Beginners - June 2014 (Page 35)

How to add under menu
How to add under menu #include <iostream> using namespace std; int vtoromenu(); int main() { int janr(); void pesen(); void izpulnitel(); int...
[no replies]
How to inherit constructors
I've been through the internet and back, trying to looks for forum posts or tutorials on how to inherit a constructor from a parent class to a child class. I un...
[4 replies] Last: Using keyword has several meanings depending on context. What you ne... (by MiiNiPaa)
Hash functions
I am totally new to this site as i am also a beginner in c++. I need help in coding this please. Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter as many word...
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by MiiNiPaa)
global variables vs local variables
Good morning all. I'm a newbie in c++ and i'm writing a prog to exchange from a currency to another. In my prog i use a variable and an array in almost al...
[5 replies] Last: Tahnks all for the replies! (by disgrace)
Read from a file of names? Input Validation?
Hi. This is an assignment I have and need some help with...any thoughts? Do Not Fly List Write a program to be used by TSA officials to bar people from flying...
[6 replies] Last: How would I have Microsoft Visual Studio open a file that is a web pa... (by Chervil)
How can I stop X from falling down
Hi ! I am currently creating a game to internalize all the things I have learned. The game is called Choose The Path (stupid name eh), where player have 2 wa...
[3 replies] Last: Whole drawing loop. (actually it is better to place sleep between draw... (by MiiNiPaa)
by leo255
Benefit of function returning reference to object vs void?
Hi all, I'm kind of just wondering what the benefit is of having an object as a return type, vs just using void. If I were doing something like the following...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks helios, not only did I not know that, but I was doing method ch... (by leo255)
Need Help with Linked List Dating Service
Hi all I have been struggling with this program for quite awhile. I can't seem to get the PRINTFREE and PRINTMATCH commands to work right. I seen a similar prob...
[1 reply] : Here is my codes: #include "Client.h" Client :: Client() {numInt... (by solemnservant)
Function not declared in the scope??
This program in not completed. I am creating a large program in order to calculate a company's weekly payroll. For now I am filling in the separate functions pi...
[2 replies] Last: I capitalized the "The" but now it is saying OpenTheFile is not declar... (by MissPrimrose)
How would you go about writing this program?
I am taking an advanced programming class this summer and I am struggling with it. I have an assignment due tomorrow and I need to figure out how to go about wr...
[16 replies] Last: He's just saying to use a text editor as opposed to something like not... (by admkrk)
return 0 in function
How do you return 0; in a function? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int a(){ cout<<"hi"; return 0; } int main(){ while(true)...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much people! The problem is solved! (by BobTheZealotIsEpic)
Explaining a piece of code
Hello, this piece of code below is taken from a public member function of a class. Can anyone please explains what is happening in line 2 and 3. For example I a...
[4 replies] Last: MiNiPaa Thanks for the explanation. (by Alqhtani)
ToUpper() and ToLower()
I would like to create my own ToUpper() and ToLower() functions (for my String class) without using STL support classes. The only idea that came out is to use t...
[2 replies] Last: Also you should check range of input to avoid conversion of non-letter... (by MiiNiPaa)
Do/ while help??
Write a C++ program that will calculate the average of each student, as well as the class average. In a Loop, either a While, or Do/While you will input thr...
[2 replies] Last: something like: cout << "How many students are there?" cin >> numstud... (by closed account z6f9LyTq)
using a variable in function and int main
I have a problem with using variables in the int main and a function like a void . #include <iostream> using namespace std; void hi(){ int a =...
[6 replies] Last: The function tutorial (linked by Chervil) has a section about argumen... (by keskiverto)
by odin39
Where to define template classes and functions?
I have a decent understanding of how templates work and what their purpose is, but I'm having trouble with putting the definition in the correct place (linker e...
[6 replies] Last: keskiverto, Good point, I didn't notice that when I simplified the cod... (by odin39)
lower than
Hi, I have a file, each line contains coordinates (x,z), i need to get the points where z<1.4 !! How can I do it ?
[3 replies] Last: You can see it here: (by MiiNiPaa)
by CDavis
outputting multipule looping statements
I've been working on this program for school all day and after a lot of trial and error I have it working correctly except for the very last part. At the end I ...
[3 replies] Last: In for loops, you type the last condition like this: for ( int qui... (by BobTheZealotIsEpic)
by ohad
i want
i want that every pointer from the array of the second pointers array will point only 'n' letters from the first pointers arrays.. it works with only arrays.. ...
[4 replies] Last: Shouldn't you name your question to your problem? (by BobTheZealotIsEpic)
I have created an operator+ function for my class string, but I have a problem related to the direction of the assignement: My function is this: String& String...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=zwilu]Should I overload the operator+ for all the situations th... (by Catfish666)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 3334353637... 48
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