Parent/child focus button in WM_COMMAND |
[1 reply] : O... (by salem c)
by Mark22
Group project, with different IDEs, and third-party libraries
[3 replies] Last: > we are using OpenCV for the graphic interface opencv is used for ima... (by ne555)
by rozick1
extensible enum class?
[3 replies] Last: > I'd like the client/user to specific their own enums. If the class... (by JLBorges)
by DarkParadox
Dynamic Memory
[6 replies] Last: Ah I see, that makes sense now. Thanks for the insight! (by zapshe)
by jsmithplus
Do I need to use double parenthesis within if statements?
[2 replies] Last: +1 I always use parentheses to make my intent clear, and to avoid t... (by Duthomhas)
by jsmithplus
Why does using a looping switch in the main function affect other functions?
[2 replies] Last: Hello jsmithplus, The use of code tags is good, but watch your indent... (by Handy Andy)
Couple of questions for an array problem |
[10 replies] Last: Does this seem correct? Yes, that's the right way to do it.... (by dhayden)
by alexblade
MACROS overload (1,2)
[23 replies] Last: Update: 2nd question is not actual any more. So now I have for 0..2 ar... (by alexblade)
by jsmithplus
Put code before or after break in a switch case?
[1 reply] : break sends control to the end of the innermost loop or switch. Any... (by mbozzi)
by hanoufNS
How can I calculate index of error between two curves?
[12 replies] Last: This part of the with the script I sent earlier results are ... (by hanoufNS)
by Rakib771
How to use string or char as a reference to variable?
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace ... (by anup30)
by travelskid
Segmentation fault passing reference vector<string> into class member
[3 replies] Last: You should #include <string> btw. I ran it, got no segmentation fault... (by zapshe)
by DarkParadox
const pointer
[1 reply] : A pointer is simply a variable that holds the memory location of a var... (by zapshe)
by alexblade
Two Variables in one for loop
[8 replies] Last: The syntax is described in (by keskiverto)
by Xanadu4ever
User input from keyboard not loading??
[19 replies] Last: In a way, that was Stoustrup's purpose. He uses simple approaches to s... (by Niccolo)
Crash on dynamically adding buttons |
[3 replies] Last: out here, we'd have to be able to compile a working example, and the c... (by Niccolo)
by Emoangel1478
Getting error when trying to make a cout and cin code
[7 replies] Last: Have you ever tested input two words with a space between them?like "J... (by perfect HFY)
by Missiepooh
[7 replies] Last: Another way to do it (if you want to use std::string) is to do that : ... (by Zaap)
Help with composition A has B and B has A |
[2 replies] Last: I am creating a hospital management system program. ... that real li... (by keskiverto)
by josephmartin
char array through function
[2 replies] Last: I think we have some trolls here: (by lastchance)