Beginners - June 2011 (Page 4)

by Gene
Creating a variable size array in a struct
Hello, I was just wondering how I would go by making a struct that contained the variables x and y, which are defined when you make the variable and a char arra...
[1 reply] : Dynamic memory allocation and constructors. The tutorial on this site... (by firedraco)
When is the c++ learning curve going to end? (1,2)
After reading this article: I have realized that i am at the "delusional stage" (stag...
[21 replies] Last: I was just joking with how the whole thing was worded. xD Just because... (by Ikaron)
hey im new at proggramming and i was just wondering if anyone had any tips or sample codes i could look at to familerize myself with c++, ive done a little bit ...
[2 replies] Last: ok i didnt even know there was a tutorial thanks :) (by killer99603)
A small question regarding #define
1. #import <iostream> 2. using namespace std; 3. #define say 'cout' 4. int main() 5. { 6. say<<"Hello World"; 7. return 0; 8. } Is line 3. possible? ...
[3 replies] Last: If you remove the single quotes ' from around cout, then yes it is. Al... (by LB)
Phone Number Program
Hello, I'm Ryoga - a student trying to cram intros to Java and C++ into a single summer session... For a project, I'm trying to write a program that reads a te...
[19 replies] Last: A lot of switch statements is a terribly ugly way to go about this. Y... (by ascii)
by Ernest
Don't know where to begin on this
hello all not sure where to begin on this... This program will store in miniVector v a list of 15 random integers from 0 to 99, then it will output the vecto...
[no replies]
Having trouble understanding && and ||
I have been reading cplusplus beginner tutorials and have been ok understanding basics. Well i'm stuck on this example and since I have no laptop at the moment ...
[3 replies] Last: Wow that was easy, thank you for breaking it down. (by BLooDiESiN)
Where to start?
Can someone tell me the best way to learn this? Do I need a book or can I get it all from the internet. I don't want to be too much of a bother on this forum. ...
[3 replies] Last: There is no way you can be too much of a bother. The more simple quest... (by Intrexa)
Not sure why I can't compile...
I made a simple program, and it won't compile. Here's the program: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int returnthis (int a; int b;) { return a + b; }...
[2 replies] Last: You can delete your duplicate post: (by LB)
by swp
only 2 errors. plz help
void ascend( float resAr , int size) { //local data int minSub; //subscript of smallest item located int n = MAX_SIZE - 1; for( int i = 0 ; i < n; ...
[1 reply] : The two function calls you are making are not giving the correct numbe... (by Zhuge)
compiler issues
I am new to this but I have written enough stuff in html to know something is wrong. I downloaded and installed the Code::Blocks 10.05 and ran the simple code o...
[8 replies] Last: Code::Blocks keeps the console open anyway, so there's no need to do t... (by Athar)
by moi134
which c++ library to use for pattern recognition
Hi, I would like to start using c++ for pattern recognition projects. There exist some libraries such as CImage and OpenCV but I am not sure which one is be...
[1 reply] : "Pattern recognition" is a very ambiguous statement. Regexes are used... (by jsmith)
by tonnot
Just a little help for friend method class ???
I dont know if this is possible: I have : ClassA public : void methodA private : ClassB my_classb ClassB ...
[1 reply] : methodA operates on instances of type ClassA. ClassB is not a ClassA,... (by jsmith)
Timer operated instructions?
Hey all, What's a good, clean way to start a timer and then get the program to do something after x amount of time has elapsed? I guess you could do it w...
[6 replies] Last: You might want to check out Boost's deadline_timer implementation. ht... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Prime Number Problem
Hi, I am teaching myself C++, so this is not homework. I am reading to C++ books, and research my code on the web. I do not know any C++ programmers, so I woul...
[16 replies] Last: LB: kev82 solved the problem for us. I am just posting to thank you fo... (by matthewmpp)
this code giving compiling error....why :( #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include <iomanip> #include <cwchar> #include <cmath> main() { ...
[9 replies] Last: ok dont give ans..i will do it byself..try karti ho.. :(( anyways..tha... (by student302)
by Dunken
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
Hi I'm new in C++. Can anybody explain why one of the following projects doesn't compile?? Thank you!!
[10 replies] Last: OK, I also found another solution which is probably basically the same... (by Dunken)
by swp
im new NEED HELP! im begging you
hence the title so bear with me. my project is to take four numbers that are stored in an file nums.txt and add them all together. show the sum. subtract the...
[8 replies] Last: how should the statements look for loading the array? say the array i... (by swp)
Working with stringstreams?
Hey all, I'm not exactly sure how to work with sringstreams. I thought it'd work just like an IO stream, but I'm encountering this weird problem. Say I read ...
[5 replies] Last: Wow, I'm an idiot. Yep, that's much cleaner and it actually works. Tha... (by zeromeus)
I need to print output into a different file after the program compiles. For example, filename.cpp compiles, and I want the results printed into file.txt . I ha...
[4 replies] Last: thanks L B. I got rid of the if line and whaddaya know it worked! than... (by xXmusicmanXx)
June 2011 Pages: 123456... 41
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