Beginners - March 2009 (Page 2)

by MatieA
Do while loop problem
I made this for class, and my do while statement is not functioning properly. Could someone please take a look and advise me as to where I went wrong? /***...
[8 replies] Last: I recieved a 19 out of 20 points, thanks for the input everyone!! BTW... (by MatieA)
Exam Prep Question
Hi all... i've been given the following prep question (20 Marks): //START Background: Your work for a company trying to save hte world from a mutant invas...
[11 replies] Last: The read method you have defined in your mutant_info class is not a co... (by jRaskell)
by masiht
using arrays
Hello, I am learning how to use arrays in different ways.Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with this basic program. #include <iostream> using ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks ! What should I do to enter the data in this program without s... (by masiht)
count how many times elements in an array are repeated
Hello! I want to know how I can count how many times elements are repeated in an array. This is what I've done: #include<iostream> using namespace std; vo...
[5 replies] Last: "Thanks for the help. I want to know if there's another way to count t... (by kempofighter)
2 dimentional array-airplane seating
After user choose ticket type(first class, business, or economy) and desired seat, for example row 2 A, the program will output the form: A B C D ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Gumbercules. I have changed my program according to your sug... (by yingkang)
Quicksort Algorithm
Having struggled to follow the recursive calls to quicksort and partition I have modified the code to include the calls to both functions, displaying the order ...
[no replies]
by nmy
error system and argument
hi everybody, I begin to learn c++, I try to make a code to download recursively file in ftp with argument ftp login pass url but I have a error when I...
[no replies]
call of overloaded is ambiguous
I'm getting this error message from my compiler: call of overloaded `hypot(double&, double&)' is ambiguous note candidates are: double hypot(double, doub...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah worked great, thanks. (by mcleano)
If-Else Statement
Hi guys, trying to sort out this code, i have to get the program to check whether input is UPPER case or lower case. It then must tell the user that the letter ...
[5 replies] Last: it means and, so if both letter >= 'a' is true and letter <= 'z' is tr... (by Gumbercules)
how to generate 500 random numbers?(independent&uniform&between 0 to 1)
Hi all, I found a code in the forum, but i don't know if the number produced are uniform and independent. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using names...
[1 reply] : Your code has the same guarantees as rand(). Uniform? Yes. Independ... (by jsmith)
using function pointers and polymorphism
I'm trying to create a state machine; I have a base class State, and another class T that inherits publicly from State. State includes a function pointer. wi...
[10 replies] Last: Might I suggest using boost::function and boost::bind to solve this pr... (by jsmith)
using If statements
Hey there guys, im new to the forum and new to the c++ language or any programming language for that matter. Was wondering if you could help me out. Writing ...
[2 replies] Last: Your code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by komati
Amuture programmer
Hey, I am new at C++ and I find those codes you put up to be very copmlicated. I am confused by the functions... Look at this lecture slide example for inst...
[6 replies] Last: don't get it. ohw, ja I didn't understand the concept of Prototyping. ... (by komati)
SYSTEM() Arguments.
SYSTEM() Arguments. String parameter within single quote. system("FIND.EXE "SATA" COMPUTER.TXT") Note: Compiler outputs Errors. String parameter w...
[1 reply] : Try: system("FIND.EXE \"SATA\" COMPUTER.TXT") (by closed account z05DSL3A)
I'm in geometry and have been studying vectors. But how do they work in C++ and what would I use them for? Thanks, Vorbis
[5 replies] Last: There is a good reference part on this site: (by Bazzy)
ARGH! Allegro
I need to find a way to get allegro to work on DevC++ on Windows.My programs are saved in the Dev-C++ folder. How and where do I put Allegro?
[2 replies] Last: C:\Dev-Cpp\include\allegro\include this it? (by closed account EzyAC542)
Binary number
well...I have just read a book of programming which mentions things about binary number, and as I proceeded with it, I was getting more confused.Here is the 2-b...
[2 replies] Last: I am still a noob and hope you guys are willing to help me in the futu... (by kenryuakuma)
by jzackt
problem with pointers in my function
I'm pretty new to C and it seems like the only thing that is breaking my code is my lack of knowledge of pointers. Here is my code: At the bottom is my grades...
[2 replies] Last: yea im getting compiler errors and warnings. I'm trying to figure out... (by jzackt)
cin.ignore cin.get
Hello people, Can you guys please tell me what the difference is between cin.get and cin.ignore and when I should use them. Thanks ahead of time :D...
[12 replies] Last: Ok I get it. Thanks for all the help :D (by Vorbis5)
B-Tree degree 5
I have to answer the following question as part of an assignment and I am not sure what the question even means so any help on this matter would be greatly appr...
[4 replies] Last: Hi Jsmith, thank you for getting back to me once again, I was wonderin... (by jpmcfly)
March 2009 Pages: 1234... 29
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