Beginners - June 2013 (Page 25)

Why do i get a redefinition of class error
I know it is on Catalan, but its the same code as in Engrish :) #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int suma(); int resta(); int di...
[6 replies] Last: THANK YOU! IT WORKS!! My fail was due because I'm going a bit faster ... (by Marc Colome)
I have a c++ programming Exam Help ???
ok so the exam is : Airline Booking System a small airline company bought a computer to automate reserving tickets. it asks me to build it's system ...
[5 replies] Last: I'm not Double posting ,,,I posted this in the Wrong place then I post... (by hossambalouiri)
why is "yes" a valid answer to an integer prompt
Hello, i recently learned about switch statements, do loops, if then statements and i tried to write my own mini candy and maturity checker. however i was rando...
[6 replies] Last: You should learn 'error handling'. The program you wrote itself has ma... (by ErrorFree)
Compile Errors Bag Class
this topic has been removed
[3 replies] Last: Instead of the line #include "bag.cpp" in main you should write #in... (by vlad from moscow)
Question ?1 :0 what it means
So the teacher gave us solution for one problem and when i asked him why and how it works he didnt know to explain, now. Problem is user inputs special agent co...
[4 replies] Last: tnx mate :) (by dragcro)
by nhfk
why there is run time error - stack overflow
Hi all, i went over some code and i was trying to figure out why it cause run time error of stack overflow. attached the code: class opOverload{ publ...
[3 replies] Last: By the way main shall be declared as int main() (by vlad from moscow)
Write your question here. why does not Windows.h dont work in turbo borland
[9 replies] Last: Yep, what duoas said is quite right, i noticed my school too uses th... (by a k n)
A question about post increment
Hello, so I was review some basic stuff to see if I completely understand the concept and there is something I do not seem to understand. So I have this litt...
[7 replies] Last: There is really no point in trying to see what the compilers do in cas... (by Cubbi)
find or remove in list, stl, doesnt work, please help.
Write your question here. Hey, i made a list of classes using the stl. but when i am trying remove an element or find an elevent i'm getting this error: error C...
[2 replies] Last: You did not define operator == for class Song. So the compiler does no... (by vlad from moscow)
What does the statement below do? arr[arr ] = arr + 5;
[4 replies] Last: yes, I was focusing on the arithmetic and I forgot the * , my bad.... (by seven50)
Doubt regarding initializing a string
Hello! I want to declare a character array and then assign it a value. So how to do it without using library functions or loops? Example: If I declared...
[6 replies] Last: @The illusionist mirage cire didn't use a library function. He wrote h... (by Peter87)
by salh
No errors, but code doesnt work
Sorry if my code looks dirty, but there were just too many errors and fixing them didn't leave any room for neat. Now there are no errors in debugging but the c...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks vlad and blancy, i see what I did wrong (by salh)
problem linking libcurl
hi! Trying to use the libcurl library to access some data on the web. I think I can do the programming but the problem is that I can't get it to link properly...
[5 replies] Last: You Right click on your project > select properties > project's build ... (by The illusionist mirage)
A class sharing members with others
Hi! I'm creating the classes for a hexgrid based game. The problem is that I don't know how to make each "block" contain it's corners and edges since thos...
[4 replies] Last: Looks good, busy today, will look at it tomorrow. Will set it to solve... (by Jonas Wingren)
by nasser
tutorial question
i can't understand this code?? // arrays example #include <iostream> using namespace std; int billy = {16, 2, 77, 40, 12071}; int n, result=0; ...
[3 replies] Last: now i have it my English is bad and google doesn't support c++ express... (by nasser)
Arrays - Storing millions of numbers.
I am trying to write a program that will generate over 100 million different number combinations. I have 6 arrays that I need to be able to hold over 100 millio...
[10 replies] Last: > I want to output every possible permutation of numbers 1-50 6 times.... (by JLBorges)
Learn C++ in 21 days - exercise 11.3: class destructors
According to the book the destructor for the Dog class and Mammal class should be called when the object "fido" loses scope. In the example they should be displ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. (by Shapeshifter878)
My Final Project
Write your question here. I am struggling with my code, it abends when it is trying to read the two numbers as input. It appears to loop and then gives me an ...
[6 replies] Last: Or the fact that cin and cout are c++ and not c and you can do more th... (by giblit)
by piczim
c Forum and programing advice
It appears that I have been thinking I am learning c++ when in actual fact I have been learning c to add insult to injury I have been doing a course in objectiv...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so very much (by piczim)
Hi Guys Finally it's time to submit my c++ project for my 12th std.I have 1 month time and need to use concept of class and file handling(The program should b...
[no replies]
June 2013 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 49
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