Beginners - June 2014 (Page 23)

by Sgreen
How to show debugging statements?
Hello, I am studying a section of the book that briefly describes debugging. It does not explain how to add debugging statements properly however, and so I am a...
[4 replies] Last: the value of the loop control variable at the start of each ... (by Sgreen)
Function call
This program is designed to help students practice addition and subtraction. It works the first time through, but for some reason it doesn't pull the sum1 func...
[8 replies] Last: That is an excellent point. Thank you for the advice. (by jynx678)
What will be result/errors in code - practice Pointers
Ok, i have some samples and i need help. The question is what will appear on the screen after running the code; only some parts of the code are given. Second t...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not going to tell you to Google, I reserve that for concepts that ... (by Computergeek01)
by h4ever
How to install filesystem library (boost)
Where can I download the library? I read description how to install it but there is that I should run bootstrap.bat but this calls files which does not exists l...
[2 replies] Last: I have the boost on disk already, also reading the documentation of fi... (by h4ever)
Receives object by reference???
Hello ! I am having a problem understanding this program. Mainly the purpose of line 41" void storeValues(InventoryItem&); // Receives an object by referen...
[2 replies] Last: Ohh, I see! So it...saves it in a way so it doesn't disappear when you... (by NookLines)
Save and Load text file (character start)
In a rpg that i am working on in the console i have made it so that the character starts at position x = 1 y = 1 in an array. the array looks like this: c...
[2 replies] Last: oh yeah i know that. but still if i change it to level = '@'; it sti... (by Antone333)
Constructor: don't understand what book is saying?
I've read over this section a couple of times but I don't understand this at all?? Could someone please explain to me what this means? The bolded is the the ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help!! (by NookLines)
Hello, I decided to write a program as follows: Write a program that prompts the user to enter three integer values, and then outputs the values in numerical ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi @pacman here is 2 of the 6 possible combinations; (as @wildblue sai... (by eyenrique)
Want to ask something...
Hey guys, I know that what i'm about to ask is a time consuming thing, but i'm starting to learn c++ and just made a simple prog to calculate currency exchange...
[4 replies] Last: Seems no more tips... (by disgrace)
Struct with vector, error C2679.
Hello, I would like to display the data which is in my vector. When Im trying to compile my program an error like this apears: error C2679: binary '[' : no ...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks for your replies guys. It works :D I made it the way cover777 h... (by Furjoza)
C++ errors ,unsure of problem
I am new to C++ and have a code that I need to fix. I am using C++ Visual Studio Express 2010. I am getting multiple errors and I am unsure of how to fix them C...
[2 replies] Last: You can only have one main function. The compiler error about ambiguou... (by wildblue)
Balanced parentheses - linked list and stack problem
I have to make a code, that checks if parentheses are balanced using stack and linked list. Here is the code that my friend made for me , without explaining(i d...
[15 replies] Last: node *link; //node that points to link? why? It is variable called ... (by MiiNiPaa)
classes and headers
hi, I have two classes Person and People. People is a vector of person type. class Person{ string name; int age }; class People{ vector<Per...
[10 replies] Last: normally with global variables i Declare the extern in a header file... (by rafae11)
Outputting using the STD OUTPUT HANDLE PROBLEM
How can I display my inputted values here without overwriting the other earlier inputted values (Sorry, I'm running out of english words). It should be displaye...
[13 replies] Last: Bubble sort the list of objects, then run through the list checking i... (by Codermik)
Trying to modify Lynx Text Browser
Hey guys and gals, I have a very simple problem and have literally no idea how to proceed as I really have not done much c++, I am more of a PHP man :). I...
[no replies]
by h4ever
Why this code does not print file names?
Does anybody know why this code does not print filenames but HEX number 0012FA80 - repetitively? It is address of the class member. This is example from MSDN pa...
[13 replies] Last: NT3: The quoted part of the documentation says that it is refered as $... (by h4ever)
needed solutions...
Write your question here. int *iptr; float num1=10.5; iptr=&num1; This above code is valid or not. If invalid.. Kindly explain why invalid??
[5 replies] Last: Because... iptr is integer type and num1 is float type ... (by mutexe)
Pls explain....
int *iptr, num1; num1=10; iptr=&num1; The above code how will executed? What is the value of iptr??? my opinion address of num1 is assigned to iptr. So B...
[2 replies] Last: thanks dude... (by r 4 raja)
This program is going to kill me...
Hi, I have to "Write a program that prompts the user for the number of popcorn cups during each day of the week and prints out a graph similar to the one below:...
[1 reply] : If your program was deleted then you'll just have to start again. Havi... (by Galik)
Program 8
Hello, I decided to write a program like follows: Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integer values. Store these values in int variables n...
[5 replies] Last: The division operator / Since you're dividing integers, you'll get an... (by wildblue)
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