Beginners - June 2013 (Page 31)

Accessing array of structs causing segfault
Several of you helped me with this project a few days back. I got the code to compile thanks to your help, but now I'm running into a segfault. I've tracked dow...
[2 replies] Last: Works like magic. Thanks! (by MongolSamurai)
Help with minor errors in program
I'm encountering two small errors in my code and I'm not sure how to fix them. 1. Line 1 in PokerCard.h is returning an error of: redefinition of `class Poke...
[2 replies] Last: For your first error, try using include guards. For your 2nd error, y... (by toum)
by vnii
can someone run my project?
Can someone run my project and tell me what i am messing up on? Its a project that lets the user keep a journal, but I can't get the writing to a file to work....
[1 reply] : Sorry, didn't run the code but noticed some things that I'd like to co... (by SamuelAdams)
Extracting website code w/o CUrl
Hi, Is there any way to extract source code of a website without CUrl? Or, how could I implement python into a c++ program?
[1 reply] : A URL is a address like /comptueraddress/path/file name which allows c... (by SamuelAdams)
Trying to fill dynamic array from txt file
I am trying to fill a dynamic array from a text file but I keep getting errors this is my first attempt at doing something with dynamic arrays so im not too sur...
[3 replies] Last: Data is a pointer and can represent one-dimensional array. The dynami... (by keskiverto)
by tsdad
Problem getting example to work
Group, I am teaching myself c++. I have been using a variety of sources and have landed on C++ Primer. Very good, easy to follow. I am having a problem maki...
[10 replies] Last: What I have learned The while loop will go on forever unless ended som... (by tsdad)
by piczim
Finding information and placing it into the code?
I need to know what it is called when you ask a question like What is the diameter of the circle. ? and then you type in the answer and then then that is...
[3 replies] Last: As a beginner, I would recommend learning 3 things: Output Input and ... (by IWishIKnew)
Fstream Question
Alright, so I am a little rusty with fstream and need a little assistance. I am trying to write a while loop that will count the number of elements/characte...
[4 replies] Last: You can do this two ways: 1- Useing getline, the obvious choice. 2-... (by IWishIKnew)
by Zoo
Difference of OOP and OOD
Could anybody tell me, what is the difference between Object-Oriented Programming, and Object-Oriented Design? Thanks!
[3 replies] Last: Design refers to the overall layout of the program. Hopefully you kno... (by IWishIKnew)
Visual Studio command prompt compile problem
I'm using visual studio c++ express and using the Command Line to Compile a C++ Program. What I typed at the command line was cl main.cpp The code compiles b...
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out. I have to cl add.cpp main.cpp and that gives me add... (by pronesti)
Compile error
This doesn't compile pls help..// #include<iostream> using namespace std; void fillarray(int a ,int size) { int element; for (int i=0;i<size;i++) ...
[2 replies] Last: maybe it is fillarray and diplayarray (by flussadl)
Bitwise enumeration
Hello forum, The source that i am going through contains the following enumeration values enum SyncOperation { NO_SYNC = 0x000, ...
[8 replies] Last: everything != 0 is iterpreted as true (by coder777)
Kernel and thread
Hello everybody, I am a beginner in c++ programming and I have a stupid question that I couldn't find the answer to it using google and I hope that you could...
[no replies]
How to preapre a C++ Program to login with the password after saving it to the Computer
Hi friends, I am new to C++ programming without having any previous experience in programming in any another language. So guys, please help me out! :( >>...
[6 replies] Last: Hey guys, please post the program supported by either Turbo C++ v.3.0... (by cire)
by SulPC
Text To String Error;
Can anybody give me an easy solution to this problem: private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { String n...
[1 reply] : Ok this solution seems to be viable and compiles with no errors: pr... (by SulPC)
by Ch1156
can you use a different window other than CMD? (1,2)
I have been wondering if there was a way to use a different window other than the CMD box, i hate that thing so much. Is there any other possible way to be able...
[28 replies] Last: Thank you very much i will read through all these very soon. (by Ch1156)
Reading in data into array from a loop
Right now Im trying to write a program that can take an input file that has a bunch of integers, and then show the amount of numbers in certain ranges. For exam...
[3 replies] Last: For the exercise you are doing there is no any need to have an array t... (by vlad from moscow)
Vector to read int
Here's a problem of vector that I think I've solved: Write a program to read a sequence of int s from cin and store those values in a vector . //Writ...
[4 replies] Last: guys, you should notice this: here's this article: http://www.cplusp... (by Rechard3)
cin >> UsersChoice;
so I've been going through the beginners exercises and am working my way through them, problems solving what I can and asking for help with what I can't... ...
[5 replies] Last: @Catfish4: Hmm... maybe you're thinking about kbhit() from the conio.... (by Rechard3)
by nasser
how to get c++ examples
[2 replies] Last: lol (by ar2007)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 49
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