by GoranGaming
Virus Protection Software Blocking My Programs
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, in some strange way that did the trick. It works now. I don't ge... (by GoranGaming)
by thoan13
C++ programming help!!
[3 replies] Last: Fiber: thanks you this was helpful. i am also using windows visual but... (by thoan13)
by Fiber
Ongoing Visual C# Test
[1 reply] : Actually, I'm not sure if this is considered to be against the rules o... (by Fiber)
by pata
Class Member Function
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, it was driving me mad, c++ primer has not taught that and i... (by pata)
What should I do? |
[2 replies] Last: > what should I do to get started? One, continue learning C++. The bo... (by JLBorges)
by HSflower
iterator for loops
[4 replies] Last: nevermind (by HSflower)
by Manga
[11 replies] Last: Another very small thing: I find it useful to name my pointer variabl... (by TheIdeasMan)
by kyiro37
Reading a random line from a txt file.
[1 reply] : Adaptation of an old algorithm (Brian Kernighan?): #include <iostrea... (by JLBorges)
by mina essam
infix calculator using stack
[1 reply] : Why do you need it? (by closed account NUj6URfi)
by bigdog225
Implementing Class into main help please!
[11 replies] Last: thanks man. I really appreciate it. (by bigdog225)
by Think7
Why is this an infinite (while) loop?
[3 replies] Last: That did it! Thank you so much!!! :) (by Think7)
by Sage
What is considered Advanced C++?
[2 replies] Last: As far as reading lists, I'd say you're getting there after the books ... (by Cubbi)
by lediable
Passing Array Coordinates.
[no replies]
by DrZoidberg
Problem with probability
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I'm using Win7 and VC++ 2008. Thanks Cubbi and Peter, that solve... (by DrZoidberg)
by Nikolii
Sharing a name between functions
[9 replies] Last: Ah, wonderful. You guys are on the ball. Everything works perfectly no... (by Nikolii)
by pronesti
Double link list
[2 replies] Last: I think I under stand it. Once back->N gests an address Front->N gets ... (by pronesti)
by swagsurfer
sending code to specific window
[3 replies] Last: No, just 0x41. (by Fransje)
by bgschreff
Programming Projects?
[3 replies] Last: Oh wow, i looked over the code many times and i didnt find anything, i... (by bgschreff)
by sumsar
Random number
[4 replies] Last: ohh thank you (by sumsar)
by alagumoul
help me figure out error..
[14 replies] Last: had always think it was the std::cout that does the "flushing", clos... (by Cubbi)