Beginners - June 2018 (Page 8)

runtime complexity
hello ! i would like have help in the calculation of runtime complexity. Matrix . given matrix which its columns are sorted in an ascending order , and also i...
[2 replies] Last: It appears to be O(N) where N is # of rows*cols. Its sorted, so find... (by jonnin)
Looping through an array with unexpected results.
I couldn't find anything online so.. arr is an array of a struct called key. Each struct has an ID and a .one which is something like "8ANNLP". When the...
[5 replies] Last: An array of size 6 is not enough to store a string of length 6 because... (by Peter87)
how call functions in c++
Write your question here. Hi I have program have many functions I want if the first functions valid call the second function if the second function valid call...
[2 replies] Last: Here is another simple program to demonstrate what youre saying so hop... (by kingkush)
stop errors c++
Hi everyone I have problem in my visual studio when I run the the program I find a lot of errors and when click in this errors open other window not my statem...
[1 reply] : Fix the first error and recompile. Subsequent errors are often a resu... (by jonnin)
Vector of Vectors Problem
Hey guys! My question concerns an issue I'm having with my code. I'm writing a program that creates vectors for class test scores. It takes user input for the s...
[1 reply] : Found out my issue after looking at my code. Didn't create the vector ... (by Geekster123)
string in function
Main idea is to make function that will include string, and I don't Know what I need to fix. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : strings must be in quotes, is all. try "red" here: int main() { cout... (by jonnin)
about function calls from pointers to derived classes
Hello programmers! I need your help to correctly call a function from a derived class, here the example: I have such a header file with this virtual class...
[7 replies] Last: compiler error: C++0x auto only available with -std=c++0x or -std=gnu... (by keskiverto)
Write your question here. how do I put if else statement what I got but get a lot of errors imp
[1 reply] : This code is Java, not C++. (by helios)
fstream remove() function isn't deleting this file
Hi, I'm trying to make a puzzle game in Dev-C++, and one of the solutions is manually renaming a text file to 'cascatallus.txt' then telling the program to read...
[1 reply] : Why are you opening the file if you are trying to delete it? That's pr... (by tpb)
Using the flood fill algorithm in a multidimensional maze.
I am very new to C++, and I recently made a maze generator by using 2D arrays. However, I need to create a "mouse" of sorts to travel through the maze. It shoul...
[5 replies] Last: ok. adding the mouse... play with it, see if you can figure it out. ... (by jonnin)
Populating an array with data from in ifstream
So I am working on a class lab and I am pulling a bunch of doubles from an infile and storing them into an array. I initially had this working but not to my pr...
[2 replies] Last: This was super helpful man thank you so much! (by passiontrip)
copy data from function to a var.
Hi guys, hope you're doing great! I would like some help with this. I know is a very noob and rookie question. I'm trying to get a value from a function, ho...
[5 replies] Last: it depends on what you really want to do. for a simple, single threa... (by jonnin)
std::vector range checking?
Hi guys I wrote a function to find the highest number in an array and a vector,it should work on both, when I use the operator to pass in my data it works ...
[2 replies] Last: The .at() function validates the index and throws an exception if it i... (by Peter87)
Program problem reading specific lines from a vector in a file in c++
Hello all! I am new to the language of C++ and am taking a summer class on Data Structures. MY professor has not been helpful or responsive to any questions I'v...
[2 replies] Last: You also need to implement your constructors. Unless your using the o... (by jlb)
by zapshe
Accessing computer components (Camera)
Hi, I was wondering how to open up the camera on a computer using C++. I found the "OpenCV" library, but Visual Studio is a huge pain when it comes to using a n...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks again everyone ! I just finished with VcPkg and it worked great... (by zapshe)
Setprecision use
How do format my output to 2 decimal places using setprecision //Credit Card Interest Program #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using names...
[4 replies] Last: tpb is correct on the precision. I'm assuming that the lines cout <... (by SM Bamaboy)
Code pointers/cleanup for working program
I'm just looking for some pointers on the following code. Everything worked in the end but I feel like some of the code was unneeded and wasn't sure if I did t...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for all the replies and critiques. I will review the code an... (by justStarting)
Application That Uses Email as Input
Hello all! I recently got a summer internship developing a small program for a manufacturing company that essentially wants to keep track of different work o...
[1 reply] : the interface is unrelated to getting the emails. QT is a GUI develop... (by jonnin)
I need a little help
Hi there, i tried for a lot of time to do a project for my college but for me it sounds fkin impossible since i have to combine C++ with Access and do some stup...
[9 replies] Last: Oops yes I just meant Visual Basic. Thanks. (by Manga)
June 2018 Pages: 1... 678910... 19
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