Beginners - June 2013 (Page 16)

Erase element from <set>
Hello, I am having a problem erasing elemnet from set. I'm getting 11 errors which send me to "xstddef standard header". I have no idea what have i done wrong w...
[2 replies] Last: std::set requires a "less than" function (operator) to be available... (by Catfish4)
by gjezzi
Point and Click Movement
Hello all. I'm quite new programing so i'm having some trouble with some implementations, and one of them is: I need to make a game like Diner Dash, or s...
[1 reply] : Sounds like a pathfinding problem. You might have to look into Dijkstr... (by Smac89)
by killua
Vector modification of strings
I am in a beginning c++ course and we never covered vectors, but I am trying to learn to do things with vectors instead of multidimensional arrays. I get a e...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <alg... (by JLBorges)
LNK2005: already defined in main.obj
This error has made me very frustrated. The error in full is: 1>------ Build started: Project: Kirby_Server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> main.cpp...
[3 replies] Last: There are three ways to fix the error: 1. Place only the declarations... (by JLBorges)
Very simple Navigation program
I'm trying to write a program for practice. This program is supposed to collect input data (n, s, e, w for north, south, east, and west) and then display the co...
[1 reply] : I figured it out, actually. I was telling the compiler to end the line... (by Micronomics)
void Pointers
I appreciate if someone can comment out every line of the below code. // increaser #include <iostream> using namespace std; void increase (void* data, in...
[1 reply] : // increaser #include <iostream> //Include iostream using namespace s... (by xismn)
Formula not returning a sum
Hi, could someone tell me why this function in my header is not returning the balance = depAmount + balance back to Main? Thank you!! double SavingsAcco...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry I'm new to this so I thought new questions = new posts.. Thank y... (by lili143)
A question about source code and compiling
Hello, I've just started learning c++ using a book i got ( C++ primer plus). I was reading about source code, object code, compiling and executable code. I go...
[3 replies] Last: C++ is a "portable language" because it follows the ISO (International... (by jaydizzle)
Not seeing the problem with my if statement
Hello everybody, I am working on an assignment and have just started but now I am having an issue with my if statements. I keep getting error "C2181: illegal ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you both for your insight. I am new so I am still making more t... (by Justin5978)
Why & what to program with C++
There are many, many programming languages, each with their own target audiences and purposes. What about C++? Why program with C++? What type of programs or us...
[4 replies] Last: Hi again, thanks for the quick and thorough replies. @ResidentBiscuit... (by StevenChartis)
why dont i get the output i expect from this insanley simple code?
the ouput is 4287928!!!! #include <iostream> #include <cmath> main() { int square_of_sum,sum_of_squares; for(int x = 1;x<11;x++) {...
[2 replies] Last: You should also put a return value (zero) and a return type (int) for ... (by StevenChartis)
Password login string
I am new to this and am trying to figure out how to get my code to work. I have to use string can't use class or anything advanced. I pretty much have no idea w...
[11 replies] Last: Well thank you all a bunch . This was a heck of a lot of fun the proje... (by Cobalt555)
What are some good sites to learn C++ for beginners?
Hey. Well as you can guess I'm a newbie at C++. But not a complete newbie and I have read through a couple tutorials. But are there any sites online that have n...
[3 replies] Last: > But are there any sites online that have not only have tutorials, bu... (by JLBorges)
Help with switch statement.
I'm writing a program to switch between four different paycodes. I was initially doing if else statements but I kept getting a c2181 error message. I changed ...
[2 replies] Last: Helpful! Thanks! It's still doing goofy stuff but has stopped stalli... (by philbertfour)
Query about constructor and destructor
Hi All I have a query regarding constructor and destructor. How accessibility of constructor and destructor affects the scope and the visibility of their cl...
[16 replies] Last: @JLBorges The standard contains many contradictions and even bugs. ... (by vlad from moscow)
Why does this work?
Hi everyone, Let me start with the code in question: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void fill_AR ( int , int, int, int,...
[7 replies] Last: If you do not intent for the value to change, then use const the arr... (by ne555)
Is this undefined behavior?
I'm having trouble understanding sequence points. For now, I'd like to know if this below is undefined behavior, and if so, why? bool flag = true; fla...
[2 replies] Last: > I'm having trouble understanding sequence points. You mean Sequence... (by JLBorges)
Reading strings from file into array errors.
Im trying to write a code to read hours and names from a .txt file for employees hours. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ...
[2 replies] Last: Ah yes, the ever important string header...silly me. Thanks! (by Mobius1)
Whenever I try to call the "iodos.h" -library Code::Blocks gives me an error. It says that there is no such file or directory. Do you know why? #include <...
[6 replies] Last: Okay. I just wanted to be able to use the whole Swedish alphabet, beca... (by GoranGaming)
Practice with Iterators
Hey Everyone, Today it is my goal to practice with iterators and become more comfortable with them. I decided to make a list using iterators as much as poss...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you both Disch and Vlad for your thorough responses. It's a gre... (by RastaWolf)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 49
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