Beginners - March 2009 (Page 23)

printing out message n times!
I need to modify the following program so that after a correct n has been input, it prints out n times a message such as "Hello". heres my code as follows:...
[6 replies] Last: cheers (by bangura87)
Class member function - how to do this
I have a CharConverter class, with 2 functions - 1. uppercase member function, where a user inputs a sentence and makes any and all letters uppercase in a sente...
[3 replies] Last: Well, I put this line in, inside the properWords function: for (in... (by kenneth196)
Hi, Im a newby can u explain me why these is error. Tnx Error g++ -c tokenizer.cpp -I. g++ -o main main.o main.o: In function `main': main.cpp:(.t...
[2 replies] Last: Ah i see, tnx (by detorresrc)
Single Link List
Hi, Please help, im having a problem to output. Below is the output and code. Counter : 0 aa bb cc To...
[1 reply] : What exactly is your question? (by kevinchkin)
by Elyx
general noob questions on making game
hi guys, first post here. nice to meet you all. first of all, i'll be honest - i'm interested in learning to make games, and i register on this forum for that p...
[15 replies] Last: I think that if Elyx actually sets aside 2 hours a day to study prog... (by open source)
Just started c++ wanting to count something :)
Hey all Just started C++ programing and doing an assingment for tafe. Im making a program that does a few things but the part im stuck with is counting th...
[2 replies] Last: thx for the help mate ill give that a go :) (by StretchNutzz)
Object creation doubt
Hi All, Can you please let me know what is the difference in object creations like Say class Test ; 1. Test t1; 2.Test t2*; 3.Test t3*=new Test...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the clarification. In java we will create every Object D... (by siva007)
How can I declare and use static variables within a class?
I am trying to get a quick example to work for a static variable within a class. Here is my code: //test #include <iostream> using namespace std; clas...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I was a little unsure about the placement of that initializ... (by eker676)
Nested Loops and input from file
Hey guys, I'm really, really new to C++ programming and I'm kind of stuck on my project due in a couple days. We're supposed to read data from a txt document th...
[13 replies] Last: nevermind, I figured it out! Thanks for everything guys!!!! (by gamergreg90)
Vector of vectors - accessing the column vector
Hello, I am using the <vector> class to define a matrix (or rather a list of vectors) as follows: typedef vector<double> Vec; typedef vector<Vec> Mat; ...
[1 reply] : Perhaps a more elegant way would be to use boost::multi_index_containe... (by jsmith)
Overloading istream
I need to overload the istream to take in rational numbers Heres what I have,,, istream& operator>>( istream& In, Rational& Item ) { char Ch; int Nu...
[no replies]
First Class (Rational Numbers
I have only been programming for a about 5 months, 2 months in C++ and this is my first attempt at a class and I'm probably just running into some serious newbi...
[3 replies] Last: proj06.driver.cpp: In function 'int main()': proj06.driver.cpp:38: wa... (by aab1990)
goto statement
Hey guys anyone got any idea how to get some kind of counter to count how many times the goto has been used? I'm trying to use my goto; start: function 20 times...
[2 replies] Last: I think this is in reference to your previous post. You do not need g... (by jsmith)
do while loop
Hey people, Just need soem help with looping my code. I have a dice which rolls a random number and then the player moves how ever many numbers the dice rolled...
[2 replies] Last: first, without seeing code it's tough to provide any specific help. ... (by jRaskell)
char* question
I'm sorry if this question has been asked a million times before but the bottom line is I simply do not know what to search for to answer this question: What s...
[1 reply] : * has several meanings. char* p; here the * means p is a pointer... (by jsmith)
writing to a file when your program has "void"
Sorry for that horrible title line. Here's my problem. I've written a program to do some permutation stuff...though the process isn't really relevant. As I ...
[2 replies] Last: (line 12) ("PermsWithRepeats.txt", fstream::app); That... (by Zachary)
College work
I have been trained in Java programing only during my first 2 years of college, but now I have this new teacher that requests all works to be done in c++. I thi...
[4 replies] Last: grcunning, you got it, I was able to do it using string. Youu were als... (by tsantana)
Removing from file
Hi, my goal is to remove some lines from a textfile. Is there a good way to do it without removing the file and creating a new one?
[8 replies] Last: Without C++ and on Linux/UNIX: > sed 's/OLDSTRING/NEWSTRING/g' oldfil... (by seymore15074)
Write a function to search a number from the given ten numbers using binary search,Also Mention what are the predefined conditions before performing binary sear...
[3 replies] Last: I'd just like to say that I really like this assignment. It has signi... (by seymore15074)
What does _T mean?
Hi All, Can anyone tell me what this prefix _T means in some C++ code? Thanks, Farhan
[2 replies] Last: If it's a lowercase _t, like wchar_t, I think it has something to do w... (by seymore15074)
March 2009 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 29
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