Beginners - June 2011 (Page 2)

How do I?: Add more statements.
Borland Turbo C++ 4.5 Hi guys, while I was searching for information about the keyword " operator " to better understand it, I found this code: #includ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks hamsterman..! :) (by mexists)
get() function or show() function ?!
Hi, can i use get_xy() function in this program instead of show() function? if so, what is the difference? which one is better and why? void showxy() {cout<< ...
[no replies]
help... Kidding XD But just some optimization...
static char* CAToLower(char* Char) { for (int i = 0;true;++i) { if (Char =='\0') { return Char; } s...
[5 replies] Last: I don't know if it is faster, but you could use bitwise operators: Bi... (by webJose)
Function Paramater things...
type func_name(param) { code stuff } so for params I know you can have (modifier type var_name, modifier type var_name) where modifier is something l...
[6 replies] Last: thanks : ) and i am slightly embarrassed... out and ref are c# keywor... (by Watachiaieto)
i can get this programe to compile and run but its display window doesnt stay it just flashes can some one help include <iostream> #include <cmath> u...
[3 replies] Last: to make the line column number visible go to tool >editor options > sy... (by Watachiaieto)
by rever
Memory allocated
Hi all! I have defined a list of vectors and I am worried because my program is going to add a lot of vectors (the vector contains 7 integer elements). I pre...
[1 reply] : In a std::list<T> each node looks like (approximately): struct _lis... (by jsmith)
Problem creating a template specialization.
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> template <class T> T maxn(T range , int size); // create a specialization for an array of pointer-to-chars. templ...
[7 replies] Last: Huh, I get compiler errors about multiply defined functions and undef... (by jsmith)
rounding vs int output
I am writing a logic code an its works fine except for a minor problem. The code prompts the user to enter a number between 0-100, and puts it in a grade range....
[4 replies] Last: thanks intrexa. I will submit it to my instructor, see if its a proble... (by xXmusicmanXx)
Loops with Exponents
Heya, guys. I've been doing pretty well, lately with the whole C++ thing. I've been getting the hang of it, and so I'm really happy. I've trying to push myse...
[3 replies] Last: Say you have the number 5. Say you need to raise it to the exponent n.... (by Albatross)
something about "for(stuff;first[i] && second[i];stuff)" (go to bottom threeish posts)
the problem is that when i run it it does not trigger the 'if'. I give the debugger input parameters to be "/v /n /o" and it does not show that any of them were...
[17 replies] Last: Thanks for the help everyone! To recap... I learned that locations of... (by Watachiaieto)
No output in functions
My instructor doesn't want any outputs in the functions (ex. cout). He wants everything output in main. I was taught differently last semester (main and functio...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Axl Van Damme)
by wtf
What is wrong with this code? I just don't get pointers.
char * str(string s2c) { char * rv = new (nothrow) char (s2c.size()); rv = s2c; return rv; delete rv; } Its supposed to convert...
[9 replies] Last: long story (by wtf)
Hello, I am trying to run a program that uses dir.h header file in borland C++ 3.0 compiler. Unfortunaltely i don't have that header file and i can't find i...
[2 replies] Last: i downloaded Mingw/GCC. The dir.h which is included in it is irreleven... (by showbhit)
cout done twice problem !!
Hello, I have a problem with my code, My code is : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int choice, a, b; ...
[3 replies] Last: All thanks to Zhuge, without him I will never get my full mark in that... (by Jaafar Husain)
Image settings/programming window style pack?
Hi, just starting programming really/ but need to know how to change/where to find an image/window pack for applications etc. Creating a window is probably g...
[no replies]
by holtaf
I have some newbie question.When I trying to read data from file the last block is reading two times .The condition in loop is (!eof) What am I doing wrong???...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by holtaf)
Help with basic multithreaded program
Hi all you C++ brilliant peoples I'm writing my first multithreaded program to test processing time and for some reason my multithreaded program takes longer...
[4 replies] Last: Perhaps try the events as manual reset events and see if that makes a ... (by shacktar)
What is "src"
I'm studying an example of operators and references. In the code, there is a public constructor that has this syntax: Point(const Point &src) {set(src.x, sr...
[2 replies] Last: Got it. I didn't realize that "src" was just a variable name chosen b... (by joatmon)
Which C++
Hi Guys, Pardon me for asking a rather silly question. I am not new to programming, having done the usual web-development stuff like PHP, JavaScript, MySQL e...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys. (by shotgun)
What is program, Problem?(C++)
Hi, I can't find my program broblem plz help me! #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Time{ int S,M,H; public: Time (int h,int m,int s){S=...
[3 replies] Last: look this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Time{ int... (by shahin007)
June 2011 Pages: 1234... 41
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