Beginners - June 2016 (Page 25)

by avjal
Program to find all prime numbers between 1 to 30
I have written following code..but it is not working.plzz help // Program to find all prime numbers between 1 t0 30 #include<iostream> using namespace ...
[2 replies] Last: it looks like you have two separate if statements one in the while loo... (by Hirokachi)
Enum Confusion
Hey, I am having difficulties with using a enum to store the available commands for a Textadventure that I am creating for fun. I have looked at the two follow...
[6 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon: Ah thanks for that information and the webpage. That... (by Hirokachi)
Reading a formatted text file
Hello everyone. I'm still quite new to C++. I have to read a file like this: NAME example INPUTS 3 OUTPUTS 2 NETS 3 // this is a comment GATES ...
[1 reply] : Have you looked into using a regex function template? The following... (by Hirokachi)
by slex04
With the function below the question is what is " value" when '/' is entered. Yes the answer is 28. But how does the program get to that. Please explain the bas...
[1 reply] : Read up on switch fallthrough. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by slex04
Could someone please assist. The question here is c? and I know C = 10. But can someone please explain how that is possible? #include <iostream> using n...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you that made so much sense. I appreciate it. Its actually much ... (by slex04)
by Neo7
Simple functions problem
Hi. I'm very much a noob here. This code should be asking for a guess via the console, and then printing it back to them. It's not working as I would expect. Ca...
[4 replies] Last: Are you saying that my "string WriteGuess = GetGuess();" is where I c... (by Arslan7041)
by Irhcsa
@ symbol
What is the Virtual Key Code for the "@" symbol? Can't find it on the list or anywhere else. Places I've checked:
[3 replies] Last: (by Thomas1965)
Linked list with only one pointer?
Given struct Node{ int data; Node *next; }; Node *head; how do I allocate three nodes where head points to the first node? I am not allowed ...
[3 replies] Last: You need to set the last notes next pointer to NULL to mark that you a... (by bluesman)
What is the linked list doing?
struct Node{ int data; Node *next; }; Node *n1, *n2; n1 = new Node; n2 = new Node; n1->data = 1; n2->data = 2; n1->next = n2; n2->next = n1...
[2 replies] Last: from the struct Node you create 2 objects: n1 and n2. a Note object h... (by bluesman)
by ebto
Question with Calendar Program
My question with this program, Is how I should configure my code so I can pass the tests and for it to display the calendar as shown here: Number of days: 30 ...
[no replies]
Homework Help Please :)
[2 replies] Last: I couldn't get your homework question here. Can you post it again. (by studentlance)
do/while Loop not working
I cannot for the life of me figure out why this loop is not working. It should restart the program when a user selects one of the valid inputs, but instead the ...
[2 replies] Last: You, sir, are a saint and a scholar. Thank you so much! (by Diabolique)
Is there a command to flosh or clear variable values ?
I want to try to reuse variables is there any way possible I cannot find an example or answer?
[3 replies] Last: make an object that store a value in a variable and you the instance a... (by Ericool)
Trouble with creating class to handle array objects
This program is supposed to track rainfall statistics, but something is wrong with either the class declaration/implementation. Any help would be greatly apprec...
[5 replies] Last: they were returning value but they were not use by the cout instance, ... (by Ericool)
Modifying the program
Write your question here. It is asking for me to modify the program so that the user inputs both values to be tested for equality. Make sure you have a prompt ...
[7 replies] Last: Yup. (by AbstractionAnon)
pointers to array (dynamic arrays)
Are you allowed to have pointers to some int and have that same pointer array act as a normal array later on in the program? Here is what I'm supposed to do: ...
[no replies]
June 2016 Pages: 1... 232425
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