Beginners - March 2010 (Page 20)

input from file to array scrambling
I am trying to pull information from a file. A list of items and details about them. The first item with details loads fine, the second item to the last become...
[2 replies] Last: It works, Thanks! (by Liger XT5)
by BJT
How to use signal to handle control in C++
Hi, I'm a newbie in C++. It would be appreciated if some one could help on this. Sample code snip should be very helpful. I have an existing client-server...
[no replies]
Debug assertion failed
Each time i run my program i keep getting expression: string subscript out of range. I'm not sure why it keeps happeneing, the code looks fine to me, it compile...
[1 reply] : Take a look at line 27. Where did you increase the length of that str... (by kempofighter)
Calculations in a Function
First off im new to the forum so Hi and thanks in advanced :) New to C++ so bare with me, as part of uni assignemnts im working through various chapters, thi...
[11 replies] Last: now its working lol, thanks for that, i see where its going now much m... (by LEESI)
by w0ot
for loop
Would someone kindly show me the code of using a for loop to obtain and display the sum of odd integer in the range of 11 to 121 ? thanks !
[5 replies] Last: Actually the formula for the sum of the first N odd numbers (1, 3, 5, ... (by sammy34)
Vector programming problem.
I need to be able enter two separate vectors. However, when i type in the entry 234 51 5125 Q, Q will continue to be read and the program will fail. How can i e...
[4 replies] Last: Sigh. What I get for not compiling my own code first. #include <io... (by Duthomhas)
My Book Cipher
Hey guys. I'm looking for a hand programming a Book Cipher. This is similar to a post I read about Book Ciphers on this site, but I'm looking for more direct he...
[1 reply] : First I'd start with a bit of design. A 'Book' class could be appropri... (by sammy34)
by w0ot
If statement problem
Anyone could help me fix the following if statement ? #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(); { If (x > (1 + x * x...
[4 replies] Last: thanks ! (by w0ot)
Strange destructor behavior
The C++ book I'm following is just getting to classes. I'm completing an exercise where I have to make a class with a single member variable, an int. The constr...
[8 replies] Last: @PJYang2010 'this' is a pointer to the object being manipulated, so ... (by adikid89)
Having fun with 'const'
Here is something all the c++ gurus in my department had a hard time with: I'm writing unit tests for a project and need to call all member methods in a clas...
[8 replies] Last: Not necessarily. You might consider returning a reference if it is ... (by jsmith)
virtual polymorphic functions
I kinda understand what virtual polymorphic functions are. What really confuses me, though, is that why one would want to use polymorphic functions. So what...
[6 replies] Last: Yeah. The idea is that you can treat all related types the same way... (by Disch)
Any reference links on "Classes and Objects"??
I am now learning the "Classes and Objects". However, i got a lot of misconceptions >.< Anyone can suggest me with some reference links?? If there are more ...
[1 reply] : Have you already gone through C++ tutorial on this website? http://... (by Danielsson)
by nufshm
3D text in C++......?
Can any 1 tell me how to write 3D text in c++?
[3 replies] Last: fread fwrite...? (by mhjerry)
C++ strings
I am having some trouble with the below code. I can't think of anyway that would allow me to make the "word" appear the same amount of times as the number you i...
[2 replies] Last: I only know C ,so I give you some C code ,but you can understand that!... (by mhjerry)
Not quite getting it right!
Hey guys, I was just having an issue (I've never used arrays before and am new to programming in general). What the program is supposed to do at this point, ...
[6 replies] Last: There's no need to include <stdio.h> or <conio.h>. (by Danielsson)
Input by function
I have this declaration: p_node* person_add(); This is my function call: while (decision >= 1 && decision <= 3) { if (decision == 1) { ...
[10 replies] Last: The problem is that cin >> does not read the newline when you first en... (by rxlim)
by mmthob
program problem
consider this prgram, this is game called 'beat that'.in this game,a player will roll four dice.the program must generate a random number between 1and6 for diff...
[4 replies] Last: For the while loop as Zhuge said, you can do something along the lin... (by bluezor)
by Rizzla
Custom Header Files
Okay guys, I'm sorry if this seems like I'm trying to ask you to do my homework for me, but I assume you that I am not. I'm just really lost as to how to achie...
[5 replies] Last: What code do you have that you think is incorrect then? (by firedraco)
Trouble with ifstream
Here's my code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class Text { public: string fileText; ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. (by firedraco)
I can't get my formula to work
I'm having trouble getting the following to work #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> #include<iomanip.h> main () { int PaymentNum=1; floa...
[1 reply] : This doesn't really help you with your immediate problem, but you migh... (by helios)
March 2010 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 34
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