Beginners - June 2019 (Page 8)

CreateWindow edit not editable
I need to make my create window (type edit) editable. It is shown from a childwindow ChildWndProc. I do not know what I am missing. Any ideas? LRESULT CALLBA...
[no replies]
Anyone here interested in building an AI?
I have a program from my school where I have to code my AI to efficiently do things. Send me your email and also you need Linux or any OS that can use the ncur...
[3 replies] Last: works for me. It's an alt email so I'm not worried ab... (by GonlyG)
by zapshe
Help with code.
I assume if they input a negative number or a decimal you want them to re-enter right? You can use a loop like this: int radius = 0; do { cout << "Enter th...
[1 reply] : Hello instigator, DO NOT DELETE your original post just because it ... (by Handy Andy)
how to find sum efficiently
somebody please tell me the efficient program to calculate 0 ^(n) + 1^(n) + 2^(n) + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ k^(n) k<=10^(9)
[3 replies] Last: while the answer is likely NOT to use pow, pow stinks. write an effici... (by jonnin)
Mergesort for big arrays/vectors
Do I sort the whole array in one go? or sort bit by bit 1.sort 1000 elements 2.merge each sections together
[4 replies] Last: Heh, yeah. If you are dealing with Big(er than working memory) then yo... (by Duthomhas)
by sonamg
best site to learn C language?
Hi, which is the best site to learn C programming?
[4 replies] Last: C is a fairly simple language. Like others, I have known it far too l... (by jonnin)
Help with reading a txt file into an array
I need help trying to print out the array of last names from a txt file. What I'm supposed to do is have the user input the size of the array, then the the fi...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much @Andy!!! I did both tests and saw exactly what you ... (by orichalcum)
by sturk
C++ compilation issue
Hi, I am getting these compilation errors as shown below and I just can't figure out why. Can anyone please enlighten me on it? Thanks! These are some of the...
[1 reply] : The aren't compilation errors. They are linker errors. You need to lin... (by dutch)
by afra
remove beginning and end whitespace
hi heys, i am trying to remove beginning and the end whitespace in one file, and output the result to another file. But i am confused about how to remove whites...
[2 replies] Last: Here is a simple trim routine. if you want to keep all the internals ... (by jonnin)
by sparki
point C++
Hi, as I am new to C++, I am stuck on a problem which I do not understand how to go about doing it. I have this class renderedpoint to render a point(Obviously)...
[1 reply] : Your RenderedPoint class is unfinished. Not fully defined. Missing pie... (by Repeater)
Inputting the name of the variable to display(total n00b)
Hi there! I'm very new to programming so I'm sorry to ask what is probably a very simple question, but I have asked friends and tried to look it up online and I...
[2 replies] Last: That works. Thanks! (by cArchon)
by kmce
Constants - literals
Hi, I am learning about constants and I am slightly confused about what I am reading. The sites and book I am using says that a literal, is a constant. So I ass...
[5 replies] Last: > if i use const int a = 1; then i can not change a to be anything els... (by JLBorges)
Hello guys i need help reading from a file. i'm saving integers and want to read as integers. for example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 This the way integers are saved bu...
[2 replies] Last: Hello charbel542, I will expand on what ne555 has said which works.... (by Handy Andy)
please help with simple code any feedback is good.
I am kinda off with this certain code and can not figure out what im doing wrong any feedback helps. question : Design a While loop that lets the user enter ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello starterpack6100, Based on Ganado 's suggestions I came up with... (by Handy Andy)
by vysero
const override and odd return statment
Hey guys, I am attempting to understand how this method works: QString unit() const override { if(m_UnitsPlugin == nullptr) return "N/A"; ...
[6 replies] Last: Default implementation there can be: (by keskiverto)
bisection finding root
Hi every one. I write a code for bisection finding root but it do not work correctly. what's wrong? #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using name...
[4 replies] Last: You right. F(a)*F(b) have not value less than zero. About line 7 i mus... (by jasper hall)
help needed on Easy temperature program.
Doing this program for HW and im really close but i can not figure out what im doing wrong the formula is correct but the numbers are still off. NEW TO C++ SO...
[6 replies] Last: Hello starterpack6100, You are welcome. What you are trying to accom... (by Handy Andy)
by annw3y
doubly linked listt
I have problem solving doubly linked list in c++, i have pseudo code for function who finds element, so can someone help me? struct element { int key; elem...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, it helped (by annw3y)
by Ashh
Void returning functions
How do I make the coding under the void function into function call in the int main? Format: #...
[7 replies] Last: c++ uses string type for multiple characters, such as "hello world". ... (by jonnin)
initializing unions
Hi, the code below gives me an error: too many initializers, referring to the union initializing line. Why is it incorrect and what what should I do instead? Th...
[3 replies] Last: > what should I do instead? Use std::variant (with std::string i... (by JLBorges)
June 2019 Pages: 1... 678910... 13
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