Beginners - June 2014 (Page 13)

Open files in a "sorted" order to work on them
Hello, My problem is, I have data files named data001 -> data999, I need to somehow input a number n from the console and open files from data001 to datan usin...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! That works wonderfully, I haven't used stringstre... (by Bubiche)
I can't run any projects in visual c++ 2010
Hello everyone, I am trying to compile and run projects in visual c++ 2010, but when I run a program an error is thrown and program is aborted, it is happening...
[2 replies] Last: Still does not work, Now I am getting the error: about() has been cal... (by Gkneeus)
by Nezar
DUMB question
Hi, I need to declare a variable at one point and cin a plaintext like "hello world" to it in another place, but i don't know the right type for this kind of s...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, thank God, it worked !! thanks a lot, you saved me :) (by Nezar)
fatal error LNK1215
Hello, Im making a little game just to practise my skills. Today I was playing around with little changes in the code and suddenly Im not able to compile my pro...
[no replies]
Program That Counts Number of Words
Write your question here. Hello everyone I have another program to do that counts the number of words in an input. My code works for all cases except for one w...
[3 replies] Last: Why not just iterate through the sentence characters, count the space... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Rapte
Automatic open
Hello, I would like to create a program that would automatically open a file in .bat Explain: 1) I open a file in .exe 2) My computer detects that th...
[1 reply] : You could have a system() call inside the code for your executable fil... (by Ganado)
Program That Seperates Even And Odds Error
Write your question here. Hello everyone my program separates even and odd numbers from an input(vector). When i cout the vector nothing shows up. // EvenO...
[7 replies] Last: You really saved me. Thank you for all your help with this program i ... (by neel3123)
how to keep track of headers
Hi, I'm asking this because I am reading and "learning" from a book however it does not give me all the information, just enough (hmm) to get me through, and ma...
[1 reply] : Include headers which contain stuff you need and remove others. wh... (by MiiNiPaa)
by marsb
smart pointers and simulations
I was studying Ira Pohl's predator-prey simulation online and it seems to me that that a lot of ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you. (by marsb)
Char* to int - can't get it to work!
Hello everyone! So my code is below; the issue is I want to make it so that the user enters a bajillion numbers for birthday but only the first two numbers a...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for your help! :) (by NookLines)
by CDavis
Do While statement using a Char
I'm using a do while statement and at the end I want the user to use Y if he wants to play again or N if they do not. I'm having no luck with this so what am I...
[4 replies] Last: One other problem: Line 8: srand() does not belong in the diceRoll f... (by AbstractionAnon)
by mehak
y is it giving an error...i hv declared it an extern variable then y does it say C:\Users\Mehak\Desktop\Untitled1.o:Untitled1.c|| undefined reference to `i'| C...
[1 reply] : Because you've said i exists in another translation unit, but you ha... (by AbstractionAnon)
by mehak
near,far, huge pointers
i've come across many questions concerning size of near,far and huge pointers but we hardly need to use these pointers...wat is their significance?
[2 replies] Last: thnx :) (by mehak)
Even Odd Seperation Program
Write your question here. Hello everyone, I have to write a program that separates evens and odds. Like: Input: 176809 After: 068179 I am stuck and I don't ...
[6 replies] Last: void separate(std::vector<int> &input) { std::vector<int> even, od... (by ne555)
Tic Tac Toe game
I am doing a Tic Tac Toe game and everything seems to work quite ok, but when it's Player O turn and inputing line 3 and row 2 for some reason places two O on t...
[5 replies] Last: 1) having return 0; after break is pointless 2) If you want to hav... (by MiiNiPaa)
fabs versus abs?
I would like to know why there's 3 math functions to calculate the absolute value of a number: fabs(), labs() and abs(), this last one is for integral types. I ...
[1 reply] : C++ provides overload of abs() for all arithmetic types. fabs() a... (by MiiNiPaa)
by h4ever
Forward declaration of class
This is my global class: #include "stdafx.h" MyGlobalClass::MyGlobalClass(int argc, char* argv ){ CLParser * CLPars( MyGlobalClass& ); FILE_ * File...
[4 replies] Last: U R Good - You found the error (but I did it too). What I did wrong is... (by h4ever)
Min program for array
Hello, If someone could explain to me what is going on with this code, I would appreciate it. Yes it is an assignment for class, and the parameters are to add a...
[1 reply] : So... I assume you were given (or made yourself) the class unorderedAr... (by DroolingDonut)
by Bzawk
Problem with ostream::put
I'm trying to write some binary data to file. Tried to do it part by part with put, with write and all at once with write but every time it goes like this: of...
[2 replies] Last: Today i tried diffrent IDE and compiler (before one with TDM-GCC 4.8.1... (by Bzawk)
Help Creating a VS solution from xcode project
Can someone help me create a VS solution from xcode project? I am planning to use github so that my friend can access the project im doing. But i dont kno...
[no replies]
June 2014 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 48
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