Beginners - June 2013 (Page 24)

by xbili
Pancake glutton
So I've started on doing exercises in C++ according to this thread: And I'm currently working on Pancake Glutt...
[3 replies] Last: Yes I am sorry forgot to tell you to dereference them. http://www.cplu... (by giblit)
by neenjo
How to give data to another programme from the programme i create
I would like to create a brute force programme. And i would like to test it in a programme that asks for password. So in order to brute force it i must be able ...
[1 reply] : Pipes and redirection is the first option: grep bar foo.txt | sort T... (by keskiverto)
Code getting stuck...
Hello all, Some of you may have noticed that I have recently been posting some ridiculously simple questions for about a week, but I have really been putting f...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Justin5978]Do you have any idea what is going on with line 26 t... (by TheIdeasMan)
Function Pointer
What is the difference between int (*callback)(double,float); callback = MyFunc; and int (*callback)(double,float); callback point_to_func =...
[2 replies] Last: I see I see. I've been moving on to hooks and procedures since almost ... (by billywilliam)
Give me a better option
Hello I just wanted to ask that is there a better function than systme( "cls" ); to clear the console screen ? Thanks
[1 reply] : If you use the search function at the top of this page, you come up wi... (by TheIdeasMan)
Why did C++ developers made it mandatory to put return type of main as a 'int'
Hi all, I checked some old C++ code online and there I saw the return type of main as a 'void' and nothing was being returned by the function. In Modern C++, we...
[11 replies] Last: Hmm, It seems like I have a lot to learn from you guys. Keep up your g... (by Himansh)
"Program.exe has stopped working"
Hi there! I'm relatively new to C++ and I definitely don't know as much as I should. Case in point: I'm programming a pretty simple, 2D matrix addition program ...
[5 replies] Last: Oh! Doh! Of course, all those arrays are local to main()... Glad you ... (by Duthomhas)
by piczim
Calling a character in c
I am trying to call a character into my code so that I can show it as a declaration before it goes into a calculation. I am not sure how to do this. What I am t...
[1 reply] : Hi piczim, Have a read of these - especially the examples: http://w... (by TheIdeasMan)
Classes Object's methods-inheritance!
I want to be able to make a battle scene and put it into a function, but every time i try i have to create objects in a different header file, which i then cant...
[10 replies] Last: This should be explained in whatever textbook you're using to learn C+... (by MikeyBoy)
Such kind of problem: A1=1000*0.2 A2=(1000-A1)*0.2 A3=(1000-A1-A2)*0.2 ................................ An=(1000-A1-A2-.....-An)*0.2 Need to solve this e...
[11 replies] Last: TNX ^^ guys. And special tnx to giblit.)) (by Daler Isoev)
Permission denied (1,2,3)
Hi, for a weird reason, I get 1 error which says : Permission Denied. I don't think the code is the problem because I've tried it with other legit codes and it ...
[53 replies] Last: I think there was a clue given earlier. Your anti-virus program is de... (by Chervil)
How to display "Loading..." with having 3 dots animating?
You may have seen in many places "Loading..." where the 3 dots (or more), viz. "...", first appear one by one, then after displaying all the dots, they again...
[no replies]
[C++] Program to measure typing speed and accuracy. Done with the speed part, no idea how to deal with the accuracy thing
[C++] Program to measure typing speed and accuracy. Done with the speed part, no idea how to deal with the accuracy thing In order to determine accuracy, eve...
[1 reply] : I think you should check based on the accuracy of each character and n... (by giblit)
by dody
array problem
how should i create an array for this question for example question1 = answerA question2 = answerB question3 = answerC question4 = answerA question5 = a...
[3 replies] Last: Wouldn't you just do this? char Questions = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'A'... (by Chillieman)
Problem with using Fork to write a Fibonacci program
I am implementing a fibonacci program with c++ by using fork() call. I try to rewrite a example from github which write by python. I think the programming lan...
[no replies]
Passing Array to a function doubt?
Hi all. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void getSizeOfArray(int newArray ); // creating a prototype int main(){ int myArray ; //...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for these links. I'll definitely check them out. (by Himansh)
Function for Addition displaying result as 1.#R
I have a user-defined function that calls two other user-defined functions and when the console displays "totalBill" it looks like this: 1.#R The car...
[6 replies] Last: That was it. I was treating this as a value returning function. When... (by codeDizzy)
Help with simple problem !
hey guy I'm new and a noob in c++ need help with this simple program Airline Booking System write a code to solve these problems as following : 1- Def...
[13 replies] Last: You're right about the initializer lists. As for my print method, I li... (by IceThatJaw)
Homework Help Please OSU C++
Hello i am having an issue with the code i am posting below. The code is for an out lab homework assignment for Ohio state university CSE1222. The issue i am ha...
[8 replies] Last: hello devildeuces. bool is_prime(int prime) { int r; for ... (by ar2007)
by cimm
Hey guys, I would really appreciate your help. I need some code for online store, so if you have one can you share with me? Or only some part, so I can make the...
[1 reply] : (by giblit)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 49
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