Beginners - June 2018 (Page 15)

How to handle C-style Strings
Hi all, I seem to run across this a lot where old C code uses this shorthand style to create an array of pointers to C-strings: #include <stdio.h> void exis...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, this does look more thematic. I've never used char** , so now I ... (by mainecat)
How can I use and emtpy 2-D array as a function argument?
What's up!.. Say, for example, I want to fill a 2D array with dots '.' to later print it as a table or as a square whatever. something like this: ... ... ...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=tpb]It would be possible to write just one operator<< template ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Repeate code a set number of times (Urgent)
Is there a way to make this look more neat and tidy, in place of this mess? //Tree short led blinks digitalWrite (LED_RED, HIGH); delay(500); dig...
[5 replies] Last: I think I may look at them all, and in the doing trying to understand ... (by Eddy1501)
How to convert string to char* and pass it without it getting deleted on the stack
This code gives me the output: taco  ╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠ How can I make the second cout work? Pretend that main is a console and gmc is a dll. ...
[14 replies] Last: Without knowing anything about g2, it sounds as though there's some ki... (by MikeyBoy)
Pokemon game project
Write your question here.
[2 replies] Last: Use a game engine for this project. If you really insist on just codi... (by Manga)
Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'GsiReturnObj' is being used without being initialized.
Write your question here. Cant figure this one out. What am I missing? Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'GsiReturnObj' is being used without being initi...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks tpb, that is very helpful! (by RslWlsn3)
by Dani90
find all possible permutation using backtracking algorithm
Hi..How do I write backtracking algorithm to find all possible permutation of different integer?
[3 replies] Last: Are you wanting to print out all possible permutations? That quickly ... (by Manga)
Good day I have a challenge in making my program to repeat its process #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { float P...
[4 replies] Last: add a case for an exit code, and change the loop logic to end if the u... (by jonnin)
clothing size project
This program asks for a users height, weight, and age, and based off of that, it creates a clothing size. for the jacket size, the height times the weight di...
[1 reply] : > however, I don't get the complete decimal don't understand your issu... (by ne555)
custom operator / in my string
Hi there! I have a question, how I can do operator / correctly. Operator / its like * but reversed. Operator * works like this - if it finds the same character,...
[1 reply] : You need to use bool: } String operator/(String kek) { //Operator '... (by coder777)
minimum time after which line segment connecting points P and Q does not intersect the sphere
Hello, This is my first post here. I am trying to solve a question You are given two points P and Q and an opaque sphere in a three-dimensional space. The ...
[2 replies] Last: @vandita, The logic that you are trying to implement is fine: this is... (by lastchance)
by nearc
skip line
How to print specific txt file line? I want void function to print selected line using switch. sry for code in different language #include <iostream> ...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=nearc]I'm getting errors no matching function call to max() and... (by Peter87)
Reading and Writing to a file.
I want to modify my program so that the program asks me to input the name of the file for input and reads the string from that file, then asks me to input the n...
[1 reply] : Using files. (by Thomas1965)
by jamos
2 Player Battleships Game
Ok I'm a total scrub at C++ and need all the direction I can get. I'm tasked with creating a 2-player Battleships game and so far have this code with the gri...
[17 replies] Last: int main(){} //While Loop Here void initBoard(char board ){... (by H00G0)
Wrong calculation
I am writing a program that asks for the user's height, weight, and age, and then computes clothing sizes according to the formulas. However, the division a...
[2 replies] Last: There are return statements, one in each function. For example: dou... (by JLBorges)
Loop with a Y/N (continue/end)
I need to write a program that will ask for a # associated with a day of the week. once they select I need a a Y/N to continue with another try or exit the pro...
[3 replies] Last: I figured it out.. "choice" needed to be a char not an int. A few bro... (by justStarting)
Taking values out of a function to use it in another?
Hello , I am new to programming and i'm really stuck! Our teacher gave us a problem , i'm so close to finishing it , but the last part says: - "Create a functi...
[8 replies] Last: the standard hand-rolled algorithm for highest is just this simple loo... (by jonnin)
Invalid use of non static data member : Working With 2-D Char Arrays
I have to create a program to store information for a book store using class. I need to store names of 10 books,along with authors,publishers,cost,stock,quality...
[3 replies] Last: @adam2016, It gives me a "invalid use of non-static data member" error... (by tpb)
libstdc++-6.dll SIGSEGV
Hi, can anyone help me debug this problem: (gdb) step PProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x6fe66a4f in ?? () from C:\MinGW\bin\libs...
[4 replies] Last: Hi Repeater, thank you again for your help...and good call on noticing... (by mainecat)
Hi, I've run this code, with the answers in the comments on the right. Is anyone able to explain how these numbers are calculated. I understand I'm comparing...
[1 reply] : The value is not important. It may not be the same value on all compi... (by jonnin)
June 2018 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 19
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