Beginners - June 2016 (Page 21)

by nbro
Implement a Queue with a single buffer without allocating more memory
Hi! I'm trying to create a queue with a single dynamic allocated buffer, which means that I don't want to allocate more memory for temporary variables, etc. Th...
[5 replies] Last: thank you (by shadder)
Problem with executing other functions in class
In the class Metode1 I made the void brug2 function to use the variables from the class A_class. For some reason it seems like it is not executing the other fun...
[2 replies] Last: For some reason it seems like it is not executing the other functions... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Always the same random number - 2.
I always get the same number - 2... How to use random function correctly, to get a random number, not always the same? #include <iostream> #include <cs...
[1 reply] : for generating different number every time you have to use srand http... (by shadder)
distance between points
not sure how to complete this. would it be ok to create and use one more distance function with different arguments. Using VS 15 #include "stdafx.h" #inc...
[2 replies] Last: thanks buddy (by codetojoy)
by jjq57
Why does it output a number instead of a letter #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { char theChar; cout <...
[2 replies] Last: 1 - Do not use #include<string> , you're not using it anywhere. 2 - U... (by taha ilyas)
Pi and e to x approximation
Im supposed to write an e^x approximation using a taylor series (link to taylor series pdf
[8 replies] Last: Thank you i wanna try that cause i really am interested in programming... (by frantheman27)
Cyclic Array || Wrap-around Array
I've been trying to solve different problems with arrays(through pointers). Yesterday, I came across a problem which is giving me a lot of trouble. The purpose...
[2 replies] Last: @kemort - Thanks very much. Such a simple solution to such a complicat... (by taha ilyas)
Project Euler #13
I am having trouble trying to solve problem 13 in project Euler. The problem asks me to add 100 numbers that are 50 digits long, my take on the solution was to ...
[7 replies] Last: > to know the first 10 digits for the answer that's your hint. You don... (by ne555)
by anun
Hey, I just began coding today and I need help with this code ( when I try to execute it says it has 2 errors).Thanks! #include <iostream> int a,b,c,r; int m...
[3 replies] Last: Don't be afraid of using white space and clear output text. #include... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Need help on Priority Queue Implementations
Hi Everyone, I need implementations of Priority Queue by using ordered array,unordered array,ordered linked list and unordered linked list and also for th...
[no replies]
I dont know where im going wrong. can anyone help please?
This is supposed to be my input file John Smith A Sue Jones C Ray Adams B This should be my output file Smith, John, Zone A, $75.00 Jones, Sue, Zone C, ...
[7 replies] Last: It worked when I replaced outFile << output.holderLName; with outFi... (by Thomas1965)
by Bopaki
How can I fix this error
Write your question here. On line 11: head = new Node(null); The IDE gives an error on this code. Put the code you need help with here. public class Fi...
[2 replies] Last: @Necip, this code looks like Java to me. AFAIK in Java you can't have... (by Thomas1965)
My code wont extract the file can someone please help?
This should be my input file John Smith A Sue Jones C Ray Adams B And this should be my output file Smith, John, Zone A, $75.00 Jones, Sue, Zone C, $30.00 Adams...
[6 replies] Last: I showed you the problem in your other post. Why two posts? http://www... (by Thomas1965)
Urgent Responce Required
I was given an assignment to overload + and - operator i want to confirm that my logic is well or not? The program runs fine #include<conio.h> #includ...
[4 replies] Last: what difference it makes if i write + instead of ++ thats just a name... (by cire)
I can't seem to grasp the concept of Arrays
Is there any easier way to look at arrays? Basically how to manipulate them, perhaps change them into strings if determining for example, which flavor (Hot, Med...
[9 replies] Last: Ok it's clear to me now, thanks Arslan7041 (by closed account 3voN6Up4)
End of Job
I am new to programming and C++ I am taking a principles of programming class and also new to this forum. My lab question was to take this program and determin...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much I was so discouraged today! So much to remember. (by weyekin03)
by GonlyG
Empty Output in Pythagorean Triple program
I am given the sum of a pythagorean triple and must deduce what the hypotenuse squared is. But my output is empty. #include <iostream> using namespace st...
[6 replies] Last: thanks guys. (by GonlyG)
help me to start programming
hey i know few things about c++ ,but,i want to start with known track and sources , i want projects from the very beginning to the very advanced with sources th...
[2 replies] Last: great thanks alot :D (by madomado60)
program crashes when enter struct array element
My program will allow the user to input a enter data to fill an array of the struct animal. for some reason when ever the first element gets filled it crashes t...
[3 replies] Last: It works now thank you for the help. (by dmcoub78)
by Sam1
type long integers
I want to use very long intergers. Which type do I use for integers having 25 million positionen. Sam1
[3 replies] Last: Use an arbitrary precision integer library. GMP with the civilized ... (by JLBorges)
June 2016 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 25
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