Beginners - June 2013 (Page 33)

Need help graphing a function
Hey guys, fairly new to programming, working on creating a calculator. I have all the functions in place and everything seems to work perfectly. I have a functi...
[no replies]
Skip checking and getline problem.
I seem to be experiencing two big problems that I have no clue on how to solve. The first of the problem in my script is, after i enter the desired level of dif...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for letting me know about std::cin.ignore(); . I did some r... (by Mushymon)
by tmb160
project help
(1) The number of the students in your class is a random number between [131, 162]. (2) Every student has 3 exams, and each exam grade is a random integer bet...
[1 reply] : I would say start with (1) under requirements. That list of "requireme... (by ENIGMAx)
by Ch1156
Infinite loop problem (1,2)
Ok now i got the code working to get the list and randomly select a word but when i enter the right word it displays the word thousands of times in a neverendin...
[29 replies] Last: Whelp...good jumping jehoshaphat batman...I've been turning you in the... (by ENIGMAx)
how to write a simple while loop??help!!
i want to write a simple while loop that repeats if this condition is true and how to exit the loop if its false.. i know how to do a do while but i want a si...
[2 replies] Last: thanks very much sir.. (by dharmendra1281)
Eclipse Setting
Hi Guys, How do I change eclipse to use ISO C++ instead of ANSI?. This is a clean install of eclipse. Currently when I create a new project eclipse defaul...
[4 replies] Last: It makes sense ... Thank you for your replies Danny (by shotgun)
csv-file save into a 2dimensional-array
hello everyone I'm trying to write a csv file and save the values into a 2dimensional-array. In the csv-file is: ruedi;200; hans;700; ...
[1 reply] : What makes you think it's saving it wrong? What output are you expect... (by MikeyBoy)
by will93
Write on a File with polymorphism
Hi! I got some problems with the passing of a variable ostream to a function. I got three classes, Letters (Lettere) that is derived from Manuscripts (Manoscri...
[1 reply] : 1. Declare and implement virtual functions memorizza_dati() and vis... (by JLBorges)
Making a program that writes to a file
I need help with this because it's time for my project(this is the first program from my project) and I'm having difficulties cause we never really worked with ...
[3 replies] Last: To read a complete line, use std::getline() (by JLBorges)
by joez
object to vector
Hello people, I am new in C++ and I have some problems with my code hopefully one of you can help me out. I have a class PopulationFrequency which constructs ...
[13 replies] Last: How do you know nothing gets pushed? What have you tried to output? Pl... (by abhishekm71)
help pizzzz.i have an unusual result
when input any vaule for mark i have a symbol of an 'e' as the result.. #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; double getm...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; double... (by Pebble)
by zsteve
offline source backup utility i'm making
I'm making this Win32 utility to locally backup source code files. Currently this works for - - Backing up of a directory and it's subdirectories - Explici...
[no replies]
program not compiling .help plizz
any one can help me my program cannot compile. i dont know why.. #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int getmark();...
[8 replies] Last: ohhww thanks very much sir now i know where i went wrong..thanks very ... (by dharmendra1281)
confused about this exercise
Okay, so there's this program on C++ primer. It says to write your own version of a program that prints the sum of a set of integers read from cin. I don't un...
[6 replies] Last: @lurks Can't remember, just anything that was too frustrating to deal... (by Olysold)
Render 1 Color in Sync With Audio Tone?
I don´t know how to do this, i am trying to find a way to render 1 color in Directx, but i can´t do it. Programming isn´t that easy for me sadly, so i have t...
[no replies]
program to know how many years months and hours has
hello I am new using visual studio 2010 and I doing my home work but I would like some help this is the program that i have to write Write a program tha...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, Donnie. Corrected now. (by JLBorges)
ignore repeated random indexes of an image
I have an matrix of size 3*3. and i am interested to pick image indexes randomly. Therefore, i did like this ... In the below program, m = 3, n = 3; //r...
[no replies]
by Blank
converting if/else if statement into switch
i need help with this..Explain why you cannot convert the following if/else if statement into a switch statement if (temp == 100) x = 0; else if (popula...
[2 replies] Last: thank you sir for your help. (by Blank)
by soori
memory structure of object and structure
Hello, i would like to know the memory structure of obj and structure could some please guide me. for ex i have the below class and syructure:: class c...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again hutch it was really helpful. (by soori)
formula to count available spanning tree only
undirected graph is its connected acyclic subgraph formula can anyone provide the formula for it? i can't find any on google
[no replies]
June 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 49
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