by pedra31
I'm begginer c++ programmer . Array of pointers?!
[3 replies] Last: Sure, post it! (by MikeyBoy)
by jayk99
second function skipped by main
[7 replies] Last: Sorry about all the white space. I am using a Linux based text editor ... (by jayk99)
by JulioR
For Loop is not working
[5 replies] Last: ah ok just never seen a variable declared in that manner XD. I always ... (by gobiking)
by madmack76
riddle game
[6 replies] Last: I would go about having a couple of functions names of functions will ... (by gobiking)
by stux16
replacing char
[3 replies] Last: you need to implement a character search, I'll assume that you already... (by Tertius Kgatla)
Problems with Struct being called from other functions |
[2 replies] Last: how would i make storage a pointer to the object array instead? (by Steph Mackenzie)
by dhilchie
cannot convert ‘double*’ to ‘double’ in assignment
[2 replies] Last: That was so easy, dont know how I missed that! thanks (by dhilchie)
by mrm40
class member call.
[7 replies] Last: Do you mind sharing the code snip-outs so I can help out?? (by Tertius Kgatla)
by rahul ajwani
Null character
[10 replies] Last: I am mostly pointing out the ambiguity in the question: both C++ strin... (by Cubbi)
by Dominic4774
Does || not work in if statements?
[7 replies] Last: I understand it a little better now, thanks. (by Dominic4774)
by SourceCoded
Referenced from
[3 replies] Last: One or both functions are not implemented. You have declarations for... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ausairman
What is the cost of resizing a vector?
[7 replies] Last: [quote=erock]You will see that the allocation of memory doubles each t... (by Chervil)
by SourceCoded
Duplicate symbols
[8 replies] Last: i get two errors. You didn't implement those functions (constructor/... (by coder777)
by mauri11
What operator should??
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys for the help. Got it! (by mauri11)
by Hambone
Question regarding pointers and vectors
[1 reply] : I may have figured it out but correct me if I am wrong. Calling the p... (by Hambone)
For every "new", there should be "delete" |
[7 replies] Last: > Every time you use new keyword, there should be also delete keyword.... (by JLBorges)
by lbi11
c++ print monthly calendar
[1 reply] : Go noles! (by stux16)
by smahamoo
Compile error..
[2 replies] Last: that's exactly what I intended and what was missing. thank you very mu... (by smahamoo)
by genebit
Compiler Error When I Compile More Than Once
[1 reply] : I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what I did. but I got it to compile correctl... (by genebit)
by MarcoEE
If/Else if statements not working with string.
[6 replies] Last: I put "highest" instead of length and still wont work here's my new ... (by MarcoEE)