Beginners - June 2013 (Page 37)

access to a existing list in pointer function
Hey I'm a beginner in C++ so please don't blame me if the question is stupid :D Because it was too complicated to implement the sorting function in my list I...
[no replies]
Why do you create objects on the free store?
Is it because if you're done with that object, you can free the that memory which objects created on the stack can't? I've just finished the chapter about point...
[1 reply] : The size of stack memory is limited compared to the heap. The lifetim... (by keskiverto)
studying from c++ books
I have 2 books on me. Accelerated C++ and C++ primer. I was wondering what would be the best way to study from them. I heard that they were complements so if yo...
[2 replies] Last: Accelerated C++ would be the best book to start with, As it has progr... (by Pebble)
tic tac toe
I am making(attempting) a tic tac toe game. I know this is just the basics, but can someone help me with the next step? I really dont know where to start. An...
[3 replies] Last: i am not sure... do you mean a tic tac toe game for two players or a g... (by k3fgbHxm 7M7RH32K)
Need help making a grid map
I need help trying to make a map that the character can move in out of text. I literally been sitting here the last hour trying to think how I could do this, bu...
[4 replies] Last: As Chervil suggested, how you display the game board does depend on wh... (by Daleth)
Is C++ good for working with large databases?
Is C++ good for working with large databases? I am interested in learning a language that would be particularly useful rewriting database programs for a big com...
[5 replies] Last: > Which one is easier to write? AFAIK, LINQ is the easiest to write; ... (by JLBorges)
HI GUYS I have a doubt regarding the size of the derived class . PROBLEM..... Let A be a base class of size 12 bytes and B be one of it's derived clas...
[12 replies] Last: @vlad from moscow::Thanks dude really it helped a lot.But really I did... (by cyberdude)
by zombii
Yet another... Tic Tac Toe.
So I have a tic-tac-toe game for my Intro to C++ class that I have almost completed. I have two issues that I cannot seem to figure out for the life of me. Th...
[1 reply] : :s try to use code tags the <> button or . It is also hard to tell... (by giblit)
by yeki
how to find bug in code
hello everyone I have a code that is logical but it has error I can't figure it out. can enyone see what the problem is? Here iss my code: #include <ios...
[1 reply] : what exactly is the problem? Also your code is very ill-formated and v... (by giblit)
Hello all, I am in my first semester of CompSci courses and I am having a little trouble with a HW problem. My prof wants me to do the following: Break u...
[7 replies] Last: Please don't take this the wrong way, but... This is trivial at best, ... (by Mitch)
Function parameters reading as expressions
I keep getting this error: error C2065: 'mainchar_values' : undeclared identifier error C2065: 'player' : undeclared identifier error C2065: 'background' :...
[6 replies] Last: Cool, thanks for the tip. (by olibiakos)
by Daleth
Initialization at Declaration
Using the = at the declaration of an object is supposed to be the same as calling its constructor, right? I've come across this situation: //Build(PartTyp...
[2 replies] Last: Oh okay, now it makes much more sense to me. I never even considered t... (by Daleth)
including a function from a header
How do you include just one function from a header. Specifically, I want ceil, floor and pow from <cmath>. The is a function being used by it that has the same ...
[3 replies] Last: 1) Wrap your class in a namespace 2) Investigate the function/class in... (by Daleth)
Usefull for which kind of solutions?
Hi all, I want to know which kind of solutions the win32 C++ app is usefull for? For example: win32 c++ is good for the commercial apps, financial apps or fo...
[2 replies] Last: Let me explain better. I asked because i want to know more about the t... (by eduacsp)
Rotary encoder, servo, and arduino
I'm not getting any errors when compiling the code, but it isn't doing what I intend it to do. I'm trying to make a code that will have the position of the serv...
[no replies]
by Leozy
Windows Forms errors
I'm making a hangman game, this is the part where i grab the letter i've typed in and compare the word and the letter to see if the letter is in the word, this ...
[2 replies] Last: How do i use this "StringBuilder" in this case? (by Leozy)
by sl227
Need help with homework
keep getting errors :( #include "stdafx.h" // Needed for Visual C++ Express 2010 #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Here’s where you will...
[6 replies] Last: very well (by Hambone)
by BToven
Cout was not declared at this scope
So,i started a text-based video game,made some header files and included them,and when i try to compile it says cout was not declared at this scope. i run win7 ...
[2 replies] Last: I FORGOT NAMESPACE STD; XD (by BToven)
Game of Life
I am trying to make a game of life. The rules do not appear to be functioning properly. I have concluded that their is something wrong with my counting method...
[3 replies] Last: In count you access grid[a+1][b+1] when both a and b are 29. ... (by cire)
Dynamic Array w/ <vector>: In/Out of Function
Up to now, I have been creating dynamic arrays the old-fashioned way: using new and delete and manually taking care of memory/pointer house-keeping. I wo...
[4 replies] Last: If the type of parameter accepted by the sub-routine changes, shouldn... (by toum)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 49
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