by Leozy
Windows Forms, Help!
[3 replies] Last: Objects of type System.String are not mutable. (by vlad from moscow)
by will93
Circolar double linked List
[3 replies] Last: if((firstPtr==lastPtr)==0) vs if(firstPtr==0 && lastPtr==0) The f... (by cire)
by james2195
Right Justified Triangle
[3 replies] Last: See setw Note that ... (by andywestken)
by jsch
Help Please, functions program
[1 reply] : Your prototype for DisplayCur doesn't match your implementation. P... (by MrHutch)
by Noobs
Help me Plz, :(
[4 replies] Last: It looks a bit strange to see a "student" class which has an array of ... (by Chervil)
by szpt9m
alternative for getline
[9 replies] Last: well, this inpFile >> temp; reads all characters until a white spa... (by coder777)
by TToc2u
Access Violation (seg fault) at NULL check. PLEASE HELP!
[5 replies] Last: got it you were right. I didn't create a "tree" first. (by TToc2u)
Writing to text fields |
[4 replies] Last: Fixed thanks (by Code Apperentice)
Simulating Mouse Movements |
[no replies]
by will93
Linked List with objects
[10 replies] Last: I have to work with P reference to avoid this, right? Yes, consider u... (by coder777)
Structs? |
[4 replies] Last: Well you finished the struct 50 %. structs largest_product_info { ... (by giblit)
by giblit
Euler Project 3 *For Practice*
[16 replies] Last: oh it's okay I did that sieve method and it ran in .2 seconds and numb... (by giblit)
by Daleth
Initialization List order
[1 reply] : Members are initialized in the order they are declared. Writing initia... (by keskiverto)
by jsch
Function and Structures help!
[2 replies] Last: ^As a clarifying note to you jsch , Daleth's code verbally described ... (by ENIGMAx)
by Rakanoth
Explanation needed
[2 replies] Last: tnx for the explanation zhuge. (by Rakanoth)
When to use pointers? |
[2 replies] Last: They are also useful for passing classes and structs as parameters. Sa... (by Daleth)
What are the differences |
[4 replies] Last: Example 1: Everything is on the stack, i.e. there is no additional mem... (by Daleth)
by Dominic4774
How do I disable a function I don't want to use?
[4 replies] Last: Try initializing INWIN::x in the constructor. //INWIN constructor; n... (by Daleth)
by kudokupo
Adding to another class's vector
[3 replies] Last: When you call dealToPlayer() , the dealer draws a card which is then ... (by xismn)
by rhennig
[3 replies] Last: Really good article! Thanks again, but i still with a doubt... why sho... (by rhennig)