Beginners - June 2017 (Page 5)

Solving a Maze using stacks
The code should print a path of 'x's from start( ) to end( ) by checking for an empty spot in the order of east,south,west and north. If there is no empty spo...
[2 replies] Last: That was a silly mistake, thank you. (by tfwrx254)
Assigning values to an int array from another file
Hello everybody, I have the code below that performs a time calibration on some data. The data is first acquired and stored in another file called dv_values....
[2 replies] Last: Great! Thanks. (by christianwos)
by omzy
Compiling separate files from project
Hello everyone, beginner CPP question here: I am looking to understand a big project composed of hundreds of .cpp and .hpp files. The project as a whole inclu...
[1 reply] : You would need to include "Address.hpp" in "test.cpp". When you build... (by MikeyBoy)
questions of structured data
I can understand the first row and last two rows. However, does anyone know what the remaining part means ????(line3-line16) especially for line3-line5 1 ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks,guys. I need to read constructor parts of c++. I never learn t... (by BigGoogle)
How can I implement vectors into my program?
I'm having trouble with what the author wants from me when he states, "Real randomness is too hard to provide just now, so just build a vector into the program,...
[13 replies] Last: You were talking about Handy Andy and you, were you? No it was you I... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Need help with C++ project
I am new to C++ and want to learn a lot, I have a project that I'm working on but can't seem to understand it at all. Here is the assignment: 1. The progr...
[13 replies] Last: I'm just a little lost on the project, can't seem to find a template... (by integralfx)
by zablas
Where can I get exercises for C++ OOP?
I always had problems with C++ OOP. Recently I’ve finished an online course on OOP and I don’t want to lose all the knowledge I’ve learned so I want to do...
[1 reply] : All the ones I've found were quite easy In my opinion, this indicates... (by mbozzi)
by ktkim
Hello, I have a problem counting the repeated words.
HI! I am reading Bjarne Stroustrup programming principles and practice using C++ 2nd. I am trying to count the repeated words. for example, if i input three sam...
[1 reply] : Your logic is a bit off here. Every time you input a word into curren... (by integralfx)
finding a letter in a string
So I'm trying to look for a certain amount of a specific letter in a given string. The letter is also inputted by the user. For some reason I am getting an infi...
[13 replies] Last: Yes, remember you need to reserve room for the end of string character... (by jlb)
Help a fellow programmer
I'm a very beginner programmer and I'm trying to create a multiple languages application in c++, am also using functions, I'd appreciate if anyone could show so...
[1 reply] : Line 42,47: You're using the assignment operator (=), not the compari... (by AbstractionAnon)
Class Score/ Average
So i built a simple loop/while program that asks for the amount of students in the class, and takes the individual score of each student, then averages them. It...
[1 reply] : It is considered best practice to always initialize your variables. T... (by AbstractionAnon)
Program is printing '0' with my Result
So I'm taking an introduction to C++ class at the university (really enjoying it), and we were asked to develop a program where we create our own grading thresh...
[4 replies] Last: thanks for the help guys!, This clarified it so much :) (by portpabs)
by jeancy
how to create a file named "Mobiledata.txt"containing information of 20 mobiles ,includes brand,model,price,color and usage time ? #include <iostream> #incl...
[5 replies] Last: Hints: Mobile.h: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <s... (by Enoizat)
Help Please!! Adding Kelvin conversion to program
My program converts temperature from F to C and vice versa. An option to also show the Kelvin units is also given and must be shown after the previous conversi...
[5 replies] Last: ne555 , that's a very good point. Something like: in main: char ch; ... (by dhayden)
Need help with a coin flip game and winnings
I need to make a coin flip game where you start with 10 dollars. It costs a dollar to play a correct guess adds two dollars to your bank. I am stuck with add...
[1 reply] : This might throw a bit of light on it: 1. toupper overcomes your if er... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
How do I do a play again loop?
I need to do an assignment where I have a game but I would like to add, would you like to play and after you play the game, ask if you would like to play again ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks. (by piratekingluffy)
by Nakruf
Pointer in struct hands me syntax error.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2143 syntax error: missing ';' before '*' Ares Engine d:\shared\ares engine\ares engine\are...
[1 reply] : The syntax of your code is ok. It seems the compiler doesn't know anyt... (by Thomas1965)
by yelyah
Linked List crashes all the time
So I am tryng to figure out Linked Lists. Explanation of code: gen_arr function generated random array generatePP generated linked list with element...
[4 replies] Last: Line 26: n is uninitialized. You should move this line to right after... (by dhayden)
COmparing NaN with a number
Hi, I am wondering what will happen if I want to get min of NaN and an arbitrary number? Best, waschbaer
[2 replies] Last: THanks (by waschbaer)
And operator in IF statement
I have an if statement that has two conditions, one is cheap to test, the other is comparatively expensive. If I separate them with an && and the first one fai...
[3 replies] Last: C+ uses short-circuit evaluation for && and || operators, for exac... (by dhayden)
June 2017 Pages: 1... 34567... 16
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