
[4 replies] Last: Ahh! Thank you so much qtpan and firedraco! Thats what I was trying to... (by tehnawbie)
by oldnewbie
Code::Blocks and devpaks
[5 replies] Last: I stand corrected. I guess I've never bothered scrolling to the bottom... (by Computergeek01)
by glBeatriz
comma at the beginning of a command
[2 replies] Last: I personally prefer writing the commas before the line break, cause it... (by hanst99)
by malikrgc
AIRPLANE TICKETS IN SINGLE ARRAYS (i cant go further i need to use for loop )
[5 replies] Last: Well, this isn't really the task for a for loop, but whatever. Just w... (by hamsterman)
by unoriginal
Circular Shift
[1 reply] : You could use inline assembler (instructions rol, ror, I believe) or w... (by hamsterman)
New to C++? Read this. |
[1 reply] : What about tutorials for SDL or SFML. They're pretty useful for basic ... (by anonymous23323124)
by snc413
The variable 'number' is being used without being initialized?
[3 replies] Last: and the command prompt vanish less than a second and it states The pro... (by snc413)
by jcmullins
How do i run this program in vb?
[1 reply] : There's a video here: (by matsom)
by akakeighan
Blender and c++
[1 reply] : Have a good read. Ask f... (by hanst99)
by theholyfork
Adding files to arrays?
[3 replies] Last: well, okay, I guess I (kind of) understand what you want, so, to answe... (by matsom)
by Browni3141
Bitwise xor Operator Problem
[7 replies] Last: The second solution should be better because it doesn't use an unnece... (by Disch)
by mngpssn
Need some help with a simple instruction OPENCV (windows 7)
[no replies]
by cth90
Problem compiling multiple files
[9 replies] Last: Everyone does stuff like that, especially me. lol (by ModShop)
by akakeighan
[6 replies] Last: I have to make the app for a school assignment though. and it has to b... (by akakeighan)
getline() from string array not working |
[3 replies] Last: EDIT: Never mind, I got it to work by replacing cin.clear with cin.get... (by creatorofchaos)
by genesys
Problem clearing dynamically allocated memory
[5 replies] Last: Moschops, in that case, what causes the change of values in this progr... (by anonymous23323124)