Beginners - June 2011 (Page 19)

Programming Project Help
Hello c++, This is my first post, so I figure I would start by saying Hello. I'm a student at Auburn University in a C++ class, and I've come here to get some ...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks for all the responses! Making menuChoice a char type changed e... (by dhj0001)
cannot convert from 'System::Windows::Forms::Form^ to 'MyApplication::Form1 ^'
Hi guys, I am working on my application using with native c++. I am trying to create a code as public testmycode() function to linking up with the code that ...
[2 replies] Last: I am working on my application using with native c++. That is C++/CL... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
maze game-wchar trouble
I am making a little game but want to include different characters for aesthetic reasons. Although the data type of the array is 'wchar_t', it works with normal...
[2 replies] Last: methodos, that method is terrible. Use this: #include <iostream> us... (by packetpirate)
Counting spaces in a string
My code is supposed to count the number of spaces in a given string but right now its counting all the letters up to the first space. I don't know if I'm using ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for the help again. Especially all the explanations about the l... (by Ishvite)
So I am trying to make a Pokemon Text Adventure.
I can't think of a good way to handle having like 80,000 branches because of the different choices you can make. Just after choosing the starter, I already have...
[6 replies] Last: Boost has a python interop library that seems to have quite a few feat... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
String variables... why?
I have been wondering why is it that we have a "string" type when we could easily say char * variable = "string"; . I have arrived to some conclusions with ...
[3 replies] Last: Well for starters, char* foo = "bar"; technically isn't legal, even ... (by Disch)
Buffer Overrun Issues
Hi there! I get an error saying:" A buffer overrun has occurred in render window.exe which has corupted the program's internal state." I am using the SFM...
[7 replies] Last: I only use sfml-main.lib when using win32 apps, while avoiding winmain... (by FR3DDIE)
Dev-C++ premature console shutdown
Hey there, Well, I'm aware that there's already been a post on this topic. But, all that was suggested there were constructs which would prevent the pre...
[2 replies] Last: Do not use Dev-C++. It's archaic abondonware. It hasn't been updated i... (by xander333)
How many years do you need to learn C++?
I am new to programming and I want to develop a File Compression program. How many years do you think one needs to learn C++ and complete such a program?
[15 replies] Last: I have no idea, but I will keep at it (by googleking)
difference between 2 unsigned integers
Hello, How can I find the difference between two unsigned integers, without converting anything to signed integers or creating a if statement? Basically, what ...
[3 replies] Last: but unsigned works fine with that snippet - I just verified with a com... (by kfmfe04)
When to proceed to new topics
I have been teaching myself C++ for awhile now at a fairly slow pace. (The last topic I studied was the beginning of classes). My issue is I am not sure when I ...
[3 replies] Last: when learning a new technique or feature, first, write the shortest po... (by kfmfe04)
by yost87
simple practice help
Hi, I am hoping for some quick help: I am getting this code straight from textbook but cannot get it to pass line 35 when compiling. Any suggestions? I am tr...
[5 replies] Last: Gisle Aune, thanks again, that was the problem. I am new to this and ... (by yost87)
The 'goto' statement
I understand that this can be a useful and simple way of cutting out of loops and functions etc, but can't help notice that their are other more 'proper' method...
[3 replies] Last: also be aware that techniques that seem to work well for code snippets... (by kfmfe04)
Parallel Assignment (1,2)
Hi guys, I just came across this code fragment. The part in bold is the part of interest void DLinkedList::add(DNode* v, const Elem& e) { // insert new n...
[32 replies] Last: I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to the post. I am one of th... (by dmount)
by deapee
Why is installing stuff so hard?
Eclipse needs a compiler, then I'm sure it would get even harder from that point Code::blocks seems to be pretty easy but I can't get the variable set for wh...
[1 reply] : If you do an Empty project instead of a Console project or one of the ... (by LB)
Counting occurence of #'s
Write a program that accepts any amount of numbers within 50 "0" acts as an end of input A count will begin and display every digit and how many times tha...
[3 replies] Last: Please use code tags. As for your second loop, there is no need for a... (by ascii)
by possik
Problem with fstream
So i have program, which makes a queue with a linked list. the problem is that, when i am inserting the information from the file, the program takes all informa...
[no replies]
by Ruddo
Problem with abs() in a program.
Hi all, I'm using Herb Schildt's C++ Beginners Guide, using this program from Module 1 Mastery: // Average the absolute values of 5 numbers. #include <io...
[8 replies] Last: Delete } on 14 row. (by Janlan)
by Kiah07
copy iter->path() to a vector or array
Using the boost filesystem, I need to get the output of cout into an array or vector #include <iostream> #include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks L B, I don't actually know how to add it to an array :) I am a ... (by Kiah07)
Problem with "Information Hiding"
Why cant I compile this to get an object file for the actual class function definitions. It’s for information hiding. Here are my 3 files... dayType.h ...
[6 replies] Last: Damita - That link was exactly what I needed. I had to go into both .c... (by stickfigure02)
June 2011 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 41
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