Beginners - June 2013 (Page 20)

Virus Protection Software Blocking My Programs
So I was programming a calculator, this was the beginning of my code: int main(){ vector<double> emil; cout << "-= Emil's Calculator =-\n\nGive...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, in some strange way that did the trick. It works now. I don't ge... (by GoranGaming)
C++ programming help!!
hello i am stuck on this project that i have due and dont know where to begin. Write a C++ program using arrays that will;  Read in data from a data fil...
[3 replies] Last: Fiber: thanks you this was helpful. i am also using windows visual but... (by thoan13)
by Fiber
Ongoing Visual C# Test
I've got a test going on right now and will last 30 more minutes. Edit: Forgot to add that I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (C#) - Sorry, my bad! Also f...
[1 reply] : Actually, I'm not sure if this is considered to be against the rules o... (by Fiber)
by pata
Class Member Function
I dont understand why calling cin before calling my member function screws up the output, see below: My Class: struct Person{ std::string name; s...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, it was driving me mad, c++ primer has not taught that and i... (by pata)
What should I do?
So...I've just started learning C++. I'm pretty much a complete newbie so use small words. So basically my question is what should I do to get started? I've lea...
[2 replies] Last: > what should I do to get started? One, continue learning C++. The bo... (by JLBorges)
iterator for loops
I decided to switch the vector into a char array since I will need it in that form for other tasks I need to do. I do not know why when switching my range base...
[4 replies] Last: nevermind (by HSflower)
by Manga
Today it is my goal to understand pointers. So... any pointers?
[11 replies] Last: Another very small thing: I find it useful to name my pointer variabl... (by TheIdeasMan)
Reading a random line from a txt file.
Hello! I think this is probably simple but I am not quite good at this yet. I want to read a random line from a text file of 100 million lines. I was thin...
[1 reply] : Adaptation of an old algorithm (Brian Kernighan?): #include <iostrea... (by JLBorges)
infix calculator using stack
pleasee does anyone have a code for an infix calculator using important ???
[1 reply] : Why do you need it? (by closed account NUj6URfi)
Implementing Class into main help please!
I'm desperately trying to figure out how to properly use setacc function, and also how to reference the speed variable into setacc and setbrake functions. I'm...
[11 replies] Last: thanks man. I really appreciate it. (by bigdog225)
by Think7
Why is this an infinite (while) loop?
Greetings I'm currently going though C++ Principals and Practices and starting on loops. I get the concept, how to use them, and what they're for but somethi...
[3 replies] Last: That did it! Thank you so much!!! :) (by Think7)
by Sage
What is considered Advanced C++?
I have been learning C++ and I want to become "advanced" but what exactly is advanced? What level would I be considered after completing a book like "Accelerate...
[2 replies] Last: As far as reading lists, I'd say you're getting there after the books ... (by Cubbi)
Passing Array Coordinates.
I am attempting to write a checkers program for a class project. My current problem is passing the coordinates of the pieces from one function to the next. I h...
[no replies]
Problem with probability
I ran into a problem using rand. int Prob (int num) {int Cnc; Cnc=(rand() % MAX)+1; if (Cnc <= num) {return 1;} else {return 0;}} When MAX is 10000 an...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I'm using Win7 and VC++ 2008. Thanks Cubbi and Peter, that solve... (by DrZoidberg)
Sharing a name between functions
I'm building a game and I have a user name validation that works. The code basically looks like this: void Introduction(); void Adventure(); int main(...
[9 replies] Last: Ah, wonderful. You guys are on the ball. Everything works perfectly no... (by Nikolii)
Double link list
When you create the 1st node I see front and back = the new node. When you add the 2nd node front gets modified, along with back, because they both pointed to t...
[2 replies] Last: I think I under stand it. Once back->N gests an address Front->N gets ... (by pronesti)
sending code to specific window
Hey. im trying to write a small program than can do some simple tasks for me on the computer. I want the program to be able to press keys in another program wi...
[3 replies] Last: No, just 0x41. (by Fransje)
Programming Projects?
I've been programming for a month now, and I seem to have run out of ideas. Please don't suggest project euler (heard it, tried it many times haha). So my quest...
[3 replies] Last: Oh wow, i looked over the code many times and i didnt find anything, i... (by bgschreff)
by sumsar
Random number
Im looking for a way to get a random number, I tried the code below but it doesnt give me a random number each time i cout it. #include<iostream> #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: ohh thank you (by sumsar)
help me figure out error..
I am very new to c++.After running the program It showed null error. It asks for both the inputs ie., x1,y1 and x2,y2. But when I press enter for output it retu...
[14 replies] Last: had always think it was the std::cout that does the "flushing", clos... (by Cubbi)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 49
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