Beginners - June 2016 (Page 17)

Can someone help explain this function
Below is a function from chapter 13.5, compiles and works fine. I cant understand how or why it works. My confusion comes with the switch statement...
[no replies]
understand memory/pointers
Hi guys I'm reading Alex Allains jumping into c++ book and I'm on the pointer/memory section and one thing that is confusing me is I'm not sure how you "can acc...
[2 replies] Last: There is a memory management system, which manages the allocated memor... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
why does my program not crash
Hi guys I'm learning about memory,and I was expecting this program to crash as I allocated memory in the heap to a pointer but I then deallocated the memory yet...
[7 replies] Last: thanks guys clears things up abit =) (by adam2016)
Need help with classes
I don't know what I'm doing..Or how to do any of this. I missed class for a week due to an illness and the teacher just tells me to figure it out. Here's the...
[6 replies] Last: You need to use getline() (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Problem Comparing Strings to Ints
Teaching myself C++, but I have come across a problem in my book that I cannot get past. Here it is: Color Mixer The colors red, blue, and yellow are ...
[7 replies] Last: pyos thank you for taking your time to help me ! jlb and kemort gave ... (by Wetster)
by z1s
trying to create a method with special variable name
Hi there! I am pretty much a beginner probably trying to hack together something a little more advanced than I should! Any and all advice is greatly appreciat...
[no replies]
comparing elements of one vector with another
So, as per my self-study of vectors, I was testing to see if I could manage to blacklist a set of words, then build a vector from user input and then 'bleep' ou...
[4 replies] Last: You can you use a simple for loop instead. bool badWord (const string... (by Thomas1965)
by pyos
string output with struct dynamic array
Beginner here, obviously. Could anyone help me understand what I would need to do to fix my code. When it gets to input contributor name, it skips to the ptr...
[4 replies] Last: yeah, the lesson had me using array when vectors would have been ideal... (by pyos)
How to compile library
I have downloaded stanfordcpp library. What should i do now to use that library as a standard library. So that when i include any header file in stanford librar...
[1 reply] : reference I used from another developer website 'how to' 1) put the h... (by pyos)
C++ Compilers
Background (since my 1st post) I started programming before C or C++ even existed. This was back in the old punch card days where we used to have to read the h...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your feedback and links. This should get me going... (by dw85745)
Overloaded Operators
Hello guys, I need your help, please have a look at the following code I get error as following: no match for operator *(operand types are'doubles and 'lists') ...
[7 replies] Last: You have the right idea overloading the * operator, but as you've writ... (by AbstractionAnon)
[4 replies] Last: Enterprises definitely must request handled. tunkha777, I do want to ... (by DrZoidberg)
by Sayay
Binary2Decimal and Vise verse
Guys helps, am creating the program of c++ to calculate BinaryNumber and vise versa using switch case but i end up with so much error Iam using the following c...
[3 replies] Last: if(res%10 == 0 || res%10 == 1) // <-- { // <-- cout << "The Decim... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Store strings
Hello everyone, I'm stuck with this problem. For example, I have a text file: "Hello I Am Liz Hurley" How can I load the file and store "Hello" for str1,...
[6 replies] Last: My pleasure. On reflection the adaptation might need a hint: if (inF... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by mrsh
Eigenvalue and eigenvector
Hi,I would like to ask about eigenvalue and eigenvector , I manually calculate eigenvalue for this matrix [5,1,-2,2] and the answer are 3 and 4 . However when ...
[2 replies] Last: My question is why the coding above give different value of eigenvalue (by mrsh)
error: 'cout' was not declared in this scope
I am trying to use a program to calculate BMI with modules. I have started with the following code (could be very wrong but I am a beginner). Can someone help m...
[4 replies] Last: The problem with using namespace std; is that it can cause naming co... (by TheIdeasMan)
Getline problem
can someone help me? i just make my code with linked list but there is a problem when i compile the code getline(cin,position -> firstname) not worked and jump ...
[1 reply] : Add a line cin.ignore(); before getline as a start to solving your p... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
copiar de manera inversa entre archivos
int main(int argc,char **argv){ vector<string> skynya; vector<string>::reverse_iterator it; string text; if(argc!=3){ cout<<"er...
[6 replies] Last: @ne555 Thanks :+) > Conversely copy A danger in using Google Tran... (by TheIdeasMan)
by crepe6
Program stops when Input message is too big
I want the program to output a permutation of the entire string p input. The problem is that when the string is bigger than the permu string it freezes. thank...
[7 replies] Last: yeah you guys are right. The input string exceeds the size of the perm... (by crepe6)
[3 replies] Last: Now that it has replies it can't be deleted. Don't worry about this ex... (by Zhuge)
June 2016 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 25
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