Beginners - June 2013 (Page 36)

by vnii
A personal diary
Can someone help me improve my project. I am new to the programming field, and I am trying to make a project where the user can keep a diary. Right now my progr...
[no replies]
CodeBlocks and Qt5.0.2 Installation Problem
Im using windows vista and running a codeblocks compiler as my default c++ compiler. Everything works fine when i run a console based c++ programs, until recent...
[no replies]
while statements
I'm supposed to write a program that uses a while to sum the numbers from 50 to 100. Based on the example from the C++ primer book, I replaced some numbers wit...
[8 replies] Last: Oh okay, I get it now. Thanks! (by lurksalot)
Is it ok to skip references?
Done with pointers and this chapter called "references" is like pointers, so if this is only the same as pointers, then I could skip it but if references has a ...
[5 replies] Last: Ideally, the chapter about references should have come before the chap... (by LB)
Below is my code, I am having problems with 4,5, and 6. I am not sure how to nest a function call to determine largest and smallest for four numbers as well as...
[5 replies] Last: > I am just not sure how to write the correct function with two argume... (by JLBorges)
Need help with Pancake Glutton exercise
I learned about arrays a couple days ago and just now started practicing them because I didn't know what I could use them for until now. I'm really struggling w...
[5 replies] Last: Well now I feel dumb, I should have seen that. Thanks for the help (by Dominic4774)
by jidder
Using a function once in a loop
Is there any way to make something happen once in a loop without using bools ? Heres some relevant code void PowerUp(Graphics PowerBar , int frame, SDL_Rect* F...
[5 replies] Last: No it runs multiple times but thanks anyway :) That call once function... (by jidder)
Register Then Login Then Go-F*ck-Yourself
Hi guys! I imagine a object oriented program called "Register Then Login Then Go F*ck Yourself" to practice myself. I've changed it over and over again the make...
[1 reply] : //string* username = new string; string username; Also, check out i... (by ne555)
by szpt9m
for loop to read text file
Hi All, I want a for loop to loop thru each line of a text file. I want this in C programming not in C++. Because the libs objs i am using in my project a...
[6 replies] Last: He is saying instead of using namespace std; cout << "Hello" << en... (by Mitch)
Overloading > operator
Hi! I'm trying to overload the > (greater than) operator for my object Point. However my compiler keeps complaining that the object cannot be compared. The exac...
[6 replies] Last: That's nice to know Andy. Thanks for your addition/correction! (by AirCoder)
Cant get message box to work
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main ( int argc, char ^argv ) { MessageBox(NULL "hello world \nThis is the 2nd line." "hell...
[3 replies] Last: so i added a result to open a webpage but it wont open #include <ios... (by Deadly Dark)
by madaxe
Learning But I Get Funky Error
Why do I get this error Error 1 error C3867: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::get': function call missing argument list; use '&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_T...
[3 replies] Last: > I have read somewhere that the const key word should be used on prot... (by JLBorges)
Convertion Problem
Write your question here. I am writing a home assignment. I came a cross a problem that i can't figure out how to fix. void Menu::start() { List<int>...
[2 replies] Last: The error is clear; you cannot take a non-const address of literal 5. ... (by keskiverto)
Operator Overloading
Write your question here. Hey everyone, i need to write an operator overloading for ++ in two ways, a++ and ++a. But i am not sure i wrote the declarion of the...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for the help! (by Edward01)
how define function outside of class?
Write your question here. I trying to define a operator that use friend function, but not inside of class. I want outside of class. Help me My english is bad ...
[2 replies] Last: Instead of public: friend istream& operator >>(istream& cin, myarra... (by vlad from moscow)
Class inheritance problem
I have created multiple classes, some inherited from others. I have problem with the Class' ContSalariat constructor. It says "'N' was not declared in this sco...
[2 replies] Last: thanks and thanks for advice. it worked. i usually get stuck in small ... (by DynamicLink)
C++ question
This was the code that was given in a previous forum #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); static int a ={0,1,2,3,4}; static int *...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks very much, that cleared it up. (by pronesti)
by piczim
How do I implament powers in a progra
I am wanting to learn how to implement a program using powers. Example 2^3=8 many thanks Rodney
[1 reply] : 2^3 = 2*2*2 Either use a loop for repeated multiplication, or use the ... (by Chervil)
The following code is straight off the pages of C++ Primer and flat out doesn't work. The error it throws is just simply 'std::regex_error' #include<iostr...
[2 replies] Last: And to think an update is coming up next year. Thanks for the solution... (by Olysold)
Text file excersize.need help.
I have this code,i need to count how much there are letters in each word in a text file and cout thouse who consist of only 2 letters,can you help me with it? ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes it doesnt compile:) any othet answers maybe? :) (by pushingreal)
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