Beginners - June 2014 (Page 38)

Want to say Hello
Well im craig 28 from essex in england im mainly a roadside mechanic Fixing cars not code so any advise on cars im ur man and well help how ever i can i sta...
[no replies]
Allocating normal variables (int ?) ?
Hi, I getting familiar with allocating, but all I have been allocating is arrays int numberstocount, numbers ; int* p_numbers = numbers; cou...
[3 replies] Last: It work. Exactly like it should. What your problem with it? If you wa... (by MiiNiPaa)
Switch not working
My problem is on line 12. When I assign tempNum = 0, the program doesn't make the switch to the RECIPT case it just loops the request for an Item Number. Why d...
[5 replies] Last: I wouldn't do this with switch at all. If you always go into the INITI... (by Serious Sam)
Core dump after using memcpy
The core dump happens on the first step of "delete game.board ;" (line 65)... This only happens when memcpy() (line 77) is used. What I am trying to do is cop...
[2 replies] Last: Also when you will try to modify your board later, you will modify str... (by MiiNiPaa)
Cannot find the error
We were told that there is a major error with this code but it still manages to run. I know it has something to do with passing by reference and the pointers bu...
[2 replies] Last: As MiiNiPaa has said, the function returns a pointer to a variable whi... (by xismn)
by dvvahe
sort algorithm
HI there is a string of 0 and 1, e.g. 00010111010 I want to sort it. 2 pairs can be switched on each step. help me please
[3 replies] Last: 10 1 01 0→0 11 1 00 →000111 Also I did not find any mentions tha... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Sgreen
Loss of integer
Hello, I am practicing a problem in Ch3 of Friedman c++ book, where functions are introduced. The problem is: Write a function that calculates the elapsed ti...
[11 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int timeDifference(int, in... (by Maharaja)
bool true/false print out
So im reading a book on C++ and it asked me to input this code. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout.setf(ios base::boola...
[3 replies] Last: You can also do std::cout << std::boolalpha; or std::cout.boolalpha... (by giblit)
The point to using classes
I'm making a program that has a lot of functions, but my teacher told me to use a class. Why do I need a class?
[6 replies] Last: I want to add I totally can relate and that trying to get why OOD (obj... (by Bdanielz)
Help in porting C to python
Hello, I need a small help in porting this code to python. I can't understand the l...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! Can you port it to python? (by Omega11)
[Win 64] confused with constructors
I have to make changes to a previous lab I've done according to the instructor's requirements, and I'm totally confused with how to create the new class (String...
[3 replies] Last: sorry about it, I have formatted my code :P (by s2734d512)
No match for operator error.
This is a code I am trying to run from C++ Primer by Lippman. However, I am getting this error in line 12. No match for operator in "std::cin>>item1" #incl...
[9 replies] Last: Well, it seems as though either the book hasn't explained things very ... (by Chervil)
Does memory address changes ?
Hi ! I am currently learning C++, I am now experimenting with Pointers. now I created a very tiny program that says the memory address of x now I noticed that...
[2 replies] Last: They change ,you don't have to care about them and that's one of the b... (by a k n)
storing variables function
I'm not sure how to really call the function Seconds and store the result in two different variables clock_one and clock_two. The user is supposed to input the ...
[6 replies] Last: thank you so much!! that solves everything (by serrld113)
Pokemon code help
The point of this program is to make a chart of the pokemon stats for the amount of pokemons i have listed. I got it to do this part just fine, however the next...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! But i was wanting something using the headers i h... (by mattarrules)
How to iterate through a vector
I have a vector of a class type. This class has a protected member variable called characterType, which is a string, and a public member function that returns t...
[3 replies] Last: Wow, thank you for putting so much work into answering this! I would h... (by hinesro)
hey guys so I am completely stumped, this is a homework project that I am working on and I dont know how to move forward. Create a program that reads the fi...
[2 replies] Last: line 20 or 22: double salary1, salary2, salary3, salary4, salary5; ... (by closed account jvqpDjzh)
Cplusplus Tutorial
Hi all. Just a quick few questions if that's ok. I have a PDF version of the tutorial on this site. It is dated June 2007. Is the tutorial on the website mo...
[1 reply] : Probably something have changed, I might say. But of course the core o... (by closed account jvqpDjzh)
DirectX tutorial!!!!!!!
I need a DirectX tutorial :'(
[2 replies] Last: OK (by Gameman)
Linked list and delete code
My code to delete nodes of a linked list works fine, but it crashes when I try to delete something that is not on the list. The cout statement wont even show ...
[3 replies] Last: On line 19 you do access lead->id before you know that lead is not nul... (by keskiverto)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 48
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