Beginners - June 2018 (Page 14)

Error says that it can't convert 'double*' to 'double' when alocating space
In my List class, I'm trying to allocate new space for the data of the head and tail nodes, trying to see if that fixes the segmentation fault issue in my front...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I get it. Thanks for the help, tpb! (by rodentMinn)
Trouble pulling data from LOOP
I just need some help pulling the data from my loop. So lets say there was 10 transactions from my program before it was ended, I then need to total # units, a...
[6 replies] Last: I'm not near my computer to do the testing for this but if I place u*p... (by justStarting)
Error Help Request : "undefined reference to..."
I'm working on unit testing an assignment of mine, and i'm at a loss. Can someone help me understand what is going on here? Below, in order is (1) the outpu...
[1 reply] : Presumably there's something wrong with your definition of static ... (by tpb)
Exception Handling Error (Program crashing) help ASAP!
Need C++ help ASAP!!! The program runs but when choosing option 1 to load an exam and choosing a file C:\\temp\\testBankFile.txt with the format below. The ...
[3 replies] Last: The trim function is not needed (and you're not really doing it proper... (by tpb)
finding parents of specific node in DAG
Hello everyone, I have to write a function to find parent nodes of the given node? my graph structure is look like this: class Graph { int V; ...
[3 replies] Last: class node{ vector<int> children; vector<int> parent; }; class... (by ne555)
Referencing a class within a different class using a vector
So I have this class "Shopping Card" referencing a class I made named "ItemToShop" using a vector. This is coming up 'ItemToPurchase': undeclared identifier. I'...
[3 replies] Last: There is no reason to include the whole definition, when forward decla... (by keskiverto)
Program that inputs an integer and outputs info depending on case choice
I was able to set up the code so that the user chooses from the cases but I am confused with how I go about implementing the code into each case. For the first ...
[5 replies] Last: Here Is The Correct Code : If you are gonna use the variables declare... (by akshatmahajan3112)
Search full string (not part of it) line by line
Hi I'm very new to coding and trying to write a simple code which can search from a file (mylist.txt) which basically contains list of numbers like below: 1234...
[3 replies] Last: My pleasure! Glad to be of any help. (by H00G0)
by vcref
How do I break this loop
This code orders all letters E to the left (esquerda in portuguese), and all letters D to the right (direita in portuguese). I want to stop the cout command whe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, but I need the answer on my code, not another cod... (by vcref)
LCD Problems (expected an expression)
Hi, i have issues with a function in my program i have to comunicate the LCD with the PIC 16F887, i need help with the syntax,appreciate any help void...
[3 replies] Last: |= , &= etc are compound assignment operators. We can't separat... (by JLBorges)
Template argument invalid - Trying to use it as a vector type
I'm getting a stupid little error and I'm pretty lost to where I'm going wrong. When I try to compile my code it says: Template argument 1 is invalid ...
[4 replies] Last: Got you man. Thank you once again!.. (by brianbathorycpp)
Statement Loops Continuously
I've been working on a simple 'Command' system, where the user can enter set commands to change the variable values, and then repeat the value back to the user....
[5 replies] Last: you were just told that the infinite loop is because the condition nev... (by icy1)
Book Store Program - Classes - if else errors,avoiding public data members
1.From Line 66,the whole switch seems buggy. When it outputs the the total cost it's always of the different book rather than of the one whose name has been put...
[5 replies] Last: I think cost should be of type float, in case you have a book cost 5.9... (by Manga)
Probability Density Function Can anyone tell me the last calculation of the explanation given in the sample case? What are the factors wi...
[2 replies] Last: @lastchance can you help please?? (by closed account 3UohqMoL)
DFS variation
Hello, This is the link to the classic island problem where number of islands have to be found. My do...
[2 replies] Last: Please comment on the concerned thread only. (by badsheep)
book store program - function not working
The Function checkavailability is not working properly : 1.It does not takes input 2.Executes both if and else statements. help please. #include<iost...
[6 replies] Last: Then the code you posted is not the code you compiled, because the cod... (by MikeyBoy)
data race in multithreading code
For , why am I facing so much data race issue at
[8 replies] Last: Someone helped me to fix the local memory issue that you raised. Usin... (by coder777)
exception: std::out_of_range at memory location
So I am trying to write a program that input's the name of a baby, then outputs the name of the baby as well as up to 2 statements based on the baby's name. ...
[2 replies] Last: That worked, thank you! (Now I have to deal with the logical errors b... (by ItsFreakinHarry)
by ericM
can I assume a template filed implements certain methods?
I wrote a class template that take a single template parameter, something like template <typename T> class Foo { protected: T _bar; public: void call...
[2 replies] Last: Does your compiler complain? template <typename T> class Foo { T _... (by keskiverto)
Run Time Error
This is my 1st time working with C++ and Visual Studio. I know the drivers are not found as well as "It could not find or open the PDB file. How do I fix the er...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. Much appreciated. (by grider67)
June 2018 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 19
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