Beginners - June 2018 (Page 13)

Modification of Flood fill ??? (1,2,3)
The basic floodfill algorithm finds the largest connected area having only a single value. But instead of binary 2D array, input is a matrix of n*m with number...
[43 replies] Last: Now it is no longer relevant ... #include <iostream> #include <sstre... (by lastchance)
Need Help Using LibCurl for Dev C++
I am using Dev C++ 5.11 as my compiler. I downloaded curl 7.60. WHAT I WANT TO DO: Example online analytics dashboard:
[no replies]
Help Please!!!!
I am in C++ introductory class and I am struggling writing 2 different programs, help an either would be very nice! The first one is a diagonal X such as the f...
[2 replies] Last: Here's what you might want to do for your first program: #include <io... (by H00G0)
Write your question here. I have this error how can I fix it C++ class "std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string>>" has no member "push_back"
[2 replies] Last: Not sure what you are doing, this works fine. std::vector<std::str... (by Thomas1965)
Help Me Please!!!!
I am in desperate need of help. I have been struggling how to use functions to pass information into arrays and my menu switch statement is throwing errors. I t...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much! You were right, my ide got all confused. I know its... (by keweisbrod)
Input file will not open
I cannot for the life of me figure out why every time I run this my input file fails to open. I have the weatherData.txt full of numbers I plan on setting to v...
[4 replies] Last: Ah I figured out my pathing was bad! Manually wrote it out now and th... (by passiontrip)
Trying to follow a tutorial written in Go, segmentation faulting
I'm trying to follow a tutorial on how to create a roguelike in the Go language,and with BearLibTerminal. I'm trying to translate it into C++, though. And since...
[8 replies] Last: Maybe something like this: struct Point { int x, y; Point(in... (by tpb)
Hi I need just 1 hint about the explanation in the given test.Can anyone explain me with what number do we multiply the probabily to find expectation in the exa...
[2 replies] Last: Hello anyone done with this (by closed account 3UohqMoL)
by Lot
How to implement quick fit memory allocation algorithm
Hello, I cant make an implementation of quick fit and I need someone to help me how to do it. Below is the code for best fit, which finds the minimum block size...
[no replies]
Guessing game
Trying to make a guessing game that will loop and ask the player if they want to play again by using a sentinel loop but nothing I do is working. Here is what I...
[12 replies] Last: I sure hope so . I am now trying to build a program that will take a u... (by lkordich)
Write your question here. Hi everyone I write like this vector<char> names; vector<int> radii; names.push_back("Mercury"); radii.push_back(2440...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespa... (by lastchance)
Accessing private members of a class for a non member method/function
Hello, could you help me fix this error, im not accessing my class private integer. I need your help correctly setting up the object to access my private inte...
[2 replies] Last: Well You could make int numOfAmenities ; a public data member but ... (by akshatmahajan3112)
by keve
hey friend please help for Two Flowers question of codechef
hey please can you give me any idea on how to implement "two flower" question please provide me any idea or if you can , so please share the code of it. d...
[no replies]
How exactly does recursion work with iterators?
Hello. So I'm working on a Hackerrank exercise: "Journey to the Moon". In which you are given a list of pairs of astronauts that are bounded and one has to trav...
[no replies]
Vision problem can anyone provide a hint for this problem? You are given two points P and Q and an opaque sphere in a three...
[11 replies] Last: I can help anyone with 1st 4 codes but in turn you must send me any co... (by closed account 3UohqMoL)
TLE on My solution
So, I was solving a question and OJ accepted my answer partly, I guess this is because of the time complexity of my code but I'm unable to optimize it further....
[4 replies] Last: r is number of strings till which it will check smallest LCP lexicogr... (by froufrouduck)
I want to "cout" every aparat that is bigger than vm but i don't know how to solve this error: 'class AparatElectronic' has no member named 'v_max'| class Ap...
[2 replies] Last: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example https://stac... (by Thomas1965)
by t009
Best way to approach beginner projects?
Some of the issues I had was understanding the instructions, which is something that happens often. Then when I try to find similar solutions, it sucks. As a ...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=t009]It took me 3 hours to get through steps 1-7 of a drill on ... (by Peter87)
by t009
Unable to Accept String Inputs in main() function after ending a seperate loop
I using only the main function I am trying to input strings into different variables while in a loop. Problem is after I 'Ctrl+z' the program returns 0 and clos...
[4 replies] Last: cin.clear(); works. I also used it for another code. Thanks! I don't ... (by t009)
by nonya
I can't figure out what to do
[5 replies] Last: @nonya u can use map to get the results faster (by closed account 3UohqMoL)
June 2018 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 19
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