by Hcode91
How to decrement a value within a loop?
[2 replies] Last: Feel incredibly stupid now. 'i' didn't even need to be present. Markin... (by Hcode91)
by rex21
First output is always wrong in do-while loop?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you, MiiNiPaa. Actually I initially wrote the code with While lo... (by rex21)
by Xentro
Map/Set iterators not incrementable.
[10 replies] Last: Ok you fixed it, it was indeed the call of my CheckMonsters function w... (by Xentro)
by calz
Change every four letter word to 'love"
[15 replies] Last: Thank you very much guyz. (by calz)
by composter
object variable does not stay the same, why?
[4 replies] Last: Overall, the rabbit::rabbit( int r ) { int b = r%10; int rabbitAg... (by keskiverto)
by Ch1156
Why doesnt this work?
[2 replies] Last: ah ok thank you. (by Ch1156)
by Arslan7041
Trying to understand this program?
[3 replies] Last: A function can be implicitely converted to pointer to it. So an addres... (by MiiNiPaa)
Unique Pointers |
[2 replies] Last: Use the reset(...) member of unique_ptr: unqSaPtr .reset (new Savings... (by coder777)
by cCppLearner
clearing c buffer
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
by Labyrinth
How to continue getline, find keywords.
[9 replies] Last: never mind, I see you changing the value of a1out and then resetting i... (by SamuelAdams)
by Elzcode
Summary of number of times program runs
[6 replies] Last: @Elzcode, Here I have used the while loop and only implemented plus ... (by CodeWriter)
by jpanther
array bounds checking while reading data
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! By adding that other flag, solved everything. Than... (by jpanther)
by nofish
const char*
[9 replies] Last: - pchar 0x00417838 "123456789" const char * 49 '1' const char (by Dmytro)
by Arslan7041
Member initialization lists in composition?
[7 replies] Last: Actual or admitted date of birth? Andy (by andywestken)
by cCppLearner
C scanf error
[no replies]
by spsrijan
Program crashes for generated string
[4 replies] Last: okay :) (by spsrijan)
by madara
string pallindrome
[5 replies] Last: And remember, variables are not automatically inititlized in C++ so if... (by andywestken)
by krammer1280
Help: nested while loop pattern
[4 replies] Last: Please, do not delete your posts, it is rude for everyone who helps yo... (by MiiNiPaa)
Printing a string of Characters and integers |
[3 replies] Last: Why can't you just get the Powershell script to read the file? Or wil... (by andywestken)