Beginners - June 2014 (Page 17)

Need and Algorythm for Finding Union Of Sets.
Hey I am new To C++ programming , and I am just making a new Program to Find the Union Of Two Sets. Here is the Code #include <iostream> #include <con...
[2 replies] Last: Kudos for trying to checking if the user entered the same number twice... (by AbstractionAnon)
check if input is valid
I have been trying to make a very simply programme that checks if the inputted information is an integer or not (i.e: that it contains no other characters). ...
[5 replies] Last: amazing thanks (by jsmith613)
Reading from file returning glitch value
I've been going through how to use files, and discovered the read and write keywords, that are taught on this tutorial, in the section regarding binary files :...
[2 replies] Last: I've taken note of the escape character ('\0'). I'll admit I am famili... (by Food 4 Thought)
Use arrays to find mean median mode with inout text file
Write a program that reads a text file named lab6.txt containing a number of test scores into an array and waits for the user’s request to do any of the follo...
[3 replies] Last: confused what order to put my things in, and I do not know how to cal... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Program 12
Hello, Now there is this strange exercise: Write a program that takes an operation followed by two operands and outputs the result. For example: + 100 ...
[8 replies] Last: Try this: #include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { char... (by coder777)
Trying to solve an array comparison issue
So.. I have 2 codes, The intent is to descramble 10 words that are entered through cout / cin prompt. by savething them into 2 arrays, one consisting of the act...
[7 replies] Last: ok, so this is where im currently at in comparing, i have gotten it to... (by lycosidae024)
binary search tree (1,2)
I am trying to create a binary search tree and then print it out. But it doesn't seem to work, can't find the problem. #include <iostream> #include <cst...
[20 replies] Last: [quote=BobTheZealotIsEpic]Please cut down on your useless rows: Pleas... (by Catfish666)
sorting and swaping
I am learning c++ and have learned and understood just the VERY basics, but now I am in need of some help. I compiler I use is microsoft visual studio 2012 ...
[4 replies] Last: You cannot define functions within functions (unless we count lambdas.... (by cire)
by gduong
I am learning about classes and I don't know what this error means. Error: Error 1 error C3867: 'Car::m_carMake': function call missing argument list; use '&Car...
[2 replies] Last: That you. that fixed it. (by gduong)
how would I fill a hist array with a histogram based of the length of the strings.
I need to write a function that takes in a data set of string names a hist array and the size that are already created to form a histogram array that I can use ...
[no replies]
by DianaV
Variable shorthand confusion
Just when I thought I was getting this another confusing issue comes up. LOL Ok so im still in Variables, the book is talking about shorthand operator for addin...
[18 replies] Last: I understand your last example JLBorges, thank you for clarifying tha... (by DianaV)
by Jakee
Should functions not be in Header (.h) files?
Is it standard for functions only to be in .cpp files while in .h files just declare the functions but dont write the logic? Is there anything wrong with functi...
[1 reply] : Most of the time it is preferred to have the functions entirely in C++... (by TwilightSpectre)
Crash in Program Reversing Word
Write your question here. Hey everybody I have some code that is supposed to reverse the order of a word. My program crashes and says: Debug Assertion Failed E...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by neel3123)
Can someone explain this
Ok so I did the thing in the begginers excercises on this website. I got to the pancake one and I did the code right but I know knowing how to do it but not kno...
[4 replies] Last: Yes. max will change if a number is higher than itself. The next cyc... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
c++ array code explain
Hello there, could some one explain the following array code, knowing i am new to the language. mostly do not grasp code in line 15 15 for ( int i = 0; i < ...
[2 replies] Last: wildblue has already provided a good answer, I am simply extending inf... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
for Loops- need help
Hello. I am taking a beginning C++ class and the teacher is terrible (really. I'm not just saying that.) He wants us to write programs based on material we have...
[4 replies] Last: @wildblue- thank you:) it's working. (by CMonkey)
Does return multiply or adds a function that has an existing value?
I'm kind of confused on this. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int factorialFinder(int x){ if (x==1){ return 1; }else{ return x*factorialFi...
[6 replies] Last: So when it returns 5 * (factorialFinder(5-1) it doesn't do the calcul... (by crimsonzero2)
text based fight scene
I am fully capable of writing a fight scene for a text based rpg with items and skills and what not (Dont believe me?
[no replies]
by Drak
Filter string function problem
I'm in a beginners class in C++ and so far we've only gotten through 5 chapters in our book. We have homework every night and it's usually very easy, well this ...
[4 replies] Last: HUZZA! It works! Thank you so much! You have no idea how long I've bee... (by Drak)
by klay2
Need help!
oddly, after a battle with any monster including after changing the hp, strength, etc, your health always goes down to one. #include <iostream> #inc...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Gonado! I don't know how I didn't realize this but I used the w... (by klay2)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 48
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