Beginners - June 2013 (Page 19)

i need help
i have been writing a dungeon crawler type game and have encountered a problem, in the code below this i use an if statement stating that if the user is to typ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you quickest reply yet seems to work great (by dangerawaits)
How do I define a custom literal suffix for a typeset?
Suppose I have typedef'd a double, and now want to have a literal of this type. How can I achieve this? typedef double signalf; signalf operator""(doubl...
[6 replies] Last: That could work. Thanks :) (by ausairman)
by killua
how to delete duplicates portions of strings
I have a vector of vectors of strings. I modify the vector of vectors. Then I output the modified data. Each component has a name of whom it belongs to in the...
[no replies]
Unknown Error
Im having some odd problem with my code... dev c++ compiles it without errors yet program dosent work, it crashes. What might be the problem here? #inc...
[6 replies] Last: Yeah i had to read book again. DECLARATION is not INITIALISATION. I m... (by WedzonyP)
by Ch1156
Help with while loop (1,2)
I cant figure out how to enter anything else if i screw up. Im supposed to be able to enter a choice and if it is right then terminate the loop and continue, bu...
[31 replies] Last: > is there a site where i can learn stuff like that? > not actual cod... (by JLBorges)
numbers sorting
Write your question here. I want the user to input 200 numbers, and my program to sort/find all the different variations of combinations, ie: 25678,728...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the Info........ I will learn. (by TBENTON)
Doubly Linked List Insert Function
I cant get the Doubly Link List to print the inserted symbol. starting from the list all over again. And i am wondering if i am doing it right? class Node...
[4 replies] Last: oh i see... now i get it.. i got it to work now THANKS ALOT! (by MewEight)
by dody
how to create an array for this :(
or example... a)how do you..? 2.sleep 3.walk b)who are you 2.girl and so on i have 7 question all together how should i creat...
[5 replies] Last: i dont know how to transferring the user input into an array value .. (by dody)
Transform Algorithm Not Working
Team, I have a question about the transform() algorithm. Below is a simple program takes a word and determines whether it is a palindrome (a word that is spell...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, Cubbi! Good stuff. I have a lot to learn still. I've never u... (by todricos)
"C++ Primer Plus"6th edition vs "C++ Primer" 5th edition?
I am a beginner to C++ (with programming experience in other languages like Javascript), and I have shortlisted two books which I would like to buy. C++ Prim...
[2 replies] Last: I'll give it a try: Primer Plus 6th. January 2012 (second printing) St... (by Cubbi)
Branch and bound
Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4 Person A 11 12 18 40 Person B 14 15 13 22 Person C 11 17 19 23 Person D 17 14 20 28 below is my question and want me t...
[1 reply] : Sorry, but your question is very vague. Is this a knapsack type of pr... (by kevinkjt2000)
code help
We are asked by our professor to make an c++ file that contains an array, function, class,loop and a username and password thing at the beginning. I know guys...
[4 replies] Last: sorry man. ahaha btw thanks alot !! (by john654)
by aggsyb
Renaming Folders ?
Hi, I am trying to rename a folder for example Test.Folder.1422 to Test Folder 1422 but eventually I want to be able to rename ALL subfolders ins...
[5 replies] Last: Using boost filesystem (by JLBorges)
two errors which I don't know how to fix
Hi all. On "cout << "x1 = " << x1= ((-b) - sqrt(D)/ (2*a)) << endl; cout << "x2 = " << x2= ((-b) + sqrt(D)/ (2*a)) << endl;}" lines i get errors: invalid ope...
[7 replies] Last: That's exactly what Peter meant. He said "will not be divided". Also,... (by Chervil)
Conditional operator problem ?
Can u help me with the code below, idea is to sum the numbers in range of brKarika lets say br Karika =4 and numbers are: 3 11 4 7 so suma =3+13 suma =3+13+4 su...
[5 replies] Last: that is what i wanted to know, i've checked the link and my mind start... (by dragcro)
prblem in building code
Hi everyone I was doing this question in data handling that searches through a file for records maintained through structures. I wrote this code, but it is not...
[7 replies] Last:* ) &s, sizeof(stu)); This will read sizeof(stu) ... (by Peter87)
Does anyone know any really good books on how to make a video game in c++? One that walks through the fundamentals? I tried Game Coding Complete 4th edition.
[4 replies] Last: Perhaps you should ask this question in a forum devoted to game develo... (by JLBorges)
No clue
When I "cout" below, it starts from 75. However, if I take out the last line " cout << bottlesLeft <<" bottles of beer on the wall."<<endl;". It correctly p...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you very much, Usandfriends. (by ujaekang)
What is this and does it work
Hi chaps been playing with the XPLANE API and windows API and what is this? PLUGIN_API??? its not static, public what is it and how does it work can anyone p...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys that has pointed me in the right direction I now know what... (by pizzaboy150)
passing ofstream into a structure
How do i pass an ofstream to a structure; //write to file ofstream outfile ; outfile .open("example1.bin"); outfile .open("example2.bin"); outfile .op...
[7 replies] Last: Btw, std::ofstream is default constructible. Oops, yes, you're righ... (by MikeyBoy)
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