Beginners - June 2014 (Page 39)

Help with Temperature Program with Arrays
Hello everyone, I'm having a difficult time with a program for class and cannot figure out what is wrong with the code. Any help would be appreciated! Here i...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! I've been working on this program for so long and it all ha... (by TheRealMoses)
[7 replies] Last: minimial as the lowest one in all the points in the file (by MeriemMer)
Starting Over
I'm an old COBOL coder, retired for medical reasons, cancer, have had chemo and radiation, and have done nothing the programming field for 14 years. Today I'm c...
[1 reply] : Glad to hear you're doing well now. I used to work with COBOL too, and... (by Chervil)
What is the "&" operator in the return type of a function?
Hello. I stacked at the point & operator. I don't know so many things about & reference operator and i'm searching on the web. My question is that to put refer...
[2 replies] Last: There is no such thing as a reference operator. int& f() is a funct... (by cire)
Sales Bar Chart
I am writing a program that asks the user to enter sales for five stores and should have a bar graph below right now I dont have the bargraph labeled I just wan...
[1 reply] : The sales array holds integer types - at line 20 you're trying to put ... (by wildblue)
Hello, Im starting my journey with vectors. Lets say I got a vector of ints with data like 10, 20, 30. I would like to put a 15 between 10 and 20 how to do this...
[7 replies] Last: Wow dude thanks a lot. Ive never seen anyone(on this forum) explaning ... (by Furjoza)
by ohad
hi hi
sopuse to be tow pointers that the first pointer is a string and the second is an empty char that puts out the same string from the first pointer but only as mu...
[11 replies] Last: char* is a pointer . All pointers are about the same size, const o... (by keskiverto)
I have been studying files for a while, but actually we see so many different things on the web to do (it seems) the same thing sometimes. Many people suggest t...
[11 replies] Last: Ok, thanks again! (by closed account jvqpDjzh)
by tdk93
error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
I don't understand the error which the following program gives on compilation. int a = 10,b; a >= 5 ? b = 100 : b= 200; printf("%d\n",b); ...
[5 replies] Last: In C, the ternary operator has a higher priority than = and your cod... (by cire)
by tdk93
comparison between 0.7 and float f = 0.7
The following program prints hi while logically it should print hello, I can't understand the problem float a = 0.7; if(0.7 > a) printf("hi...
[5 replies] Last: Perhaps the following will shed some light: #include <iostream> #inc... (by cire)
Need Help With IF Statements
I need some help with my program. I was writing a text-based game and used an if statement in my game, but wrote this other "simple" program to see if someone c...
[6 replies] Last: no i don't know how to use loops yet, i just started coding like 5 day... (by BLANKE)
Why use .cpp files for classes?
Hi. I was wondering: when I create a new class in C++, it's generally said that it should go in a separate file. So, in order to achieve that, you create a se...
[3 replies] Last: I see! Thanks. (by Northern)
pointers, array, functions (1,2)
Hey guys I'm too messing with pointers, arrays(oneD, multiD) and arrays(oneD, multiD) as parameters and returns of functions. so far I've collected this info...
[27 replies] Last: thanks to all of you my mid exams are starting day after tomorrow so m... (by danicpp)
i'm new to c++ and i'm not an informaticien I have a mini project and i don't have enough time, could any one help me :(
[1 reply] : (by cire)
by alsade
problem with splitting program to header and cpp files
im trying to split a program to 3 different files (header ,cpp and main.cpp). the program worked when they were all in the same file but now after i splitted t...
[3 replies] Last: Move line 12 of tsm.h to tsm.cpp. Do not define variables in header f... (by cire)
My console application keeps getting shut down by something. I don't know what. I am rather sure that the problem is confined to this function: void ArrayOu...
[5 replies] Last: cire: I can't believe I didn't notice that. The variable 'h' should al... (by Perry Turner)
How can I develop PS4,PS3 or XBox games?
As I wrote in the title....... How can I make a PS3 or a PS4 game??? If I cant then how can I make XBox kinect games??? I already learnt C++ programming. What d...
[10 replies] Last: isn't there any engine that renders and supports networking??? (by Gameman)
by Sefi
creating templated iterator
I use c++11. I wrote a priority queue and an iterator class for it. But when I use the iterator I have to write: for(Iterator<int,int> iterator=pq.begin();i...
[4 replies] Last: auto works fine, Thanks! (and I also tried the first option but I gues... (by Sefi)
by stlund
Need help with "rand" values in a guessing game.
Im trying to get a guessing game to work. I want the user to think of a number between 1 and 100, and let the computer guess the number in 7 tries or less. ...
[13 replies] Last: Got it to work now! thx for the help everybody! the diagnostic tip mad... (by stlund)
by Zunain
Logical Error
Hi guys,I'm new to C++, I have written a code which includes inheritance and I have to use the "Arguments Constructor(child class)" to pass certain values to th...
[4 replies] Last: in the book,Object Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore, it wa... (by Zunain)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 3738394041... 48
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