Beginners - June 2017 (Page 16)

Need help with pointer to pointer to function compile error
Hi, I have some experience with C but new to C++ and classes. I am having trouble compiling some code that looks like it has to do with the function definition...
[1 reply] : static void attachNewDevice(void (* handleNewDevice)(DW1000Device*)) ... (by mbozzi)
Program Crashing
Hello, im just starting to learn c++ and im writing a text based adventure game and its crashing after it was finished. UPDATE: I updated the code, getting e...
[12 replies] Last: I don't know what the hell I'm doing wrong If you provided the rest ... (by mbozzi)
From C++ to C
Hello everyone I am really unexperienced with C and more unexperienced with C++ I know this is really simple but I need to convert theese programs into C from ...
[3 replies] Last: How should i change the 2nd's code if(cin.get() == '\n') ? The equi... (by mbozzi)
Nested loops don't work well
hey there, im coding a little game and I want to create 9 xy-coordinates which cantain a character (A-I) and a Number (0-8). The coordinates should not be twice...
[2 replies] Last: The rand() is deprecated. One should use the tools that are in <random... (by keskiverto)
by Dagr
Hi guyz has someone a Algorithm of the Backgammon?
[1 reply] : (by AbstractionAnon)
by vern
Interfacing with sql
Hi people, I am a c# developer and very new to c++. At our company we have some legacy devices and currently require some changes to be made to them. The only...
[2 replies] Last: answered in (by zepher)
My Program Crashes after input
My C++ program crashes instantly (on Visual Studio 2015) when I input a license # don't know why does it crashes but it works correctly on Dev Compiler. I've ev...
[2 replies] Last: The problem is this: for (int j = i; j <= i && j >= 0; j--) ... (by coder777)
How can I convert an operator in a C++ class to work as a friend function?
Hello, I am trying to rewrite some example code as a friend function instead of an operator function. I have tried a new declaration in the prototype and be...
[7 replies] Last: Again to you, thanks again. I am just learning this from and old unive... (by Shishykish)
pointers with bank account
i'm having trouble figuring how to make a pointer to my main function from my account class and my derived checking account class and savings account class. th...
[2 replies] Last: since SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount are derived from Account cons... (by gunnerfunner)
I don't understand what this problem is trying to make me, can anyone explain it to me?
Can anyone explain specifically what this problem is trying to make me do? "Construct a class named Light that simulates a traffic light. The class’s col...
[3 replies] Last: Can you give me an example? an interpretation of how to get started,... (by gunnerfunner)
Help with Functions
UPDATE Hello, just started learning C++ and Im writing a little game. How would I get line 148-156 to rer...
[7 replies] Last: The easiest way is a simple loop. bool chest_opened = false; do... (by AbstractionAnon)
by xxvms
Hi Guys :) what book(s) do you think everyone who is developing C++ should read? thanks :)
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges thank you :) (by xxvms)
Changing program to use arrays.
I'm pretty new to programing and quite honestly I am struggling to learn it. I have been working on beginner programs that I find online but I can't seem to get...
[2 replies] Last: ... change this loan program I wrote to use arrays ... arrays (ei... (by gunnerfunner)
June 2017 Pages: 1... 141516
  Archived months: [may2017] [jul2017]

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