by Mohamed 2013
[3 replies] Last: int a = {1, 2}; int b = a ; ; (by pogrady)
by eyali
re-allocate array with in function
[5 replies] Last: > how array is not pointer?? Arrays are not pointers. An array can be... (by JLBorges)
by jvk971
Problems with reading and wirting files!
[2 replies] Last: hehe:) thanks (by jvk971)
by banowati
Need Help, Bubblesort in pointer
[3 replies] Last: That does give the impression that the main() should allocate memory d... (by keskiverto)
by Olysold
Custom shared_ptr
[10 replies] Last: Okay I'll add them in. The assignment operator is already redefined to... (by Olysold)
by beginplus2
Howto public struct
[16 replies] Last: Finally catch what vlad was mean: common.h #ifndef COMMON_H_ #defi... (by beginplus2)
by hamshid
static variables
[3 replies] Last: please use code tags: ... (by Rechard3)
by Lim Boon Jye
Just a function declaration
[1 reply] : i'm sorry, i think your question is really unclear, is that only me, o... (by Rechard3)
by Olysold
Specifying template function to take containers.
[8 replies] Last: Awesome. Thank you JLBorges for helping me out again. (by Olysold)
by bacondude95
Compiler issues
[1 reply] : try saving the entire project to one location like D drive then run it... (by sakonpure6)
by konovoloff
How to read a list of data from a text file?
[4 replies] Last: You might also want to invest into structures. #include <iostream> ... (by giblit)
by Fourc00h
TicTacToe - 2D Array - Linear Search (1,2)
[31 replies] Last: Cool man, I was able to use this in my connect 4 game as well. Really ... (by Fourc00h)
by Ramzi89
Reading files
[7 replies] Last: That's right. A stringsteam behaves in many ways just like a disk file... (by Chervil)
by NineTails
Help with some maths
[3 replies] Last: The last if will never call, because you're using direct comparison wi... (by Ispil)
by donvigor
char array task...where am i going wrong?
[1 reply] : cin does not keep track of spaces. Use getline instead. Also, use stri... (by Ispil)
by R10111001
Unexpected destructor call
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your quick reply. You are right, if I declare the constr... (by R10111001)
by Anonimni
std::cin and std::cout isn't working
[11 replies] Last: thanx, now working :) (by Anonimni)
Help me understanding logical operator well |
[4 replies] Last: thanks for helping me (by jasonrobertz357)
by daft science
Writing a function with pointers and arrays
[11 replies] Last: Awesome!! Thanks so much for showing me how to do that. :) Here's my ... (by daft science)
by ThacZero
Data to Parallel Arrays
[no replies]