Beginners - June 2013 (Page 9)

Memory Write Problem!?!
Hi, Im having a problem, the code dont give me a problem but this allway happen "Cannot open process." how do i fix it? im running Windows 7 64bit im code on De...
[1 reply] : Use GetLastError function to obtain more about the problem http://msd... (by coder777)
by anzhit
Calculating the sum 1 + x +x^2....
We have to calculate sum of the terms of a series 1 + x + x^2 ... ..., for a given value of x. x is postive but less than 1. Write a program to nd the sum...
[1 reply] : or http://w... (by Chervil)
Function not returning correct value
I have programmed a simple math function using Visual Studio 2012. My function equals the value 3.833333 when evaluated at q = 1, and zero whenever q does not =...
[3 replies] Last: This works! My loop will now return the correct value for PggDelta whe... (by zach181818)
How and where to place a For loop so that Weekdays in below program automatically get its concerns value and then print it out on screen.. E.G Sunday = 10 ...
[1 reply] : Well, I don't know what enum is and I don't know why you have Days... (by kyiro37)
Issues with Integers...
Hello, I am having an issue getting my output to display as a "standard" integer. Instead I get long negative numbers. Sometimes I just get long positive ...
[3 replies] Last: That makes sense and it worked! I will be sure to use code tags too g... (by lili143)
by symbit
Which paradigm is best?
I understand this is a very vague and opinion-oriented, but I'm confused about C++'s multi-paradigm support. I've read it supports procedural, generic, OO, and ...
[1 reply] : You shouldn't look at it like you need to pick one and not use the res... (by Lachlan Easton)
Use of two variables in a for loop
Here's the first part of some generic for loop: for (int n=0; n<10; n++) I'm wondering if it is okay to add two tracking variables (if there's a spe...
[5 replies] Last: Oh okay, thanks, simple enough. (by Zincott)
by sumsar
problem with a linked list
Im trying to make a linked list / a lobby but for some reason when i try to add a new player the program crashes. what am I doing wrong ? #include<iostream...
[1 reply] : while(iter != 0){ ... (by ne555)
Help with Logical Operators?
I've been studying them for about a few hours now and I still can't get the hang of them. I've been using this book to guide me but I can't seem to get the hang...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks for correcting me, it's so much easier now xD. Awesome communi... (by nsahawks7)
rly easy project for u, not for me c++. pls help
hi guys, i have 1 day to complete this project but i cant figure out how.. i am 13 years old, my teacher gave us this project, so please help me if u ca. there...
[4 replies] Last: for the 200 different numbers, you can use 2 variables for that. here... (by a967Bytes)
i need help plsssssssssssssss :(
Write your question here. hey friend i'm mariya 13 your's old i need auto hunt or auto level for conquer online 2.0 plss helpe mé i do not know how to m...
[1 reply] : I think you are in a wrong forum try a site like (by sumsar)
declare variables
I receive the "not decared in this scope" message for "total" in line 23. I though I declared it in the main method? //this programs calls a variety of metho...
[2 replies] Last: PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) when posting code. h... (by AbstractionAnon)
Program loop
I'm just starting with C++ and I know this is a really simple newbie question .. but I can't seem to find or write anything that works the way I want. I've been...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply .. yep ... that was it. Thank you very much. N... (by SparrowHawk7)
Need explanation regarding array access
I am learning C++ independently from the tutorial.pdf from this site, and up to this point it has been going great, but I have encountered something I cannot un...
[4 replies] Last: You are right. In fact the two records billy = 0; and int a = 4; ... (by vlad from moscow)
Static member
If I have a static member in a class in the private area? Does only a static function can access it? or it can be accessed with any other function throught the ...
[1 reply] : It can be accessed by any (static or non-static) member function of th... (by vlad from moscow)
switch case statement
can I use a condition in a case such as...... switch (sqroo) case x<0 ; case x=0 ; case x>0 ; default in such a manner.............Write your question h...
[1 reply] : No, you have to use an if/else if chain for this. (by Zhuge)
by Twyk
What should I do?
Hi , i'm not a beginner in C++ , but my question is by beginner ! I learn C++ , I read 3 book , I know programming very well , I have problem with algorithms!...
[5 replies] Last: @vlad from moscow , yes is a contradiction , I don't expressed well ,... (by Twyk)
Reading and outputting random lines?
Hi. I want to read one random line from a file and output it into a new file. I want the program to run until all lines have been read and outputted in a random...
[18 replies] Last: Oh, come on! //for (x=1; x<117711536; x++); // *** get rid of that ;... (by JLBorges)
Problem in a program?? (1,2)
HellO! So, I made a simple program that says if the no. is even or odd.. The problem is that when i write any letter , it says "even".. lol Could anyone tell...
[22 replies] Last: > As you see yourself you agree with me about vertical lines. :) Not ... (by JLBorges)
printing in columns
Hi! I'm working with arrays and I get them column by column and need to print them. I as there a way to print in columns? for example: I produce an array of ...
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June 2013 Pages: 1... 7891011... 49
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