Beginners - June 2013 (Page 26)

ccess violation reading location 0x0000000c When Running Code
I've started creating mods for an open source game titled Liberal Crime Squad and have come across a error that I can not bypass. Every time I debug the program...
[5 replies] Last: Well, It was originally 5 so added another to hold the new element, Fr... (by selimi02)
while validation loop can't handle letter inputs
Hey guys! I'm moving up the ol' C++ knowledge ladder. I'm betting only enlightenment and joy awaits at the top ... right? Hey, so something that I've had...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=LazyTechGuy]Huh. Limits. I'll make sure I read up on that and g... (by cire)
Linked List question
Why does my insertFront function display 5 10 20 30 35 40 but when I return from the function and call display is shows 10 20 30 35 40. #include <iostream> usi...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by pronesti)
Adding decimal digitals to whole number doubles
Right now I am doing some C++ challengers (beginner) that I found on another site. I've completed it, but I dont like the output. Let's take this code fo...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! That did it. :D (by closed account NyhkoG1T)
Syntax Issue with If Condition
Hello again, I was just wondering if anyone would be able to clarify a syntax issue I am having. It is towards the bottom of my code in the CompareLetters fun...
[3 replies] Last: Line 37: You're trying to call CompareLetters without specifying any ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Understanding Bitwise Operators and Literals
So here are the lines of code I need help understanding: unsigned s = 555; int i = (s >> 4) & ~(~0 << 3); I think I understand most of this, bu...
[4 replies] Last: ah ok I wasn't understanding how negative integers were represented. ... (by TerriSchiavosGhost)
Question about ofstream!!!
Hi I have a question on ofstream!! I am trying to write program that takes words from a text file and sort then in increasing order by using min priority queue...
[2 replies] Last: oh thanks..!! I fixed it now!! (by munjo5746)
Player Efficiency Rating program problem
I'm currently trying to write a program to find an NBA players PER. Whenever I try to get the players different stats, the program won't let me input any inform...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure why you have an array of strings. I think you meant to do... (by giblit)
Why is this not running?!
Hi everyone, I am very new to programming as I am in my first semester. I am working on a project and am already having issues from the very beginning. I h...
[2 replies] Last: In your code: int main () { void Instructions(); return 0; } R... (by xismn)
Hello World!
Hello everyone! I have a little bit of a problem, It shouldn't be a problem for anyone. On that note, this post is basically just to say hi to everyone! I decid...
[15 replies] Last: Thank you giblet, You have been very helpful ^_^ I completely understa... (by Chillieman)
Linked list
I have a linked list that looks like this - - - - I call out function insertFront(&head,5); which inserts a node to the front of the list. I'm drawing a blan...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much. (by pronesti)
How To Use Atol() Function to turn array of characters into two numbers (Getting EXTREMELY strange behaviour)
So the ordinary usage of atol is convert a array of characters into numbers. But I tried to split up the first half of the array and second half and atol() them...
[4 replies] Last: Interesting. Thanks a lot! (by anonymousxyz)
Well, I'm a newbie to programming & a self-learner. So, vector confused me a good bit. I want to know the use of vector, its applications in programming. Why we...
[14 replies] Last: > Write a program to read a sequence of ints from cin and store those ... (by JLBorges)
by piczim
Adding a word
I am wanting to do code for a basic currency converter. It will basically to be to choose one of three currencies then convert it into US$. So naturally the fir...
[1 reply] : you do realize thats C code and not C++ code right? Also char gets one... (by Ch1156)
How to end this code
Everything in this code works fine, so far... #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "W...
[6 replies] Last: If I may suggest this code #include <iostream> #include <string> #... (by closed account NyhkoG1T)
Why doesn't all the compilers follow Standard C++?
Hi, I am new to C++. I want to ask a question. I have seen many times that different compilers follow different rules. LIke in GNUC++ compiler we can set array...
[5 replies] Last: hmm, I see. Thank you all for your kind support. (by Himansh)
by BToven
[help]From codeblocks to Visual studio 2012
Hi,im making a text baesed videogame,i made the first battle and my brother said"textbased games sucks".So i knew about visual stubio and bought the license.I c...
[7 replies] Last: Don't worry about ... (by giblit)
What does assert do?
Hey, #include<iostream> #include <assert.h> #include<list> using namespace std; void main(){ list<int> L; L.push_back(3); L.push_back(1); L.push...
[2 replies] Last: @ Edward01: I don't want to be a jerk, but what's your excuse for not ... (by Catfish4)
audio sounds in C++
I need to work on audio sounds in C++ ... how can i start...!! i googled But i found there need to library that must be include which library is best and wh...
[4 replies] Last: lazyfoo has made some excellent tutorials on SDL: (by kevinkjt2000)
by Manga
my stupid question.
I notice when reading examples of code that some people use cout and some use prinf . But what is the real difference, and is there any advantage of using on...
[5 replies] Last: thanks again everyone. I tend to use cout more, though I don't ca... (by Manga)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 49
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