Beginners - June 2018 (Page 5)

by SammyB
Create error output when typing in a non-interger
So I've seen a number of the same question on here, but I've made my own code and having trouble getting an output if anything other than an integer is typed in...
[no replies]
Multiple programs in one project
Hey guys, so for a CIS class i'm taking we have seven programs we've compiled. The prof is asking us to combine them into one big project with a menu that allow...
[1 reply] : Each separate program has a main() function. Change the 7 main functi... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Error writing a vector to a file
I am trying to learn how to write a vector to a file, then read that vector to from a file. In the code below, I attempted to write to a file but it gives me an...
[1 reply] : if (file.is_open) should be if (file.is_open()) . ... (by Repeater)
by mim97
How to display a count
//input two integers a and b. find out small and big values between a and b. //Example if a is 12 and b is 5 then small will be b and big will be a. //Use a l...
[2 replies] Last: Oops didn't pay attention to that, thankyou for your help (by mim97)
by mim97
Display the sum and the count of the positive numbers in a loop.
Write a C++ program that will input only the positive numbers from the user in a loop. If the user inputs the negative number then the loop will terminate. D...
[3 replies] Last: Yess perfect, thanks both! (by mim97)
Question about how to interpret constructors
So I have a question about the constructor(s) in a class. Reason why I put constructors in plural here is also apart of the question. Because, is a "constructo...
[3 replies] Last: In this example you would call Bob(); the default constructor. It is t... (by Manga)
String Search
Hey guys hows it going, back with another one that is mostly done. Getting a error code on this program: main.cpp:30:49: error: too many arguments to function ...
[8 replies] Last: Unfortunately this is homework.The problem is : Modify the binarySear... (by drewdizzle92)
by zotan
Help with Coroutines
Hello friends, How would be the correct translation of this code to C++? public IEnumerable<int> Sequence(int min, int max) { for (int x = min; x <=...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply tpb! (by zotan)
If-statement seemingly going off track
Hello I've been messing around with this for a bit but I can't seem to find a solution to this problem. When I run my code and I try to make it run the else...
[3 replies] Last: I fixed the problem by saying if (statement1==1 && statement2==2) ... (by Xenos99)
by mim97
Calculate cost (if else statements)
Input the age (int), gender (char) and number of credit hours (int) to be registered from the user. Calculate the total cost the user needs to pay according t...
[2 replies] Last: thanks i get it now, much appreciated. (by mim97)
by Manga
I was looking to see if there was a variable that could store a ratio. Then I saw the header <ratio> and thought cool. But upon closer look it seems that this d...
[8 replies] Last: @tpb Ok. It looks like I am adding quantities in my example not the r... (by Manga)
I created a .h file and including it breaks my windows form
I'm working on exception handling in a windows form app made in Visual Studios 2015. The program runs fine, minus the exceptions that I'm working on, so I crea...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks, helios and tpd. That's really interesting. I'll keep this all ... (by Atilliar)
problem with the below HackerRank question, giving WA in three TestCases.
this code is giving WA in testcases number 3,10 and 11. link to the question is-: ...
[11 replies] Last: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #def... (by jabbar1701)
population increase program
Hey guys, hows it going. I have a project im working on and I should know how to do this but I dont. I have the bulk of the code working for the most part ju...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a bunch Jaybob (by drewdizzle92)
OpenGL black window
I'm trying to make a program that loads a .obj file, and a .tga file for materials/color, but all it shows is a sad black screen. Disclaimer: This is a univers...
[6 replies] Last: Hello, sorry for not responding, I've been very busy for the past few ... (by Uk Marine)
Creating objects of a class with a for loop, then an array containing values from one of the class members.
To give a brief background, here's the assignment I'm working on: 1.Prompt user “How many people are we initializing?” 2.For that amount, using a for loo...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Hugo! Your comment helped me fix the problem and the program ru... (by EmilianoG)
by t009
obj\Release\main.o:main.cpp:(.text.startup+0x23f)||undefined reference to `List_strm::List_strm()'
I'm getting the above error while experimenting with the stuff below. I followed some teachign material examples that use the classes in the exact same way but...
[5 replies] Last: Later in the same example (from (by mbozzi)
by watted
help with minesweeper game
hi,i'm trying to write minesweeper game,in function "Game" i want to replace every dot in the array with number of stars by calling the function "numberOfNeighb...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much ^_^ (by watted)
by sc7
Problem with Implementing hackerrank question
[1 reply] : Can you guys maybe post about this stuff after the contest is over? 1.... (by icy1)
need hint on graph theory
i have a problem in which we have to find the farthest node from a particular node in a weighted directed graph.But starting node is changing on each query and ...
[9 replies] Last: @zyan1zyan. Pm me i can debug your code (by closed account 1TD80pDG)
June 2018 Pages: 1... 34567... 19
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