Beginners - June 2016 (Page 12)

Memory Leak
Hey all. I am having trouble with, what I believe is a massive memory leak. My goal is to display a 3d sinusoidal surface using OpenGL. To do that I make an XY ...
[17 replies] Last: On a 32bit build only 4GB are usable and this might not be enough. htt... (by Thomas1965)
Cin nothing for nothing?
Hello forum, i have an mini snake in development, but i see at line 19-21, when i give the "ch" value, after pressing enter it requer to press another enter to ...
[3 replies] Last: You use ch at line 71 and you use kp at line 24. If you skip one of t... (by AbstractionAnon)
Member Functions
So, I have this class called Bracket: class Bracket { public: Bracket(string, location); string getdata() const; private: string location; }; Th...
[3 replies] Last: I don't think you want to derive Team from Bracket. Using the IS A a... (by AbstractionAnon)
Need help with Deleting string.
So I have to write function void Delete() which can be used to delete a string of data by inputting the Name of the employee I want to delete. #include<st...
[no replies]
compiler showing error illegal use of pointer
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> long fact(int n) ; int i; int main() {clrscr(); long a, n; cout<<"enter the number "; cin>>n; fact(n); c...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> long fact(long number); int main() { long nu... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Migrate XLL to 64 Bit
Hi, I have to migrate a code from 32 bit to 64 bit. VBA is calling a XLL. Both XLA and XLL are compiling without errors as well in 32 Bit as in 64 bit. In...
[no replies]
Switching between reading individual word strings to multiple word strings
Hi, I have written the following code to input data from a text file, My question is how to modify the input to accept a ful line for the 'Firt Line ' parameter...
[1 reply] : You may want to consider getting the complete line with getline() for ... (by jlb)
by mmgh
What is ***p?
Hello I am a kind of new in C and C++ so I have a simple question. Lets say we have variable int var; then int *pt = &var int **ppt = &pt But now I ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int a = 333; int* p1 = &a; i... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Where is cin?
In chapter 10 (input and output streams) of "Programming principle and practice using C++" in the part that manage bad input, i've found this function: in...
[3 replies] Last: No, there are two functions named "get_int": int get_int();   i... (by Duthomhas)
need a program that would do this...
Hi everyone! I have a problem for C++ gurus! I'm not a programmer but I've installed CodeBlocks 16.01 for Linux on my computer to be able to compile and e...
[16 replies] Last: Have a look in the jobs section. Probably you will find someone there.... (by Thomas1965)
Array by calling function
Hello ! I have a, hopefully quick question. I my code below i've made an array that has 100 zeroes in it. After that i make a function that makes random ...
[10 replies] Last: :) (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
What is the use of const keyword in functions?
I have seen a lot of examples where const is used instead of only declaring a constant how does the const keyword function there. For example: ...
[2 replies] Last: const means constant, can't be changed, read-only (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Finding Min and Max, output number that not assign?
I have 2 codes that display the min and max. the first code didnt understand why it output 1 for the min, where is the compiler getting one. the second code, i ...
[3 replies] Last: if that assignment happened before the first loop grade is uninitia... (by coder777)
I DON;T understand anything
Write your question here. Which programming language to start first as a game developer? I just can't understand any programming language .Be it C++ , J...
[2 replies] Last: How much time it would take to make a game like Gothic 1 , 2 excluding... (by Razzgoku)
Creating a simple text game
I'm creating a simple text game. The code is too long, I'll just give an idea:-- You're in a house,would you like to go up ,basement or remain here. (upstai...
[17 replies] Last: >Necip My game has a wider storyline, but my coding is simple. I have ... (by killbox)
I want to make a C++ interpreter, using a C++ IDE. It would take input from the user ,and execute that input. So ,if the user entered "cout<<"hello"<<endl;" (...
[3 replies] Last: Ok , does seem advanced to me. Leaving it for now. (by killbox)
by kycat
Need help with classes
This is what I am doing, Write a class, SalesCls, that contains two attributes (salesAmount and SalesRep). The class must have a constructor and a member functi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by kycat)
Don't understand boolean function variation
For self-study, I've been working on loops and functions and such, and wrote a fairly obvious little program to take user input and output all of the primes up ...
[4 replies] Last: Why does the code above work then? Without any return true, the bool ... (by Chervil)
Grouping subset into larger size sets
I'd like to write a program that given a list of sets will output sets of larger size. Building them choosing only from the input sets. i.e. If I have the fol...
[9 replies] Last: I'm looking for a solutions that increase the input sets size of a uni... (by stinostino)
Why won't searchitem 2 work when complied?
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () { char search; float searchitem; string bookname; float bookcopy; float bo...
[5 replies] Last: Here's a cleaned up version of your code that is far easier to read: ... (by AbstractionAnon)
June 2016 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 25
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