Beginners - June 2014 (Page 15)

by zionet
Algorithm Flood fill.... CODE?
Pleas code Algorithm Flood fill... No Objects No Class Yes Fuctions Yes STLs
[1 reply] : Errrm NO. I am not going to write this for you. How about try yours... (by Codermik)
Polyamorphic functions and compiler errors
Book I'm working from had me input a polymorphic function code. Got it in word for word, but I'm getting compiler errors. I'm not sure what's causing the errors...
[1 reply] : declarations vs definitions, find the difference: int Double(int); in... (by MiiNiPaa)
New to c++, program issue
Trouble getting my program to display the tournament winner with the winner's average score. My instructor told me I was calculating the average AFTER I compare...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks, I got it to show something other then 0. However, now its s... (by PATBALM)
by ad29
Error Message...
Got an error message (commented below) any help would be appreciated thx #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> usi...
[1 reply] : srand() and rand() are 2 different functions. You are attempting to u... (by Disch)
C++ VisualStudio 2010 express Error
I am working on project and have this error how do I fix it ? // projone.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "std...
[1 reply] : A console application shouldn't have #include "stdafx.h" . Make s... (by Codermik)
Program 14
Getting error when trying to compile a program that converts yen, euros and pounds into dollars. #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<algorith...
[5 replies] Last: Ok thanks wildblue and a k n. I will try to keep that in mind. I shou... (by pacman169)
GCD program
We need to write a program that computes the GCD of numbers using Euclid's algorithm. Heres what I have so far, but its not working so please help. Anything is ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok. Thanks. I changed my program and here's what I have now. Rather th... (by closed account DzyTC542)
by ad29
Why aren't cin>> and cout<< working?????
Don't know why this stuff isn't working. I'm just starting to create my project but my simple test is given me errors. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much! (by ad29)
How to use isalpha() function?
Hey guys, I was wondering whether you should use the int data type or char data type when using the isalpha() or isdigit()function? For example, I'm not ...
[9 replies] Last: Well, the code I suggested will read just a single character. If the u... (by Chervil)
by h4ever
why strncpy fails?
If I run the function and strncpy the program breaks. I cannot find out why. The char * var is "". The pointer refers to C string 88469-88471. I need to copy th...
[2 replies] Last: I have solved it with this function: /* Written by Niels Möller <ni... (by h4ever)
The problem with the following code is that both the if and else statements get executed for every case. #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> int main() ...
[1 reply] : > both the if and else statements get executed for every case. Look th... (by ne555)
what is the difference between class and array?
Hi, i m new to the c++ and trying to identify How does an array differ from a class? Thanks
[1 reply] : those are two entirely different concepts, if you don't mind me asking... (by Gkneeus)
Where do I include Pointers in a Card Game?
Hello, this is my first post here, so if there's anything that have to be change about me or the post, feel free to point that out. Anyway, I'm a student tha...
[3 replies] Last: your directions tell you how to use pointers. you'll be using polymorp... (by Gkneeus)
Child Object address variation
In the below code the output is 136. const int z = (reinterpret_cast<char*>(pa) == reinterpret_cast<char*>(pb)) ? 5 : 6; The above code is comparing address i...
[no replies]
by malahi
Keys and Programing
hey guys. i looking for help about the keyboard functions in c/c++, i need to write a program that use keyboard when i want to. for example evry 10 sec the p...
[1 reply] : Assuming your using Windows, check out SendInput() http://msdn.micro... (by Codermik)
cin is ambiguous and how to clean my code up
Hi. I'm writing an super easy program that gives the user the time standards for swimming when they enter the choices they want: Gender>>Age>>Time standard>>Eve...
[1 reply] : how to clean my code up Use loops, possibly functions, and other mean... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
pattern problem
i want a code for this pattern 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 ...
[2 replies] Last: Smells like homework. If it is, the professor should provide instruct... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
How to detect mouse button release correctly in SDL2
Hello. I'm trying to make a GUI library in C++ with SDL and I'm currently making buttons. They have three visual states. Idle (not pressed or hovered). Hovered...
[no replies]
by kei79
First come First serve algorithm
I am trying to make an FCFS algorithm. I start with making a program that will evaluate which the least time is. The codes I'm using the code I learn in class. ...
[no replies]
2D Array to create a grid map
How would I create a simple grid-like map using a 2D array, in C++? Like this ———————————————————————— | |...
[1 reply] : If its going to be a random size, then you probably want to use vector... (by TwilightSpectre)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 48
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