Beginners - June 2013 (Page 32)

2-D arrays & function
I am not sure how to pass a 2-D array through when calling it in main. Could anyone provide some insight. I looked through references, but everything I have tri...
[2 replies] Last: void PrintArray(int arr) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) ... (by Stewbond)
plz help me this exercise
In the z-transform, the poles are zp according to the formula zp = e^(sp T) s in the range shown in the z-domain. with sp = σ + j ω follows: zp = e^(σ T) e...
[1 reply] : I don't mind helping you and can help, but First I need to see your at... (by Stewbond)
Pig latin
string pigLatinString(string originalString){ string word, newString; size_t x = 0, wordLength, stringLength; stringLength = originalString.length()...
[3 replies] Last: After compiling my code it I forgot that C++ doesn't allow you to conc... (by IceThatJaw)
Function Pointer
I want to know function pointer concept please give some reference websites to learn function pointer easily. Thanks & Regards
[1 reply] : (by MikeyBoy)
by Blank
magic dates...
i need help... i tried to figure this out by myself but i cant do it -_- The date June 10, 1960 is special because when we write it in the following format, ...
[2 replies] Last: i have actually figured it out now...i just had to stare at the proble... (by Blank)
by x3r0ck
GameLoop design.
Although I have not yet decided which library I will use to measure and control time, I am thinking of how I might design the main game loop. Would it be better...
[no replies]
by BojanK
C++ and data base
Hi. I got task to make a simulation that will allow writing, saving and modification reports on power plants. Output of my simulation is in following form: ...
[no replies]
Im looking for a bit of code that could take an imputed name (first and last) and rearrange it (see example) before being saved in the array which can be recal...
[9 replies] Last: well MikeyBoy , i'm sure you don't know anything about my specific pr... (by Rechard3)
Messages Problem
I can not seem to get the program to quit when Q is enter by the user and to display "Enter a number from 0 through 672 for message units" when a number from ...
[1 reply] : ok, i can see multiple problems, i'll start with the one you're asking... (by Rechard3)
Strange output from adding elements in an array.
I found this awesome site "" and for the first problem I decided to do something more complex than asked, the question is actually simple. "...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for pointing those out. (by Bernami)
error! function does not take 0 arguments PLEASE HELP!!! DESPERATE TO FINISH THIS PROGRAM (1,2)
Greetings. I've been writing this simple Tic Tac Toe program when I faced this error, function does not take 0 arguments. I've tried all sort of things, however...
[24 replies] Last: @Rechard3 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { co... (by UnitedJayMo)
by a sk
Size of pointer-to-pointer
Have tried googling this, and it appears it is NOT possible in C++ to find the size of a pointer to an array of pointers. Is that true? The below code doesn't w...
[7 replies] Last: just one note about the size of a pointer, because the pointer is actu... (by Rechard3)
Converting int to array (1,2)
Hi, I'm trying to write a program that converts numbers to text. Example: 14 = fourteen 1067 = one thousand sixty seven Basically I'm trying to split ...
[24 replies] Last: i want it to be open source. (by Rechard3)
Writing to an outFile
I am having trouble writing my program to an outFile. When I try it only lets my program execute one time, instead of multiple times. I need basic beginners in...
[6 replies] Last: I got it figured out....thanks!! (by wreglefan)
by vnii
How to read certain lines from a txt file?
Hello, I was just wondering if there was a way I can view certain entries that I write into a text file. I have a program that lets the user keep track of a dia...
[11 replies] Last: it should be a simple task for an experienced programmer to examine yo... (by Rechard3)
by tdk93
counting characters from a string
I'm trying to count occurences of each character in a string and find out the maximum frequency of any character present in a substring and save it this show...
[1 reply] : Before using any function you should read its description. (by vlad from moscow)
function that call themselves???
Hi again i. Read in the documentation About function that call themselves What exactly it mean call themselves I tried to explore this in google and still d...
[10 replies] Last: whoops I meant n * factorial( n - 1 )...sorry long long int factorial... (by giblit)
Need help with pointers - I think
Hi. I am trying to run the below code but I am having an issue compiling. Visual Studio is telling me that I need to create pointers but everytime I try, I r...
[3 replies] Last: back to what I said you need to use () when you are calling a function... (by giblit)
by Elidor
Hello, today I got on my computer and tried to compile a program with MinGW and got the following error: cc1plus.exe - Application Error The application was u...
[3 replies] Last: @Catfish4 Beautiful solution though I wish I knew what was wrong with ... (by Elidor)
by vnii
Writing to a file.
Can someone tell me how to write multiple entries to a file without having to declare each entry like string entry1; string entry2; etc. and is there a ...
[5 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> #include<iomani... (by vnii)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 49
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