Beginners - June 2014 (Page 20)

by rfresh
Trying to Hide then Show my winForm.
I have for WinForm that I want to press a hotkey and show and hide the form. I can press Insert and hide the form and I see its icon in my Win7 task bar but ...
[no replies]
How to print only 'i' and not repeat
Hello! I am writing some practice programs and I was just wondering, what should I do so that instead of getting an output like this: Percent Complete: 1% ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both very much, I managed to fix it! :) (by NookLines)
Vector Container question
Hi all, Just a quick one. I am writing a simple game where boxes will bounce around the screen and the player has to dodge them while to number of boxes inc...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry guys, I have sorted now with a bit of searching I should have d... (by jim noob coder)
Alongside site tutorial program setup and header help
Hey, just started learning from this site. I'm trying to write the basic code but i constantly get similar errors from multiple programs. Basically says that th...
[2 replies] Last: it has errors with chrono header. If you use the up-to-date Orwell ... (by Chervil)
Initially, you might think that n/2 is the upper limit for which you must test to see whether a number is prime, but you need only go as high as the square root...
[13 replies] Last: Not the best solution, but yes that will stop the console from closing... (by AbstractionAnon)
dice game prototype function problem
All rollDice is supposed to do is roll the dice and return nothing. But then in main I have to cout dice1 and dice2's values and add then into TotalDice so that...
[6 replies] Last: thank you so much guys. I got it working. That link was also very help... (by serrld113)
Problem in C++ in Visual Studio 2010 Express
Below i my code I am unsure of why an error is coming up and I dont know how to fix it. In C++ Visual Studio #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> u...
[3 replies] Last: you can only have 1 main method in C++ and a lot of OOP langauges. ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by mimito
Numerical Methods c++
Hello everyone , I am new in C++ . I have a homework to do . Can anyone help me with doing a program for cubic spline interpolation , with given first deriv...
[5 replies] Last: Can someone help me please :( ? (by mimito)
Need help with Dice rolling Code! Please!
Im supposed to create a betting program to where the user rolls two dice and if the user rolls a 7 with dice 1 and dice 2 added up, the user wins. Anything else...
[4 replies] Last: Do I understand correctly: You want the user to play many times? So y... (by ines6375)
Queue Template
What is wrong with my code? I can't figure it out. It compiles when I declare a QueueTp object but when I try to use the member function enqueue, it does not ...
[5 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon, thank you for your help! (by ines6375)
CSV Creator
Morning all!, So I'll admit I'm pretty new to C++. I normally write in VBA for work but I did have a play around with PHP and C (but never got too good!). ...
[9 replies] Last: Some hopefully constructive comments on your code: Lines 14-16: I... (by AbstractionAnon)
Solutions Needed........
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int x ={1,2,3,4,5}, y ={5,4,3,2,1}, result ={0,0,0,0,0}; int i=0; while(i++<5) result =x -y ; clrsc...
[4 replies] Last: You're not getting the correct results because you're not referencing ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Am I building or using this library correctly?
This is my first time trying to create a library, but when i am trying to use it on other project, i keep getting the undefined reference error. Can anyone help...
[2 replies] Last: Ah i see, thanks very much, never learn that before. (by selenium)
more if loops to one switch loop
I have some if cases/loops that I'd like to get rid of and find an easier (with less typing) solution. I'm guessing this kind of coding doesn't help the program...
[1 reply] : Assuming niza is char niza ; , your're not terminating when you hit ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Symbolic constants in C++
How do you define symbolic constants like in C in C++? Also, are there such things as foreach in C++? If yes, how to implement it?
[3 replies] Last: Ty all (by Code Apperentice)
PPP Chapter 12 Headers
In Chapter 12 of Stroustrup's "Programming Princpiples and Practice using C++" book, it requires you to download these headers:
[3 replies] Last: *sigh* Now I'm having compiler errors, all of which are in his header... (by Spiddles1)
How to format numbers?
Hey guys, I would like to make a program that asks a user to input a number (float) and I'll show that number to the user with a precision of two decimal places...
[6 replies] Last: Can I know what the setf and floatfield is for? Well, the starting po... (by Chervil)
Program 10
This program is so ridiculously long, I wanted to know if there is shorter way to make this program work. Also, the program was over 30000 characters long so wh...
[5 replies] Last: PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) when posting code. It... (by AbstractionAnon)
Hello and help!
Hello everyone. My enquiry is a little bit of an abstract one, compared to a specific programming question. I've recently started learning C++, and rather...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you keskiverto. I have indeed gone through those concepts, altho... (by keluchi)
by Peds
Opening multiple files for writing
Hi, I am new to C++, I am using it for a small project where I need to sort data and output it to multiple different files for further processing. I am ...
[7 replies] Last: well this from your first post: std::string filename; ifstream myfi... (by mutexe)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 48
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