Accessing array of structs causing segfault |
[2 replies] Last: Works like magic. Thanks! (by MongolSamurai)
by dudelio
Help with minor errors in program
[2 replies] Last: For your first error, try using include guards. For your 2nd error, y... (by toum)
by vnii
can someone run my project?
[1 reply] : Sorry, didn't run the code but noticed some things that I'd like to co... (by SamuelAdams)
by SourceCoded
Extracting website code w/o CUrl
[1 reply] : A URL is a address like /comptueraddress/path/file name which allows c... (by SamuelAdams)
by dhilchie
Trying to fill dynamic array from txt file
[3 replies] Last: Data is a pointer and can represent one-dimensional array. The dynami... (by keskiverto)
by tsdad
Problem getting example to work
[10 replies] Last: What I have learned The while loop will go on forever unless ended som... (by tsdad)
by piczim
Finding information and placing it into the code?
[3 replies] Last: As a beginner, I would recommend learning 3 things: Output Input and ... (by IWishIKnew)
by Merriak
Fstream Question
[4 replies] Last: You can do this two ways: 1- Useing getline, the obvious choice. 2-... (by IWishIKnew)
by Zoo
Difference of OOP and OOD
[3 replies] Last: Design refers to the overall layout of the program. Hopefully you kno... (by IWishIKnew)
by pronesti
Visual Studio command prompt compile problem
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out. I have to cl add.cpp main.cpp and that gives me add... (by pronesti)
by harshmad
Compile error
[2 replies] Last: maybe it is fillarray and diplayarray (by flussadl)
by sajis997
Bitwise enumeration
[8 replies] Last: everything != 0 is iterpreted as true (by coder777)
by HeavyRain
Kernel and thread
[no replies]
How to preapre a C++ Program to login with the password after saving it to the Computer |
[6 replies] Last: Hey guys, please post the program supported by either Turbo C++ v.3.0... (by cire)
by SulPC
Text To String Error;
[1 reply] : Ok this solution seems to be viable and compiles with no errors: pr... (by SulPC)
by Ch1156
can you use a different window other than CMD? (1,2)
[28 replies] Last: Thank you very much i will read through all these very soon. (by Ch1156)
by konovoloff
Reading in data into array from a loop
[3 replies] Last: For the exercise you are doing there is no any need to have an array t... (by vlad from moscow)
by technovator
Vector to read int
[4 replies] Last: guys, you should notice this: here's this article: http://www.cplusp... (by Rechard3)
by Axiom34
cin >> UsersChoice;
[5 replies] Last: @Catfish4: Hmm... maybe you're thinking about kbhit() from the conio.... (by Rechard3)
by nasser
[2 replies] Last: lol (by ar2007)