Beginners - March 2009 (Page 28)

by tjinx
I'm supposed to create a program that inputs a start time and end time in the format hr:min:sec and then finds the total time elapsed. Also, it's using a 24-hou...
[1 reply] : You're using a number of uninitialised varable for a start. fsec, sse... (by kbw)
Where is the source file ?
I need help on this. I get an assertion failure while debugging which refers me to "f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c Line:55 Expression:(...
[5 replies] Last: As Helios said, the problem is caused by your code. The assertion f... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
I want to store 10 names and wieghts in Vector variable, and why this happen. Please help me. tnx RESULT: Please enter your name : ddd dd Please enter you...
[6 replies] Last: Wow tnx, it works well. (by detorresrc)
C++ req.? header files
I'm currently teaching my self C++ using Schildt's PDF book. I've got MS VC++ 2008 Express Edition. Problem 5 in Module 4 wanted to compare to strings, ignori...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. ERandall (by erandalln)
Stuck with my Project!
Hey guys, I have this project that I have to complete by next week for my Computer Science class. Now I have to write a program that will help students lear...
[5 replies] Last: Awesome, thanks for helping me understand. I haven't learned arrays... (by madmaxx)
Create a file
hello! i am beginner in i want to create a file by C++ but not understand function fstream and ifstream library. this code is write by me, everybody l...
[4 replies] Last: thank you!!! I tested it. it active normal. now, I understanded way s... (by persevering)
by jt2007
NEE need clarification on compilers
hi, im new and taking a beginner C++ college class...very new! The school provided a c++ compiler through a linux server. The server isnt working on thei...
[6 replies] Last: jt2007: On VC Express Edition 2008 SP1: I found out that the MSDN ... (by erandalln)
by GameOn
what is the difference
is there some difference between the given two ways for(int i=0;i<=height;i++){ for(int j=0;j<=width;j++){ if(i!=j) sum+=(width-j)*(height-i); }...
[3 replies] Last: Big numbers. Are you initializing sum to 0 before attempting the seco... (by Odahk)
Having recently a calculator I feel awesome (ish) but the next round of course being pacman I need help I can't find how to start I know I need a graphic engine...
[9 replies] Last: (by DrChill)
Passing strings to functions
Hello, I am relatively new to the C++ world and I had a question about passing strings to a function. This is a homework question and I do not want any solut...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks I will look into that. numAccidents was declared earlier but wi... (by BDHeath)
by sergio
send and receive data from lpt port
Hi, every one.How can I send e receive data to lpt1 or rs232c? tks.
[no replies]
i have run time error at running this c code &i don't know why #include<iostream> void main(void) { float a; float b; char c; float d; do { printf...
[3 replies] Last: hi im new on this of programming and im trying to make a scientific ca... (by falg)
by airowe
Tortoise and Hare
I'm getting an error I don't understand when I compile in Bloodshed. This is for the old Tortoise and Hare problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm get...
[1 reply] : lines 17-21 look really strange to me at line 18 did you mean for(j ... (by Bazzy)
by sikac
pointers and 2D matrix
hello! how can i store elements of a 2D matrix into a pointer? or, is it possible at all? i intend to use the pointer to "go trough" the entire matrix, i...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
by masiht
(ans=='y' || ans== 'Y')
what does II do in this statement ?
[3 replies] Last: | is called a pipe. (by Zaita)
Im new to C++ and Im having issues
Hey everybody im new here and new to C++, I followed all the instructions in the Hello World introduction, but I cant seem to work it. I use Fedora 4, and i ...
[7 replies] Last: You shouldn't use Dev-C++. Get wxDev-C++. Dev-C++ is no longer support... (by Zaita)
How to create a "save file" (preferably in .dat or .sav format)
Hello, I've been making a Zork inspired text/RPG game in C++ and right now it's at about 1100 lines of code, and therefore getting to be about 20-25 minutes lon...
[2 replies] Last: Save all the variable values to the file in a format you know so it wo... (by Bazzy)
by GameOn
writing cout giving the right answer
below in this code i am just incrementing the value of i and checking if %age value of i w.r.t x is an absolute number i.e its decimal part is zero. int x=...
[4 replies] Last: that means i need to use volatile whenever i need to keep check on eve... (by GameOn)
by Oromis
Creating a png-file out of a SDL surface
How to create a png-file out of a SDL surface? Searching this site and google didn't gave me an answer.
[6 replies] Last: Oke, thanks! In that case, I'll stick to BMP for now. I need this to c... (by Oromis)
by wretch
Polymorphism again
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class ClassA { public: virtual void f1(){cout<<"A:f1 \n";} void f2(){cout<<"A:f2 \n";} }; class Class...
[4 replies] Last: thanks Bazzy! (by wretch)
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